The Digimon Card Game was released in 2020 and became a smash hit amongst the TCG Community. While I don't play competitively, this game has become special to me, and I don't mind sharing that experience.
Story Arc 2 covers the Job Competition Arc; with ZAIA Enterprise seeking to take over Hiden Intelligence via TOB, Aruto faces a new threat: Humanity itself. Will he overcome Amatsu Gai's Kamen Rider Thouser and prove that Humagears are the way of the future? Or will he lose everything?
A look back at Zero-One's opening Story Arc covering Eps 1-16, analyzing Story, Characters, and Themes in a cumulative retrospective. Does Zero-One remain to be a strong series thus far? Does it lack in some aspects? And judging from this point, how will things shape up going forward?
With Bungie's latest livestream noting that come September, we'll be entering an "Era of Darkness" (with Darkness Subclasses and Pyramids), it got me thinking of the last six years and speculating as to how the first era has played out. What does it mean for us Guardians to "make our own fates?"
Something that always fascinated me while taking Japanese classes over the last two years, is how the language itself has this interesting way of mimicking musical notes. Curious to know what I mean by that? Read and find out!
Since Kamen Rider Zero-One's 2nd story arc started, lots of people in the toku fandom have expressed their distate, and dare I say, outright hatred of Gai as a villain. I personally have enjoyed the story arc, which leaves me baffled as to why I'm in the minority.
2019 was the year that I was starting over and give myself a new beginning. With graduation on the horizon, and everything seemingly lined up in my favor, my hopes were high. But then, as I was dealt my new hand...I learned this game of adulthood was nothing short of brutal.
Aruto vs Jin! The fate of both Humanity and HumaGears boils down to this final battle! Meanwhile, Gai moves along in the background, putting the finishing touches on his own personal agenda...
Picking up right where we left off, the stage is set for the Riders and MetsubouJinrai to take part in the final battle for the fate of both HumaGears and Humanity. Who will come out on top?
With the whole mess with Lil' Assassin over and Hiden Intelligence's name cleared, Aruto ends up ticking off a pair of Astronaut HumaGears who are ones who maintain Sattelite Zea. When they storm his office, this springs open a chain of events that no one sees coming...
Zero-One's first major upgrade, Shining Hopper appears! But it's quickly taken down by Lil' Assassin. Astonished, Izu is left distraught and feeling like a failure, questioning her right to be Aruto's assistant. Meanwhile, Aruto and A.I.M.S. devise a way to put down Lil' Assassin once and for all.
Sore from their defeat at the hands of MetsubouJinrai, Aruto now faces pressure from the police due to Lil' Assassin's actions. Can the mysterious HumaGear detective Wazu bail them out? Meanwhile, Lil' Assassin decides to leave the nest, feeling that he's learned more than enough from MetsubouJinrai
Most fans of the card game "Duel Masters" know that the game came to an abrupt halt with the 12th expansion: "Thrash of the Hybrid Megacreatures." But thanks to tabletop simulators, we have the opportunity to experience the 60+ sets we missed out on. And lucky for you guys, I made a guide.
With production of the drama in the air, Hiden Intelligence scrambles to save it. Meanwhile, ZAIA Enterprises begins to push forward in its own agenda as well. Finally, a revived Lil assassin gets his last orders to complete his learning process...
In order to raise Hiden's reputation from the mess that was the hospital invasion, Aruto and Izu aid a TV Drama production featuring a Actor HumaGear. The lead actor, Shinya Owada, is all for the HumaGear...or so he says. Meanwhile, Isamu learns about Yua's actions and confronts her about it...
As Horobi and Jin continue to build their army, Isamu is raced into the emergency room to attempt to save his life. Aruto meanwhile has to deal with the backlash of the situation, finding himself in the toughest situation thus far in his status as Hiden Intelligence's President. What'll he decide?
Isamu, thanks to his biases butts heads with everyone after they all find themselves in a HumaGear-ran hospital for one reason or another. Meanwhile, Horobi takes action, enacting a full-out assault all in the name of the mysterious Ark. What's to come of this sudden invasion?
Aruto and Izu this week head to a local High School where a HumaGear needs to be reset, after adopting certain traits that go against his assigned protocol. Meanwhile Jin is tasked to aid an assassin-type HumaGear, the latter of which is kidnapped by A.I.M.S. What's Yua's intentions involving it?
