The way to make the chicken burger does not require much effort from the housewife, as most of the components of the chicken burger are from within your kitchen and you do not need a high cost in order to get the same taste that your children want.
It is one of the most important delicacies on the Egyptian dinner, and it is the casserole of pasta with liver and giblets, and it is one of the most nutritionally useful and inexpensive meals.
Stuffed cabbage is one of the most popular Egyptian folk dishes, especially in the winter season, and the festivities and Ramadan tables. In addition to the delicious taste, cabbage has many health benefits that we learn about below, in addition to the method of preparing stuffed cabbage.
The way to make luncheon is one of the ways that women are most looking for, in light of the apprehensions about buying ready-made luncheon and any processed meat, it is not guaranteed and unhealthy and it is not preferred to eat it either for adults or children who love luncheon sandwiches.
Yesterday, Egypt witnessed a suspicious incident, which is the incident of My train Al-Upper Egypt in Sohag Governorate.
The phenomenon of harassment has spread a lot recently, as it is not limited to girls only, but also affects many children.