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Dr Nilesh Jaybhaye (nileshjaybhaye)

Joined 4 years ago from India

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    How Karma Works

    14 months ago

    People are used to blame Karma as they dont understand that idea of karma is far more bigger than one's existence and Karmic is not mere limited to one's actions but also include actions of other and other unseen factors which one can mere imagine ,and this article is trying to explain it all

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    Concept of Crime and Criminology

    13 months ago

    Human being is by nature carrying criminal instinct. There is no society which is existing without problem of crime .Idea of Crime rises into society due to maintenance of social order, where duties and responsibility shape the existence of society.

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    Will I Get a Perfect Love of My Life?

    2 years ago

    People always keep wasting their life behind running some fanciful "Perfect Love" even after knowing that, Human being and life of Human being are solemn examples of imperfection and miseries. This article is written to open up such daydreamers who are used to chase daydreaming of Perfect Love

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    When the Wisdom Fails

    2 years ago

    Human History is witnessing all great wars ,which are sure outcome of lack of wisdom , so when wisdom start failing humanity need to be ready too face the war with its all might , as that is only final option left into hand to establish truth , justice ,and righteousness !

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    Where Peace Lies

    2 years ago

    Inner Peace dont bring outer Peace.To create inner peace , there first need to create outer peace .And to create outer peace , there need to wage war with adversities of lie.And to wage a war with adversities of life , one need to be strong and focused and involved into life ,,

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    What Do You Mean By "Strong Personality" ?

    2 years ago

    Mental toughness is not an innate quality bestowed upon a select few. It can be achieved and enjoyed if one knows ,what turns a simple person into "Strong Person" . This article is exposing a secret which makes a simple person into tough , strong personality ,well respected in society

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    Know The Narcissism & What Is Narcissist?

    14 months ago

    Un-restricted Narcissism is the root cause of ethnic, religious, geographical violence in all corners of the world for ages. Narcissism is the prime cause for the invention of extreme ideologies and degradation of human society, as any society must be run by human beings and not by "Narcissist".

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    How To Deal With Selfish Person

    14 months ago

    Just identifying selfish person dont suffice . After marking selfish person one also need enough personality skill to tackle such troublemaker and to kick selfish person out of own life to ensure peace and tranquility in one's day to day life.

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    How Do You Identify Selfish Person Who Comes to You Only When He/She Needs You?

    2 years ago

    Selfish people are always going to pound in everyday life for every one of us. So rather than denying them, there is a need to tackle them with wisdom and patience to either get rid of them permanently or transforming them at once for good.

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    Enlightening Conversation Between Yajnawalkya And Miatreyi, From -Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

    14 months ago

    All things are dear, not for their sake, but for the sake of the Self. This Self alone exists everywhere. It cannot be understood or known, for It alone is the "Understander" and the "Knower". . It is realized through only endless denials as ‘neti,neti" &The Self is self-luminous & unthinkable

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    Facts Everyone Should Know About What Is Ethics

    2 years ago

    Ethics is a essence of every working human being ,to sustain and to maintain ones profession and livelihood with dignity and uprightness

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    A Life of Mira Bai - Saint From Bhakti Movement of Indian Subcontinent

    2 years ago

    Mira Bai was a prominent Female Saint in the Bhakti movement of Indian . And still followers of Hinduism and Bhakti Tradition all over the world yet not knowing much about the life of -Female Saint Mira Bai, So this article is written to bring light on the astute and holy life of Saint Mira Bai

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    13 Simple Psychological Tricks, Everyone Can Use

    12 months ago

    Human Psychology is a very interesting subject matter which allows us to predict and identify a hidden aspect of human behaviour to prejudge the situation and circumstances before happening. This further helps to face the circumstances of the bad situation with confidence and a tough resolution.

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    Devotion Without Intellect Is Nothing But Idiotic Misadventure

    14 months ago

    While being atheist and theist there is always fight be seen done on merit of having devotion against intellect from both sides. And both theist and atheist always used to make mistake to understand that devotion & intellect are basically 2 sides of same coins and need both to progress.

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    Love Means Love

    3 years ago

    Love comes in a lot of shades and shapes and is existing in every corner of life waiting to loiter its arms around your neck if you can see it

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    Utopian Endevour

    15 months ago

    Utopia is not possible without accepting the true self by everyone in society and ready to return back to the true roots pf humane existence forgetting fake religions and useless religious teachings to reclaim Utopian consciousness.

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    The Untold Secret to 15 Interesting Psychological Facts

    4 years ago

    Psychology is a wonderful subject as it teaches normality in all abnormal behaviours of all human being. Just by knowing common psychological facts, one can very easily understand oneself and others to make better decisions in one's life.

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    What Is Woman For Man

    4 years ago

    Without Woman Life of Man is nothing. So when Adam was asking for companion to God Almighty then he was not doing wrong.

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    Cracking The 11 Unseen Psychological Facts Secret

    4 years ago

    A lot of people in everyday life are used to miss these simple psychological facts and then are either used to land in trouble or into some unwanted feud. So to make everyday life more easy and blissful these psychological fact will surely help for those who have yet missed these facts from knowing.

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    How Is The Woman

    4 years ago

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    Why There Is Woman

    3 years ago

    A woman will always be a woman, who is born out of Adam's curiosity. Her curious nature is the root cause for all eventuality in the lives of men.

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    18 Day War of Mahabharata

    12 months ago

    Mahabharata War happened between Kauravas and Pandavas but very few people know the details of events of 18 day Mahabharata war and hence this article is written to describe all details of Mahabarata war in brief.

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    The Unsolved Secret of Happiness Insight - You Never Knew It Before

    2 years ago

    The secret of Happiness is to be "non-judgmental" for every happening in life without outraging or craving for its existence. Happiness start flowing in life by accepting life as it is.

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    Religions Are No Problem

    14 months ago

    The essence of Religion is not attributed to its followers, hence all issues of religions are primarily related to its limited understanding & ignorance of followers of the religion

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    The Art of Morality, Freedom of Will, Self-Sacrifice & Law of Karma

    14 months ago

    By keep choosing -- actions-- with a sense of morality, over just willfulness, one can get away from all karmic debts, even after enjoying life with all its pleasures and plights.


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