We often have encounters with other people which leave lasting impressions on our hearts and Minds; my encounter, forty-four years ago, with an elderly lady I met on a Greyhound bus was one such encounter. The space between my thoughts of Miss Margaret is rarely distant. was this encounter divine?
Many times we are asked, "How can a good and loving God allow so much evil to continue in the world"? Simply put, it was not His purpose to do so, but by mans' sin a curse was brought upon this world. However, there is a proverbial light at the end of the tunnel!
Christians can and will fall into sin, however, just as with the prodigal son, Christians can be restored to the Father. Confession and repentance are key elements in the restoration process. This article tells how one's dignity can be restored after committing grievous sin against God and man.
We are blessed with garbage while so many around the world have nothing. Our garbage is a sign of our blessings.
Yes, no, and later are the only answers God offers for prayers; "maybe" is an adjective He does not use when doing so. Often times Christians become discouraged because they mistakenly discern God has decided not to answer a prayer, especially the "later" answer. Patience and faith are key!
God desires to answer prayer; and for that purpose He is always listening for the prayers of the needy and of those who are dependent on Him; and prayer is an admission of our own weaknesses and our dependence on God.
Propaganda is a highly effective tool for stirring the emotions of a populace during war. This Article explores the use of propaganda during World War I; however, a great deal of the turmoil we face in America today is a result of propaganda efforts much like those used during WWI. Frightening!
Will those in Heaven remember their loved ones who are not? The saddest of all realities is that those who die in their sins will be forever forgotten by their loved ones who have been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Jesus was beaten, scourged, spat upon, ridiculed, and eventually crucified. Our word "excruciating" is derived from the word crucifixion; probably the most torturous form of execution ever devised. Even animals going to slaughter are treated with more dignity than was our Lord.
Pragmatism in the Church is destroying lives and souls. This philosophy has infected the Church and in many cases is replacing the Gospel of Jesus Christ; that Gospel through which one must be saved. Pragmatism is a hellish lie leading many to eternal damnation in Hell.
Gustavus II Adolphus, King of Sweden and military Genius of the Thirty Years War, is today known as the "Father of Modern Combined Arms Warfare". His use of new technology, extraordinary and far-sighted leadership abilities, and use of advanced strategy and tactics are the focus of this study.
America is being torn apart. There is civil unrest such as has not been seen in many decades. Portland, Atlanta, New York, Minneapolis, and other cities are wrecked and burned; America seems on the precipice of destruction, but there is hope if God's people will cry out for deliverance.
There has been much discussion regarding the concept that a major cause of the American Revolution. Great fear existed during the years leading up to the War that a conspiracy was in place to install an American bishop, thereby merging religion and state. Was this "Great Fear" valid?
Justice and racism will never be eradicated by burning, looting, and killing; it can, however, be defeated by rearing your children in a Godly home.
God's word commands us to honor those who have the rule over us; this includes even those who rule poorly.
The most terrifying truth in the Bible has to do with the attributes of God and what they mean to the lost sinner. God is good, and because He is, He will not cause reproach to His attributes.
Christ adjures us to forgive those who have sinned against us, and not only to forgive, but to forget the transgression as well. Forgiving is not truly forgiving when one purposely refuses to forget. This kind of forgiveness leads to bitterness and a strained relationship with God and others.
As people age they often begin to ponder their mortality; many, maybe most, fear death. God's word gives us hope of a resurrection unto eternal life, at which time all Christians will receive glorified and immortal bodies, never again to face death.
Is hope found in scripture for the prodigal child of God. No matter the depths to which a Christian has fallen, just as the father welcomed home his wayward son in Luke 15: 11-32, our Father in Heaven eagerly waits to welcome His prodigal child back into His arms.