Whether you have a poor credit score due to no credit history, or a poor credit history, this guide will show you how you can build and improve your credit score and increase your chances of being approved for credit in the UK.
The impact of the growth in the popularity of smartphones and tablets is fueling conflicts and human rights abuses in mineral rich countries.
Wireless bridging can provide a cost-effective solution for long- or short-term connectivity needs. Commonly used for building-to-building links, it can also be used for wireless CCTV and Wi-Fi hotspots.
Pallet furniture is beautiful, stylish, and eco-friendly. And the sheer abundance of wooden pallets also means they can often be acquired for free.
You can open a Paypal dispute if you have paid for an item with Paypal and it has not arrived, or if it is 'Not As Described' and the seller is being uncooperative or refuses to issue a refund.
How do you dispute a charge on PayPal? If you have had a PayPal dispute opened for an item you sold or a PayPal payment has been held or placed, here's what you can do to resolve the issue and avoid disputes.
The Ubiquiti Airfiber is a high speed wireless radio which creates a long range wireless link up to 13 Km with a throughput of 1.4 Gbps. With speed and latency comparable to fiber.
Prices for scrap copper wire have risen dramatically over the past few years. Stripped copper wire (without the PVC insulation) is worth more, but is it worthwhile to strip the wire? Find out about that and much more below!
The majority of PayPal payments are instant, but occasionally a payment will come through as a PayPal eCheck. PayPal eChecks are just like normal paper checks in that they typically take three to five business days to clear. Learn more about eChecks here.
A pioneering project in the South East of England sees old shipping containers coverted into social housing to provide temporary accommodation for homeless men and women.
Window insulation film is one of the quickest and most cost-effective ways to stop condensation and drafts and to reduce heat loss and heating bills. It is especially effective on sash windows.
RFID Blocking Wallets Protect Your RFID Enabled Contactless Cards from being scanned and copied by fraudsters and help to protect you from identity theft.
This page is a tutorial on building a large/citywide Wi-Fi network/hotspot to make money. I am currently building a large Wi-Fi network in my town, so this will be a tutorial/diary.
The OM2P router is a high power, low cost WiFi router designed for quick and easy installations of WiFi networks. The OM2P features a 400 MHz processor & 64 MB RAM, dual SSID & zero configuration.
Every other article you see online is about making money online but is it really possible? Can you really making a living online? This page takes a realistic look at how much you can make online.
Do you have slimy, sludgy, too-wet compost? I'll show you how to fix it and dry it out. Making good compost isn't difficult, but you need to follow a few rules.
Anyone can start a Wi-Fi hotspot business for less than $100 anywhere with an Internet connection. It can be run from home or provide extra income from an existing business like a coffee shop or cafe.
The best way to protect yourself from a scam, con or computer hack is to know how it is done. This page will focus on WiFi security and common attacks and how to protect yourself from being hacked.
CloudTrax is a free WiFi Hotspot management system designed for small to large WiFi networks with minimum configuration. The free software/system is ideal for free and paid WiFi Internet access.