How do you bounce back from challenging times? Start with building your emotional resilience by learning skills that will help you to adapt and grow in adversity.
If you are planning to get married, you need to plan for both your wedding and your marriage. Premarital counseling uses specific strategies to help you to prepare for marriage.
Cognitive therapy emerged in the 1960s, leading to a large number of cognitive-behavioral models. The core concept of these models is that people's cognition affects their feelings and behavior.
Life balance varies for different people based on the priorities they set for their life. You will need to do a personal evaluation to find out if you are living a balanced life and take steps to achieve life balance and flourish.
Stress affects students' physical and emotional well-being, leading to a negative impact on the quality of their work in college.
Family therapy pays attention to how family members influence each other’s behavior. This approach uses a wide range of techniques to improve family functioning.
Negative people, whether a spouse, relative, or coworker, could drain your energy and affect your outlook on life. You can, however, take steps to deal effectively with their negativity.
Trust is vital for a strong marriage, and if you and your spouse cannot trust each other, it could destroy your relationship. Here's how to work on trust issues in a marriage.
While most people experience some anxiety during exams, too much could affect your concentration and performance. Take steps to reduce test anxiety and achieve exam success.
Workaholics' lives are out of balance because they spend most of their time working, or thinking about work. This work focus could affect their physical and emotional health and relationships.
A wide range of distressing experiences such as physical injury, illness, death, and natural disasters could cause trauma. But while your life might never the same again, you can recover.
How can you support a loved one through their grieving process? As people grieve, they need the assurance and support of those closest to them.
Do you want to enhance your mental well-being? Follow these 12 steps to improve all areas of your life, including the quality of your relationships, work, and how you cope with life's challenges.
Structural Family Therapy (SFT) is an approach that focuses on the family structure, its interactions, and its hierarchy—in order to influence change in individuals and the entire family.
Do you want greater satisfaction in your marriage? Start by improving your communication, an important building block for a strong, healthy marriage.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, disturbing thoughts and repetitive behaviors. There are, however, effective treatments for OCD sufferers.
Caregivers need emotional resilience and good health for the demanding task of care-giving. Here are 10 tips to keep you healthy, prevent burnout, and help you to give quality care.
Modern life is full of stressors. Discover four practical ways to manage stress.
Bowen family systems therapy takes a multigenerational approach to treating the family system. It emphasizes the need for unresolved emotional fusion to be addressed for healthy family functioning.
Psychodynamic therapy evolved from Freud's psychoanalytic theory. Learn more about this approach, which focuses on unconscious thought processes and childhood experiences.
Are you considering therapy? Find out how you can get help for emotional/mental problems and behavioral conflicts through psychotherapy.
Are you and your partner a hostile, volatile, conflict-avoiding, or validating couple? Familiarizing yourself with your conflict-resolution style can improve your relationship.
Are you a college-bound teen? Discover how to make adjustments such as dealing with your new freedom, making new friends, and balancing school-work with other activities.
Frustration and sadness can lead to angry outbursts, but consider the negative impact on your life and relationships. Take these nine steps to manage your anger.
Trauma is a psychologically distressing event that can affect anyone. If experienced in childhood, trauma can leave a severe impact on children, leaving them with a sense of fear, terror, and helplessness.
Some people who experience extreme trauma develop PTSD symptoms, including flashbacks and disturbing dreams. Although it is not possible to predict who will develop PTSD, there are some risk factors.
The problem of bullying in schools is widespread in many countries. Students who experience bullying fear going to school. One way to help them is to build their self-esteem and assertiveness skills.
Many teens are not sufficiently engaged in learning activities or the wider school environment. Reality therapy encourages behaviors that can improve teens' effort and motivation in school.
If your marriage is ending in a divorce, you'll want to chart a course that is the least stressful for your kids. Here are six practical tips to help your children cope with the divorce.
Cognitive therapy is one of the approaches to the treatment of depression. According to Aaron Beck, depressed persons consistently view themselves, the future, and the world in a negative way.
Expression of feelings of love, affection and self-disclosure are aspects of marital intimacy. However, many marriages go through periods of difficulty.
People struggle with various emotional and psychological challenges, and psychotherapists use different approaches, including rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), to address these issues.
Christian life coaching helps clients to discover their God-given purpose in life, and bridge the gap to achieve their goals. Christian coaches must reflect the servant leadership of Jesus Christ.
You can transition into a fulfilling and satisfying season of your life instead of experiencing feelings of extreme anxiety at the prospect of your children leaving home.
Are you overwhelmed and unable to meet life's demands? Is there a nagging feeling that you lost your passion for making a difference? You may be suffering from job burnout, but you can change course.
While some things might not work out as you planned, you don't have to remain frustrated and distressed by your setbacks. You can remain positive and rebound from your disappointments.