To pray is to enter into the heart of God and to be organically one with Him. Christ within us is the power which strengthens us to be one with God for the fulfillment of His plan on earth. The Christ praying in heaven is the same Christ praying within us. May His kingdom come!
Romans 12:12 shows the three keys things in a life that is pleasing to God, satisfying to us, and a defeat for God's enemy.
Romans 12:12 shows the three keys things in a life that is pleasing to God, satisfying to us, and a defeat for God's enemy
Mark 7 to 8 unveils some very basic principles of pursuing a genuine spiritual life in Christ. They all involve a common theme—getting away from our daily routine to experience the reality of Christ. Are you ready?
Only by revelation can we have an intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ
Mark 7 and 8 describe the way to be free from all things to experience the wonderful salvation which is Christ Himself. In this Part 7 we see the importance of being set free from our culture to know Christ.
Mark 7 an 8 unveils some very basic principles of pursuing a genuine spiritual life in Christ. They all involve a common theme—getting away from our daily routine to experience Christ. In this section we see the importance of healthy nourishing teachings. Unhealthy teachings corrupt our heart.
Even genuine miracles from God can distract us from God Himself and His eternal purpose in Christ
Mark 7 and 8 unveils some very basic principles of pursuing a genuine spiritual life in Christ. They all involve a common theme—getting away from our daily routine to experience the reality of Christ. This nine-part series explores these principles. Are you ready?
Today we can experience Christ as our indwelling spiritual feast and be transformed into His living temple on the earth. Leviticus 23 shows us a picture of this, which culminates as the New Jerusalem, the ultimate mingling of God and man as the home and expression of the living God.
Christ's Second Coming will be either a reward or a loss to believers. The reality of the Day of Atonement reveals how Christians cannot lose their salvation, but can lose their reward of the Kingdom. Loving Him, being filled with Him, and ministering Him is the key.
The Seven Feasts of the Jews all portray our current experience of Christ. This 5th feast shows the hope of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This living hope is not going to heaven when we die, but being glorified in Him, and He in us, for His Kingdom of earth.
Christ has poured Himself out as the Spirit of Power, which can be experienced by us today. He is the Spirit of Life within us, and the Spirit of Power upon us. There are three principles to experience Him.
The recent murders in a synagogue in Pittsburgh reveal the depths of falsehood and hate. The antidote is the glorious Truth and Love in Jesus
Christ is the God-man, whom God imparted into us to enjoy and become one with. In this third part of a series, we see how to enjoy Christ as the Feast of First Fruit. His rich virtues in us become the enjoyment of God and man as we live Him out.
God is good for food! This is the primary revelation of the Bible. God in Christ as the Spirit can flow into us as spiritual food with the goal of transforming us to be His many sons. Leviticus 23 shows us 7 feasts, all of which portray Christ. Here is Christ as our living bread.
To enjoy Christ as the Passover Lamb entails applying His blood for our forgiveness, and partaking of His Person in our heart. This strengthens us to live a life separated unto God to bless others
Leviticus 23 describes the eight times His people were to gather together to Him. These feasts are pictures of the New Testament reality of Christ. In this first of an eight part series, I show how to enjoy Christ every day as the Sabbath, which is the first of the eight convocations.
The book of Leviticus is a "picture book" showing us how to enjoy the marvelous Christ every day. Chapter 23 displays the 8 Feasts of the Lord. Discover how the Person and Work of Jesus Christ can be experienced every day as the reality of the feasts
Taoism can be considered both a philosophy and a religion. Its principles were first expressed in the classic text Tao Te Ching, often attributed to the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, written about 500 BC. The essence of Taoism is "Tao," which means...