Has your apartment been invaded by uninvited mice? If so, it is time to contact your landlord.
Roaches can be a real bother, and you might need to ask your landlord for help. Here are some tips and tricks for writing a complaint letter to your landlord or apartment manager.
Will a rent increase not fit into your tight budget? Consider writing a letter to your landlord.
Are you saying goodbye to a dedicated employee? The best way to say thank you is to write a letter of recommendation.
One of the biggest benefits of apartment life is you are not responsible for repairs. If your landlord or apartment manager has been neglecting his duties, a complaint letter might resolve the issue.
Struggling to write a letter of recommendation? If your teaching assistant has been an excellent helper, be sure to write them a letter of recommendation. Here are sample letters that will help you craft your own letter.
Are you having trouble deciding what to write on baby shower thank-you cards? These sample notes might help you write your own letters.
Bullying impedes student progress, hurts morale and can cause emotional distress. If your child has been the victim of school bullying, consider writing a complaint letter to the principal.
If your apartment swimming pool is needing repair, contact your landlord. A complaint letter might help resolve the issue.
A complaint letter to a principal shows that you are serious about your child's exposure to lice. If you're not sure what to say, these examples will help you get started.
If you've been blessed with great volunteers, be sure to send them notes of appreciation. These sample thank-you notes will help you write your own letters.
Have you had a bad experience at a fast food restaurant? If so, you might consider writing a complaint letter to communicate your complaints. These sample complaint letters will help you write your own.
If you've had a negative experience at your child's school, consider writing a complaint letter or email. These examples of complaint letters can help you write your own.
The Newlywed Game will be a hit at your Valentine's party, Christmas event, or family reunion. Here are some examples of questions to ask for the Newlywed Game.