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Were the Sons of Thunder really argumentative and boisterous or have we been wrong about them all along?
How did Saul become Paul? Did Jesus change his name? Did he just decide to quit being a Jew? What if he never changed it!
Why in the world did these two people die? If you've ever wondered why and just been told because they sinned or some other non-responsive answer you may find the answer to your question here.
What is Maranatha? It has been used for generations by Christians who blindly believed that it meant O Lord Come or some variant. Maybe it is time to challenge this thinking and really find out what it really means for us as believers.
Who is a Good Samaritan? Are we supposed to be like him? Why did Jesus want to speak about a Samaritan in good terms when Jews and Samaritans hated each other? This has long been a misunderstood and mistranslated passage. Find out why understanding this passage in Hebrew not Greek is important for...
Is education good or bad for Christians? What should we know to not be made a fool? Did Jesus like education? Who is it that is really wise? Learn the correct answers to your questions.
What happens when we follow a Messiah? What does hatred really mean in the Bible. Why was Leah hated and Rachael loved. Are we loved. Roy Blizzard III unlocks the secret to hatred.
What is Hydrogen Sulfide and why is it such a danger in and around the oilfield and other places like the sewers in your own neighborhood? Roy Blizzard III helps you to understand its dangers.
Is cussing an unforgivable sin? What is blaspheme? Can we sin an unforgivable sin? What does Christianity and Judaism say about this subject?
Who exactly is your Enemy? Your neighbor? Your friend? Some criminal sneaking in your back door? Do we have to love a murderer? What do you think the real answer is? In this groundbreaking research done by Roy Blizzard III in the 1980's you will learn something not taught anywhere else.
For 2,000 years there had been a mystery surrounding what James the Just's title Oblias meant. Now it has been broken and you can enjoy the message it tells us.
This article lays out in summary where the banks, mortgage industry and your trusted Government agencies are continuing to break their own laws and continuing the plunging of America into third world debtor nation class. You can follow the links to more in depth articles on mortgage fraud issues.