The last option for many employees working for a difficult boss is to quit. In some cases, that isn't an option. Here are some ways to cope if you have a toxic boss, but need to stay at your job.
There's an old Girl Scout song about hiking called The Happy Wanderer. The last verse in the song goes like this: "Oh, may I go a-wandering Until the day I die. And may I always laugh and sing Beneath God's clear blue sky." That song speaks...
I have a favorite trail I visit it quiet often It's paved and smooth and shaded A place of quiet solitude for all. One day a storm swept through town Derecho is what they called it Bringing winds of destruction From one end of town to the other. ...
I don't know if everyone feels this way but I'll always feel that sunny summer days are pool days. My siblings and I were pool rats as kids and spent as much time as we could hanging out at our local pool. We lived walking distance from the pool so...
Arlington National Cemetery, hallowed and sacred ground Where a nation shows respect to those who were duty bound Statesmen and Coast Guard, Airmen and Marines Soldiers and Sailors, battles unknown and unseen. The crowd comes to their feet as the...
I read your words on the screen, "You treat me like a stranger." How sad those words strike me, to have to speak them in front of this crowd of people just to get them home to that one person. Someone who once mattered, who was once in the center of...
Everyone has a Mom but all Moms are not equal. Some moms are just okay, some are great, some are less than average, and some are head and shoulders above the rest. That's the category into which my Mom fits. I was blessed to be born into a large...
There's a lot of candy out there in the world. Some people like orange slices but not me. Some like lemon drops but you can keep them. For me, it's all about the reds. I love red candy whether the flavor is cherry, strawberry, or some other red...
Me as a baby held by my older sister with my older brother looking on All five siblings on Easter morning when I was a toddler Mom and her six children taken in 1960 The last Christmas card photo taken of all eight siblings All eight siblings...