How do you read a person? How can you determine a person quickly without getting a ten year degree in psychology? Well, you are not going to be as good as an actually doctor in psychology, but these tips are helpful in making you more aware in what...
You may remember hearing stories about someone that could tell the birth of someone’s baby, using a pendulum, or a necklace, and was correct all the time. Here is the information on how it works. Before you use this, understand there is a...
Are you traveling soon but don't know the respective countries dining etiquette? Check out my tips and tricks to ensure you're dining experience is both respectable and fun!
Cartomancy is an art. When you read the cards, you are selecting them because of your intuition, and subconscious mind. Your inner mind knows everything. The cards are a tool to pull what is hidden from you, into the open. The cards speak of...
visual,auditory ,Kinesthetic looks up more ,looks towards ears more ,looks down more says things like "I see..." ,says things like "I hear..." ,says things like, "I feel..." learns better with images ,learns better with verbal instruction ,learns...
What does it mean if you get two nines in a cartomancy reading? Read on to find out and learn how to do a cartomancy reading with playing cards.
Divination, and reading queens in any suit, or divination period can be a bit fun. It's like being a fly on a wall somewhere. However, when reading someones cards, please get permission. If you use a queen to represent a questioner, please keep in...
Tens in cartomancy can represent luck,success, or stress and trying times. The tens can have several different meanings in cartomancy. Tens can speak loud in a reading. They can speak of moving forward with happiness, or they can speak of tears in a...
Divination, and reading about kings in any suit, or divination period can be a bit fun. It's like being a fly on a wall somewhere. However, when reading someones cards, please get permission. If you use the king to represent a questioner, please...
Divination, and reading any suit, or divination period can be a bit fun. It's like being a fly on a wall somewhere. However, when reading someones cards, please get permission.Please keep in mind that the meanings listed are not the only meanings...
In this article, you'll learn interesting facts and information about interpreting body language and nonverbal communication, including positioning of the body and feet, as well as eye movement patterns and pupil size.