Explore 30 quotes of Nelson Mandela that will transform your life. These are the best quotes of Nelson Mandela which have been illustrated with visually appealing imagery.
This article features 17 free Facebook cover photos that will enhance your profile to a whole next level.
This article features a collection of images of an angry man. It shows 10 images of an angry person with different ethnicities and in different settings.
This article with show you 10 striking Ghost Rider photos that will leave you in awe and wonder! So, check out these awsome photos of Ghost Rider!
A diamante is a non-rhyming poem that is composed of seven lines. It is presented in the shape of a diamond. The word "diamante" comes from the Italian language and means a "diamond." That is why it is referred to as diamante.
A cinquain is a short poem that has five lines and is written in the English language. It has become increasingly popular in recent years because of its simplicity. Adelaide Crapsey was the one who came up with this lovely poetry over a century ago. Its structure is similar to that of Japanese
Tragic Hero Definition & Characteristics: A tragic hero is a type of character in a play, who makes an error, while judging the situation, which leads to his downfall.
Neoclassical poetry follows the pattern of poetry authored by the poets of ancient times, i.e., Greek and Rome. Pope and Dryden were leading writers of Neoclassicism.
Metaphysical is derivative of the Latin word Metaphysica, which is a combination of two words: Meta and Physica. The word meta means ‘beyond’ or ‘after’. It is a prefix and is equally used in English.
A Shakespearean tragedy is a play penned by Shakespeare in the style of Shakespeare. Shakespearean tragedy is different from other styles of tragedy in its structure and features.
This article explores the origin of drama. It also shows us the development of drama through various stages. The origin of drama is deeply rooted in the Church.
Can you recognize Middle English literature when you see it? This article examines the characteristics of Middle English literature (aka Medieval English lit), including its anonymity, chivalry, oral quality, and themes of religion and romance.
The word Renaissance has been derived from a French word, which means rebirth. It is a combination of two words: re means again, while naissance stands for birth. In English literature, Renaissance is the revival of classical learning, antiquity, values and ancient civilization in seventeenth...
This hub dwells on the question as to whether Hamlet's madness is real or feigned. Some critics, Hamlet's madness is real while others opine it is not. Which one is correct, read this hub from top to bottom.
This hub dwells upon the summary of Hamlet. Great care has been taken to cover more in less words. Thus, it will give you an exact summary of Hamlet when compared with summaries of Hamlet by others.
There are many characteristics of John Donne poetry, which have been discussed in detail in this hub. If you want to know about characteristics of John Donne poetry, then read this hub.
Sonnet 18 is regarded as one of William Shakespeare's masterpieces. This article gives a detailed summary and analysis of this beautiful sonnet.
Shakespeare's comedies are some of his most beloved works. Many of the bard's most famous quotes come from these hilarious plays. But what exactly is a Shakespearean comedy? This article explains not only what Shakesperean comedy is, but also its main characteristics.
Lyric is a very common kind of subjective poetry. It is the most widely used means of self-expression and catharsis. Man has always loved to give catharsis to his pent-up feelings through the means of lyric.
What is comedy? How is it used in literature? Learn how to define comedy and about different types of comedy, including classical, romantic, sentimental, and more.
Chaucer’s Contribution to English Language & Literature is of paramount importance in the history of English literature. It was Chaucer who transformed English into a full fledged language.
This article explores salient features of the Age of Chaucer. It shows you what events occurred during the age of Chaucer and how they impacted the personality of Chaucer and English literature.
This article will show you the structure and rules of Passive Voice. All the rules have been explained for converting active voice sentences into passive voice. All the Tenses have been converted into Passive Voice with clear rules and examples.
In this article, I will provide examples of direct and indirect speech. Each type of speech has its own set of specific rules that need to be followed carefully.
Conceit is a far-fetched comparison between two totally different objects. The dissimilarity between the objects is really so vivid that the readers are caught napping to figure out how the author has compared the two objects. Seemingly, there is no resemblance between the two things; nevertheless,...
The word irony has been derived from the Greek word eironeia, which means feigned ignorance or dissembling. Irony is a sarcastic or humorous remark intended to be in contrast to what one says.
The word symbolism derives from the Greek word symballein, which is a combination of two words i.e., syn, meaning together, and ballein, which means throw. Hence, the word symballein means to throw together or compare.
The word epic has been derived from the Greek word epikos, which means a word, song or speech. An epic is well-defined as a long story in verse dwelling upon an important theme in a most elegant style and language.
The word ballad has been taken from the Latin word ballare, which means dancing song. A ballad is a shorter narrative poem that is comprised of short stanzas, and it's a poem meant for singing.
Ode is in fact a type of song, which was sung with the accompaniment of music or at least with a lyre. The word ode has actually been taken from a Greek word oide, which means song.
Sonnet is regarded as the most popular, passionate and heart throbbing genre of subjective poetry. The term sonnet appears to have been derived from a Greek word sonneto, which means a sound. The Italian word sonnetto likewise means a little song. Hence, sonnet may be defined as a short lyric of...
he word novel has been derived from an Italian word novella, which means a new story or a new thing. A number of critics have defined the word novel in a different way. A novel is a fictitious prose narrative which contains at least 20000 words.
What is the definition of romantic poetry? What are the characteristics and features of the form? What is Romanticism? These are all questions this article will explore.
Should you tie the knot or merely cohabitate? Learn the pros and cons of cohabitation in this detailed article!
Procrastination or delay plays an important role in Hamlet. It was all due to procrastination of Hamlet that he could not kill Claudius while he was praying. Procrastination hinders Hamlet's actions.