The Greek myth of Jason assembling a crew of heroes to set sail on the Argos and, after many adventures, reaching the land of Colchis, where they faced the greatest test of all.
Learn about the Greek Myth of Io, who was turned into a cow by Zeus and pursued through the world by a gadfly sent by jealous Hera.
The myth of Demeter and Persephone was of central importance in Greek religion, being at the heart of the Eleusinian Mysteries which gave hope of rebirth to a better afterlife.
An introduction to 5 essential oils valued by aromatherapists for improving mood when used in an oil burner. Cypress, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli and Bergamot.
Christian All Hallow's Eve, Pagan Samhain, imported secular revelry from the US – what is the real history of Halloween in Britain?
Lady Sarashina, living in the 11th century Heian Imperial Court of Japan, left behind a vivid memoir known as 'As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams'.
The ancient Romans reckoned time very differently from us. This article explains the structure of the Roman month and looks at Roman clocks and time-keeping.
Euripides' tragedy depicts how rivalry between two Goddesses led to the doomed love of Phaedra for her chaste stepson Hippolytus.
Theseus is one of the most famous Greek heroes. This is the story of how he entered the deadly maze of the Labyrinth and encountered the Minotaur, a creature that is half-man and half-beast.
Heracles, son of Zeus, was the greatest of the Greek heroes, but the enmity of the Goddess Hera pursued him from the moment of his conception.
Admetus can cheat death but only if someone else will agree to die in his place. His beloved wife Alcestis is the only volunteer.
Dionysus, the God of Wine and Ecstasy, was born to a mortal mother, Semele. His early life was full of madness and terror as Zeus' wife, Hera, pursued him mercilessly.
The Saturnalia was the high point of the Roman year. Many Christmas customs derive from this joyful midwinter festival.
The Japanese myth of how the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, disgusted by her brother's behaviour, once withdrew from the earth and hid in a cavern.
Disgusted by mankind, Zeus decides to flood the Earth. Only Deucalion and Pyrrha survive the Deluge. This is a striking Greek mythological parallel to Noah's Ark.
The Greek myth of Prometheus, who stole fire from the Gods for the sake of humankind.
The Greek myth of how the hero Perseus saved Ethiopian princess Andromeda from being eaten by the sea monster, Ceto.
The Greek myth of the hero Perseus' famous quest to kill the snaky-haired Medusa, whose glance could turn you to stone.
The story of Danae and the birth of Perseus, one of the greatest heroes of Greek Mythology.
This myth, found in Ovid's Metamorphoses and elsewhere, tells the cruel fate of Actaeon,a young man who came to grief when he encountered the goddess Artemis, bathing in a mountain stream.
Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom and crafts. A complex figure, there are many important myths about her, including her contest with Poseidon, the metamorphoses of Arachne and how she was born from Zeus' head.
This is a retelling of the ancient, tragic love story of Pyramus and Thisbe. The story is known to us from book four of Ovid's Metamorphoses. It is also the theme of the play within a play in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
This article outlines the Japanese creation myth of how Izanami and Izanagi created the islands of Japan and many other kami and other elemental forces. It describes the fate of the unfortunate Leech Child, the death of Izanami, and Izanagi's journey to the Land of the Dead.
Herakles was perhaps the most famous of the heroes of ancient Greek myth. Learn about his twelve great labours or deeds by which he earned immortality.
The ancient Greek account of the beginning of the world was complex and bloody. Generations of gods and giants struggled for supremacy before the final triumph of Zeus.
The Vestal Virgins were the famous priestesses of Ancient Rome. They were among the most important dignitaries of the Roman state. Dedicated to serving the Goddess Vesta, in chastity, these women lived privileged yet circumscribed lives.
This article lists and describes the twelve ancient Greek gods and goddesses who were said to live on Mount Olympus.