If you're a loyal follower of mine, you may have noticed that my last twelve articles have been about human-interest topics. Am I finished with controversial subjects? If I could get as much traffic from viewers with only human-interest articles, it would certainly be tempting. Find out herein.
Have you gotten to the point that you want nothing to do with stoves, ovens, and anything that can burn you? Cooking has a way of bringing out the hostility in most men, and it's very time-consuming. If you're a man who hates to cook, join the club. Most of us hate it with a blazing vengeance.
One day you discover that you have a stinging feeling in your foot. You try every cream and every pain killer on it, and nothing seems to work. You go to your doctor or podiatrist, and he or she tells you that you have what is called a foot corn. It's a virus. Now come the aggravations. Ouch!
I'm not lazy. However, let's get real. There is nothing pleasant or pleasurable about mopping a floor. You're dealing with dangerous chemicals that can easily get into your eyes. Getting around to it is difficult enough. When you're actually doing it, you feel like you have better places to be.
Has there ever been a time when you have dreaded getting the mail? No, I don't mean if you're someone who is in over your head in debt, although that predicament can make the experience of getting the mail somewhat frightening. I mean the anxiety of not knowing what's inside your mailbox.
Don't you absolutely hate it whenever you leave something you have cooked inside your microwave oven to keep it warm and then you forget about it? This mishap could easily be avoided if microwave ovens had transparent doors and inside lighting that you can turn off after you're finished with them.
Laundry has a way of piling up insofar you have to clean it at the most inconvenient times possible. It's like a blob of madness that comes flying at you when you least expect it. When you're a teenager, you don't mind it so much. However, you start to hate it with a vengeance later on in life.
French's Worcestershire Sauce is probably the best Worcestershire sauce on the market. Now that it's getting harder and harder to find it on grocery-store shelves, people are feeling tempted to order it online. If you do so, avoid Walmart.com at all costs. I made that mistake more than once.
You don't appreciate the garbage collection service you have until you have to deal with one that looks for every excuse not to do their job. Then you feel trapped once you try to get your homeowners' association to change back to the original one and they don't want to do it. That road isn't fun.
It's the 21st century. Most of us hate to go to the post office to purchase stamps. Everything should be easy to acquire online. Probably most everything is, except for postage stamps, that is. I spent over an hour online, trying to find a way to buy stamps inexpensively. No such luck.
My part of the United States recently got a snow blizzard. You can tell that I was thrilled about it. Actually, I'm being sarcastic, but you already knew that. If you live in Southern California or Florida, you're blessed as you'll never know the indignities of shoveling snow. It's torture.
Doing dishes can become a never-ending task. Most of us loathe it. We know that if we put it off, the dishes will continue to pile up. When food gets stuck to anything, it's torturous to remove it. There is simply nothing fun or desirable about doing dishes. Where does the misery end?
I'm not someone who heavily gets into Christmas. For the most part, I find it to be a hassle. Nevertheless, one thing about Christmas that I do like is seeing all the Christmas lights outside everywhere at night. People put their hearts into their creativity, so I have to give them credit for it.
There was a recent report of a gay couple sexually victimizing both of their adoptive sons in every way unimaginable. This gay couple will be paying a heavy price for their crimes, which they deserve. However, what about the two sons' financial future? They should remain in the gay couple's will.
A controversial YouTuber named Isaac Matthew Holmes has boldly gone where no YouTuber has ever gone. Unfortunately, YouTube won't cut him a break in deciding whether to allow his channels to stay up, and hysterical influencers have grossly misinterpreted the contents of his videos. He's nostalgic.
Videos of online sex-sting operations are everywhere on the Internet. Every predator catcher wants to be the next Chris Hansen. These set-ups reek with entrapment, yet the law never seems to have any problem with them. Well, a predator catcher has just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
A civil rights lawyer has posted a number of videos on YouTube about police officers harassing and even killing elderly civilians. There needs to be public awareness about this injustice, because these elderly victims are the most vulnerable of people alongside small children. Let's fight back.
Religious extremists on TikTok, YouTube, and other social-media platforms are using fear-mongering tactics against non-believers regarding the existence of Hell. Herein I challenge those same old wives' tales to demonstrate that atheists are not being cast into the "lake of fire" upon their demise.
