Be sure to check your purse and other carry on bags for items you may have forgotten which do not make the approved list from TSA to avoid detainment, missed flights and certain embarrassment.
Custom looking details for DIY prices. Awesome end result
How to take the ugly and or plain switch and outlet covers to a more appealing state with just a can of spray paint. For less than the cost of replacing one switch cover you can change all the outlet and switch covers in your entire house.
Turning two old chippendale armchairs into a more useful bench for a guest room.
Kids say the darndest things, Oh yes they do and they usually say them at the most inopportune times. My son, had a sense of humor that belied his age which he proved over and over throughout the years.
The joy of finding unexpected super good deals in the deal rack or clearance rack of all stores and paying only about 25%
Planners and Doers, do you have the vision or not? Planners having the plan all drawn out so that you have your projects mapped out for the doers when they get to that next project.