Cinematic horror is often bloody, shocking and scary, as it should be. It can also hold secrets hidden just below the visuals, secrets that reveal elements of truth and reflect aspects of history that we would prefer not to think about. American Horror Story (FX/Netflix) is just such a series
February 2020: Three weeks in a fishing town on the rugged north west coast of Tenerife, recuperating from long-lasting after effects of an unusual flu suffered over Christmas, caught between BREXIT and COVID, during a paradigm shift of history.
A satirical look at the UK in 2020 and its many crises, from the viewpoint of an imaginary 22nd Century Historian. Caution: May contain made up stuff, conjecture and a skerrick of swearing.
The Equator divides Earth into 2 halves. Crossing it has for centuries been celebrated by sailors, but now, with long haul air travel shrinking the world, do we even care about crossing the line?
A first-hand guide to travel on the Trans-Siberian / Trans-Mongolian Railway – Moscow to Beijing. Tips and advice on booking, life on the train, food, hygiene and security with links to on-line help.