President Donald J. Trump and his family suffered human-rights violations and other abuses at the hands of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Well, now that he will be president once again, it's the FBI's turn to feel his wrath instead. The FBI will finally be taking the walk of shame.
Joe Biden stole the 2020 presidential election from President Donald J. Trump. Miraculously, President Trump was able to win back the second term in the Oval Office that Mr. Biden snatched from him. President Trump has a plan to reclaim that same second presidential term after January 20, 2025.
After Professor Allan Lichtman insisted that President Donald J. Trump would never set foot in the White House ever again, President Trump won the 2024 presidential election in a landslide victory. Now Professor Lichtman has egg all over his face, and he's not dealing with it very well. Oh, well!
Recently I was clicking through a series of bookmarks on my laptop. Somehow I got directed to this one website that attempted to download malicious malware to my computer. My nightmare was only beginning, but I didn't allow myself to be defeated. I troubleshooted the problem and got rid of it.
Election day (November 5, 2024) came and went in the United States, yet there are still people whining and complaining that Kamala Harris lost. Fact has it that Joe Biden cheated Donald J. Trump out of his second term in the Oval Office back in the 2020 presidential election. Shame on Joe Biden!
Journalists and psychotherapists are not only misreporting facts about sex scandals involving minors in the United States, they're doing so in other English-speaking nations. Australian journalist Tara Brown has overstepped her boundaries insofar as she's guility of journalistic misconduct.
Bill Maher predicts that Kamala Harris will win the 2024 presidential election. Nobody can foresee the outcome of a presidential election, unless one candidate may so happen to be so awful that it's more than obvious he or she will lose. Besides, the Trump campaign has been gaining momentum.
Radical feminists and religious extremists have become strange bedfellows on the issue of teenage marriage. Whenever you go around the political wheel, you end up at the opposite extreme before you're back exactly where you started; and the marriageable-age issue is no exception to this same rule.
So you found out that a 15-year-old female relative of yours has a boyfriend who is in college. Her parents know about the relationship, but their teenage daughter has them believing that this boyfriend is a minor too. What do you say to her? Do you say anything to her at all? Good question.
Don't you just hate skin fissures? They always seem to appear in the wintertime after the weather gets cold. Then it feels as though somebody slashed you with a box cutter, and you find it hard to do even the most basic of tasks without feeling pain. Also, these nuisances take forever to heal.
Police entrapped a young man named Jace Hambrick in an online sex-sting operation not too long ago. The system initially treated him unfairly. As a result, his mother, Kathleen Hambrick, subsequently sought the reform of oppressive American sex laws. Her journey was challenging but worth it.
A legal precedent may still protect Virginia couples against harsh statutory-rape laws in that same state. That is, a teenage minor's adult boyfriend can get a repeated continuance of his statutory-rape trial until he and she wed, and then he is acquitted after the teenage minor turns eighteen.
The FBI has become a rogue government agency that doesn't deserve any money from taxpayers. They take the predilection of railroading civilians for sex crimes they've never committed. At the same time, they neglect to protect victims of true sex crimes. The FBI should be shut down permanently.
One is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt in an American court of law. Unfortunately, police officers don't always follow that golden rule of law. Because American statutory-rape laws are the harshest in the world, nobody is safe from police corruption. So not right.
By conducting online sex-sting operations on camera, defrocked journalist Chris Hansen believed that he was serving the greater good, when fact has it that he opened Pandora's Box to release domestic terrorism and police corruption upon us. Is our criminal justice system way beyond repair?
Are you planning on spending nearly a $100 on a Norton Anti-Virus Protection subscription? You don't have to do so. You can likely get that same subscription for only a tiny fraction of what it would normally cost you. It's only a matter of making all the right moves and timing everything right.
Regardless of whether someone truly committed a sex offense or was wrongfully convicted of one they didn't commit, the police are seldom ever on the side of the registrants. In fact, they'll try every way to send that registrant to prison for even the smallest thing. What about criminal justice?
Additional haters are stalking and harrassing a YouTuber who is currently on the sex-offender registry. Like his other haters I've previously identified, these ones care nothing about the facts. They only wish to exploit him to drum up views for their YouTube channels. They're like cancer.
