Instagram is still one of the more powerful social media platforms out there. Many users express frustration that the site lacks a way to post from a web browser or desktop. I'll show you exactly how to do that and make your desktop Instagramming more convenient!
Thumbnails can be an awesome way to make your YouTube channel stand out and have its own unique identity. Let's check out some examples of how to do it.
YouTube can be a great place to share videos, but if you want your content discovered, you should know about tags. Also known as keywords, these are really important for helping your channel get discovered and found not just by YouTube's algorithm but even by search engines!
Wondering ways you can get around Instagram's infamous square formatting? Look no further! I've done some experimenting, and now I'll show you ways you can get around that trademark formatting.
Let's take a look at one of Capcom's amazing beat 'em ups - this time one that's set in a medieval fantasy world beset by an evil red dragon and his minions!
Have you thought about learning guitar? You should take a look a this hub that discusses Ubisoft's Rocksmith 2014 which claims you can learn guitar with it in 60 Days through various teaching methods.
Learning to master the arcane wizard of Gauntlet? Perhaps you should read this guide that takes quite a close look at Merlin and the powerful various spells that are at your disposal.
Thinking of getting vengeance with Valkyrie? Check out this in depth guide that goes over all of Thyra's basics and then some. Arm yourself with the power of knowledge and purge all evil!
Wanting to take the fight to the enemy in "Gauntlet"? You should read this thorough guide on Thor before heading into battle; the information here will be everything you need to impress the crowds.
Thinking of taking the role of "Gauntlet's" tumbling archer elf? You should check out this handy guide that'll give you some neat info on how to utilize Questor's useful assortment of abilities.
Fans and newcomers alike to pinball should definitely check out Farsight Studio's The Pinball Arcade, which features digitized renditions of real pinball tables. Come inside and take a look see!