As a tie-in to last week, we see Aruto and Izu interacting with the HumaGear Seine, who is auditioning for the Perfuman Anime dub. A.I.M.S. however, claims her manager, Seiji Tazawa is violating the Special Artificial Intelligence Act. Meanwhile Jin has some major character development.
This week's episode has Aruto and Izu dealing with a popular Mangaka who lost his passion for creating after seeing how HumaGear can do the work much more efficiently. Meanwhile Jin, after seeing Horobi transformed, REALLY wants his own Progrise Key and looks for ways to get one of his own.
Aruto and Izu take a bus tour led by Anna, a Bus Guide HumaGear, who is in charge of discussing the history of Daybreak Town. A boy named Go believes his father is responsible for the explosion that happened, and Isamu takes notice. What will the five of them discover as they trek through the ruins?
Episode 3 finally unveils the series OP sequence and I wanna take a minute to go over it and see what hidden gems the creators left for us to speculate on
This week, Aruto tries to help a retiring chef learn the value of HumaGear, as the latter claims that something without a heart has no chance of succeeding him. Also, Yua's is in the spotlight, showing her character, as well as her debut as Kamen Rider Valkyrie, rounding out the trio of heroes.
Episode 2 is out and this week our focus shifts a bit towards A.I.M.S., the Spec-Ops team from last week who was fighting the AI while Aruto made his debut. In direct response, Isamu and Yua make their way to Hiden Intelligence to get to the bottom of the situation...
Failed Comedian Aruto Hiden suddenly becomes the new head of his late grandfather's company, in an age where Artificial Intelligence has become the norm. He also becomes a grasshopper-themed superhero in the process. Perks of being rich I guess...
Kamen Rider Zero-One is the Reiwa Era's first Kamen Rider and 30th titual Rider in the 48-year long franchise. So, what surprises are we in store in a world where AI technology has become the lifeblood of society? Let's find out
New Monarchy is a Faction focused on ushering a second Golden Age within the city, through their strength and theirs alone. Here, we look into the politically focused group and we'll see how much they stand out from their counterparts, Dead Orbit and Future War Cult.
FWC has many mysteries surrounding them within the "Destiny" universe. In this article, we're gonna briefly look them over and see what can we find that makes them unique among the Tower residents.
With the reveal of the tribute hall and subsequent Bad Juju questline during Season 7 of "Destiny 2," we've encountered hints that foreshadow the upcoming "Shadowkeep" DLC. Let's look at some interesting points from past lore, and see if we can piece together what may take place in "Shadowkeep."
This article includes a deeper analysis of the Dead Orbit Faction in the "Destiny" series, a part of a larger project expanding the world of our fellow Guardians. Are the Dead Orbit really a bunch of conspiracy theorists? Or are they fighting the fight before it starts?
Within Destiny's universe, Factions are political entities that sparked war within the City Age. With the establishment of the Consensus, the governing body oversees the status of the city, alongside the Vanguard. But what would happen if the return of disbanded Factions sparks a new war?
The Opulence Gear in season 7 comes with quite a bit of lore, one that tells the story of Calus' Shadow of Earth. Could this be foreshadowing towards the future of "Destiny 2"? Or a fun "what-if?" scenario?
Days away from Season 7, we find ourselves encountering Calus, Emperor of the Cabal. After the vanilla "Destiny 2" plot twist ending in its raid the Leviathan, I've been speculating on the direction the story is going. Here's what I think "Season of Opulence" may lead to going into Year 3.
Role-Locking has been a debate in the community due to it being an enforcement of a 2-2-2 lineup in matches, forcing players to play as a balanced team over having the freedom to use who you want. I want to take a moment to look more into this.
When "Overwatch" turned three, I decided to take a look at some of my favorite things about this franchise. Here are my top 5!
Bug-themed superheroes riding on motorcycles is probably not the first thing you think of when considering what a symbol for hope is in Japan. And yet, here we are.
Everyone has something they're struggling with, something that burdens them. At the same time, some don't know how to live without them.
A funny little rant about what poetry means to someone who has an easier time spelling things out rather than be vague
Everyone has a form of escape. Everyone has a reason to escape. Here's mine. Why don't we escape together?
"Power Rangers" is an iconic part of literally every Millennial's childhood. But our favorite multi-colored superheroes go back nearly 50 years.
A somewhat reflective poem on my own personal self-examination when it comes to having too much empathy.