You never know what's going to happen in life. So just say what's truly on your mind...just live how you always wanted to...and as they say , Life is too short to hold grudges.
Mark Twain long back said 'Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't. Here is story which probably upholds his saying.
It was the month of June, I was at my home in Jaipur. The sun was at its peak, right above the Tropic of Cancer. Days were scorching and nights were no comforting either. That night ,I was very tired and didn’t realize when I slept. The only thing...
Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you will reflect the light of happiness enlightening others. This is the message this little girl, Khushi has to give.
You may get an idea about the cutoffs with this. 15 reasons why you get the best education at BITS Pilani.... "An educational system isn't worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn't teach them how to make...