As short-lived Roman Emperor from the 3rd century
A look at a species of beetle that is often found in ponds in the United Kingdom. Its presence is bad news for other residents.
His often macabre symbolism can seen obscure today, but — in his time — his creations were understood as highly moral tales.
The statement has been made on several occasions that the view from the London Eye includes the Eiffel Tower. Oh no it doesn't!
Although views from The Shard are more extensive, the experience of a "flight" aboard the London Eye are still well worth it!
Cats need their claws for many reasons, but climbing up your leg shouldn't be one of them. Find out how to stop your kitten from doing this early on so it doesn't become a habit.
Libraries the whole world over are under threat, mainly because the people who fund them are under the mistaken impression that they are no longer needed in the age of the Internet. I used to be a full-time librarian, but I lost my job in 2002 for...
This is a question that makes a big supposition, namely that men DO find their secretaries attractive! Whether any scientific study has been made as to the proportion of men who fancy their secretaries, I do not know, but there seem to be so many...