Elon Musk is taking the American housing market back to the 1950s, but only in a positive way. There are some skeptics about whether Tesla tiny houses as inexpensive as they appear to be in their YouTube videos exist. I'm going to explore all the fact-checking options regarding this phenomenon.
In view of today's housing crisis in the United States, buying a house and land can be a real headache. Many of us feel that we've been priced out of the housing market. However, I have a secret to tell you that can show you how to buy a house and land without taking any money out of your pocket.
There was so much fuss about the movies "Hard Candy" and "The Lovely Bones" subsequent to their initial release to theaters. However, in my humble opinion, these same two films are so overrated, and they demonize most men to be sexual predators. They both should be scrapped from existence.
The discovery of artificial light on Proxima Centauri B by the James Webb Space Telescope has left many of us wondering what the future holds for Americans and the rest of the world regarding possible alien contact. Donald J. Trump would handle this concern better than Kamala Harris would do so.
The James Webb Space Telescope has detected artificial light (city lights) on Proxima Centauri b, which is only 4.2 light years away from the Earth. This event could change how we all look at space exploration, because it indicates that there may be intelligent life on that same planet.
Harry J. Sisson is an amateur TikToker who worships Democratic candidates as though they were archangels sent down from up above. This clown act doesn't know anything about politics and wastes most of his videos engaging in character assassination against President Donald J. Trump. What a jerk!
I call Janet Yellen "The Chicken Lady," because not only does she look like a chicken about to lay an egg, she is equally as airheaded as one. She is the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, and she doesn't even have a clue about money. She's merely another parrot of Joe Biden's aimless rhetoric.
How much has American society matured since the days of the Salem witch trials? When you look at some of the ludicrous sex laws the United States has and how despicably the police and the courts in that same nation handle them, you have to wonder. Moreover, these laws get harshened every year.
Professor Allan Lichtman from American University in Washington, D.C. is at it again. He has ultimately decided that according to his 13 keys to the White House, Kamala Harris is going to win the 2024 presidential election and that Donald J. Trump doesn't have a prayer. How deluded!
Home computing has evolved considerably throughout the years. However, there are still computer glitches that infuriate the majority of us. Herein I'm going to point them out to you so that you can see how many of them you have encountered. Life would be nice if the perfect home computer existed.
Senator J. D. Vance has sniped at childless cat ladies throughout his campaign as President Donald J. Trump's running mate. Democrats are accusing him of being a bigot. However, it could very well be that he is secretly a member of the red-pill movement. If so, he should be open about it.
The James Webb Space Telescope has captured images of what scientists and astronomers believe may be mirror universes. That is, these are doorways into parallel dimensions. People have already claimed to have crossed over temporarily into parallel dimensions where they've met cosmic doppelgangers.
A family could have avoided a major tragedy if they had made the right choice. However, the youngest adult child was about to be uprooted from the only home he had ever known, and he, therefore, went over the edge and took matters into his own hands Disinheriting offspring should be illegal.
You heard it. President Donald J. Trump is seriously considering replacing Senator J. D. Vance with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as his running mate for the 2024 presidential race in the United States. If President Trump does so, it will be history in the making. Senator Vance is simply not cutting it.
I'm all in favor of women's rights. What I don't like is radical feminism, which is really misandry disguised as a just cause. There is a war going on against men that has taken on a variety of different forms. It's time that we all open our eyes and see it for what it is. Hatred and bigotry.
Self-proclaimed child advocates argue that the United States has the best statutory-age-of-consent laws in the world. Prosecutors default to these laws in forcible-rape cases involving teenagers because of faulty evidence. However, the bigger picture will show you a dark side to these same laws.
So, you've been a Democrat all of your life, and now you want to leave the Democratic Party inasmuch as you are disgusted with the way they try to coerce people into agreeing with every agenda of theirs. Don't feel ashamed. The Democratic Party is losing people every day in the United States.
President Donald J. Trump was slipping in the polls not too long ago. In fact, believe it or not, Kamala Harris was ahead of him in the polls. However, he has found effective ways to turn the tide in his favor and possibly secure a victory in the 2024 presidential election.
The United States probably has the most archaic statutory-rape laws out of any other nation. It also, for the most part, has the highest statutory ages of consent in the world. Hypersexual teenagers take wrongful advantage of these laws, yet the status quo appears to be written in stone.
