A luthier makes stringed musical instruments such as custom acoustic guitars or electric guitars. If you enjoy working with wood or love music, you may want to make your own guitar and become a luthier.
Meg writes an email to her mother
Ann volunteers with a small foodbank and sees more of some clients' lives than she might want. Story prompted by William D Holland. (Billybucs-Photo-ChallengePrompt-Installment-4)
Brexit was passed by the EU on 31 January 2020. Negotiations on a trade deal are currently happening. If no agreement is reached by 31 Dec 2020, there may be a risk of empty shelves and shortages of medication and fuel. Prepare now to avoid shortages and panic.
One man's journey to stopping smoking while suffering from Ulcerative Colitis. Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is a debilitating inflammatory bowel disease. Smoking appears to have a protective effect. It can be even harder for someone with UC to stop smoking as it can make the UC worse.
The viva is an oral exam about your written thesis that you present near the end of your doctoral studies at University. It needs good preparation and I am preparing for mine. This is how!
This article will explain how to use concept mapping to write an in-depth, thought-provoking literature review or essay.
This Hub shows you how to write an abstract. Abstracts are short summaries of academic articles (or reports) that give a brief summary of what you did. They are needed for submitting to journals.
This hub shows how to find research questions when writing a thesis, dissertation or report. It's easy to find them when you know how and this hub shows two simple methods to use together. EASY!
This Hub helps you get started on writing for your Ph.D. or dissertation. Getting started can often be the hardest bit, with reading being the easiest! This hub gets you started on WRITING!