There's so much hype everywhere about the drop in the birth rate and how it will damage the world. Our planet has over 8 billion people. Therefore, allowing our population to spiral out of control cannot benefit humanity. If the population is in decline, then leave well enough alone.
Regardless of what political party you belong to, there is clear and convincing evidence that President Donald J. Trump is being railroaded in New York state courts. Everyone involved in his trial is a Democrat who wishes to sabotage his chances of getting back into the White House. It must stop!
You'll hear and read stories now and then about homeless people refusing to leave jail or prison inasmuch as they do not want to give up their three square meals a day and a roof over their head. Now homeless people are sexually offending to get locked up out of desperation. It's pitiful
In 1977, Roman Polanski had sexual contact with a 13-year-old girl named Samantha Gailey-Geimer. He was arrested for it shortly thereafter. He eventually fled to Paris to avoid a harsh prison sentence. Did Roman Polanski get this same woman pregnant? They both share a strange connection.
President Donald J. Trump is doing good in the polls. He may even win a second term in office. However, a major monkey wrench in his successful pathway to the White House is the 34 felony convictions against him from a New York state court. He needs Governor Kathleen Hochul to rescue him.
Not only have men-hating pseudo-feminists been pushing elected officials to enact tough sex laws against men, but now they are taking this agenda and going after women to make examples out of them. The question remains on how fair are these same laws regardless of which gender they punish.
Senator J. D. Vance's hand has been caught in the cookie jar, and now is the best time than ever for President Donald J. Trump to kick him to the curb and find a new running mate. Senator J. D. Vance will only put President Trump in danger of losing the presidential election to Kamala Harris.
For a long time, a debate has raged on in the United States on whether age-gap relationships and marriages can actually work as opposed to same-age and close-in-age relationships and marriages. Getting the answer to this question is as simple as looking back through American history.
Professor Allan Lichtman simply never learns. He still has faith in Joe Biden insofar as he contends that he is electable. He thinks that Kamala Harris makes a good backup plan as a Democratic presidential candidate. How is Professor Lichtman going to deal with it once Donald J. Trump is elected?
Shortly after the first debate between President Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, Dr. Jill Biden spoke to her husband as though he were her pet toy poodle whom she was babying and to whom she was getting ready to throw a dog biscuit. Dr. Biden is definitely bizarre and unfit to be first lady.
Professor Allan Lichtman denies that Joe Biden could lose the 2024 presidential election because of cognitive decline. He still insists that Mr. Biden stays in the presidential race despite that relevant individuals have told him that Mr. Biden's political career is history. When will he learn?
Could it be that Professor Allan Litchman is losing his mind? Or has he finally caved in to the probability that Joe Biden will be dropping out of the 2024 presidential election? I don't know, but his recommendation to that effect reeks with desperation. He thinks Kamala Harris could get elected.
Could this get any crazier? Allan Lichtman continues to insist that Joe Biden will win the 2024 presidential election. Whenever any journalist questions him about the events involving Mr. Biden's cognitive collapse, Professor Lichtman will get on the defensive and ensure that it's irrelevant.
A YouTuber who goes by the user name of peethan insists that Matt Walsh from "The Daily Wire" is a pedophile. I dislike Matt Walsh as much as YouTuber peethan does. However, YouTuber peethan has the definition of pedophilia all wrong and it is putting himself at risk of Mr. Walsh suing him.
Allan Lichtman is stubborn to believe anything other than that Joe Biden has the 2024 presidential election in the bag. Even if Professor Lichtman got most of his predictions about presidential elections right, he's currently living in a fantasy world. He's not a miracle worker or a prophet.
Professor Allan Lichtman has been predicting outcomes of American presidential elections for 4 decades. After Joe Biden's disastrous first debate with President Donald J. Trump on June 27, 2024, Professor Litchman is crazy to believe that Mr. Biden can still be reelected. Mr. Biden is finished.
President George W. Bush enacted the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 in an effort to put an end to the longstanding madness that has plagued penal facilities throughout the United States. Prisons have come a long way, but they still have a longer way to go before prison rape can be stopped.
Are you a man who has never had a girlfriend in your life? You are not alone, and you are not a rarity. There is advice floating all throughout the Internet on how a man can deal with this kind of situation. In any event, avoid psychiatrists altogether at all costs. They don't care about you.
Do any of you ever ask the question, "How does 'Saturday Night Live' stay on the air if it's so awful?" If you're a part of the generation that watched the original "Saturday Night Life" when it first aired in the mid-1970s, you thought you'd never be asking that question. It's running on empty.
Does the United States have the most Draconian sex laws in the world? After you compare them with those of Germany, you will likely believe so. Despite that both teenage sexual activity and pregnancy are high in the U.S., American sex laws continue to infantilize teenagers in a harmful way.
Busybodies are now complaining about age-gap relationships that are completely legal. Most of these same busybodies are women who hypocritically practice hypergamy at the same time. However, there are also men fueling this problem. People like these need to mind their own business and get a life.
If you've tried every way to get rid of ants from your household, then you and I have much in common. The conventional means of getting rid of ants may work at first, but they always have a way of returning when you least expect. Let me give you some advice from experience on getting rid of ants.
Biden supporters are still insisting that the 2020 American presidential election was the safest one in the world. Aren't they living in a fantasy world. The mainstream media is still clinging on to this same delusion, but proof has recently surfaced to light that there was voter fraud back then.
Piers Morgan has made some very snide remarks lately about people he doesn't even know. Although he is British, his TV shows are seen worldwide on YouTube and on other media outlets. Either he needs to get rid of his God complex or the television networks need to get rid of him. He's a disgrace.
Have you ever become so adventurous about foreign cuisine that you've overplayed your deck of cards? Well, I made that mistake. I like chicken lo mein so much that I tried to prepare it from scratch at home. I purchased the ingredients to cook it. I was in for the surprise nightmare of my life.
If you were alive in the 1990s, you'll likely remember how the evening television airwaves were flooded with informercials from notorious hucksters and fraudsters whose individual stories evolved into notorious criminal court cases. Some of them got away with their scams, but not without shame.
Ahmad Jamal Blakemore is a religious YouTube influencer who served time in prison and is currently on the sex-offender registry. His YouTube channel has been a success, but certain people don't like what he has accomplished. So, he has chosen to stand up for himself and fight back against them.
Are you feeling depressed because you lost a follower on your HubPages channel? Don't worry, because it's impossible to please everybody; and people's tastes change. There are still ways that you can win back ex-followers of your HubPages channel, but don't feel disappointed if you don't.
Hoorah! Hoorah! Candace Owens has finally gotten away from all the dunces and morons of "The Daily Wire." It also appears that she may be coming out of the moderate closet where she has been hiding for years. Even as a self-proclaimed Republican, she's often disagreeing with the status quo.
Do American statutory-rape laws protect teenagers from the Dahvie Vanitys of the world? Many people would like to think so. However, when we take a closer look at how these same laws stifle young people's decisions in dealing with social challenges, most of us at least have to question them.
After Chris Hansen's fall from grace with his television series "To Catch A Predator" (T. C. A. P.) and NBC's eventual decision to fire him, you would think that the T. C. A. P. community would have gotten the message. However, there are Chris Hansen wannabes endangering ordinary civilians' lives.
Washington County prosecutors in Utah have disclosed additional camera footage and documents regarding Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt's indictments. Where it gets very disturbing is that some of these revelations delve into the supernatural. These women are severely detached from reality.
Do not make the mistake of believing that both the American criminal justice system and the court system treat all suspects equally for alleged sexual offenses. There are some people who get a slap on the wrist for committing heinous sex crimes while others get treated harshly for petty nonsense.
Are you one of those people like me who don't like depending on a cell phone or smart phone? After cell phones first became popular in the United States, there were usually telephone booths nearby you could turn to if the battery in your cell phone died out unexpectedly. England still has them.
All right. You recently got into an argument with one of your adult children about how soon you feel they should get married and start a family. Fact has it that they don't have to do any of those things, unless they want to do them. It's not your decision to make for them. Leave them alone.
Don't you hate cramps? No, I'm not describing the kind of cramps that women get connected with their menstrual cycle. I'm referring to the kind of cramps that both men and women get. There seems to be no quick and easy way to get rid of them, and they usually come when you least expect them.
Doesn't it get you furious whenever a merchant or any kind of company tries to get you to sign a contract that is over 100 pages long? You have to figure that the lawyer who wrote it up has to be a first-class shyster. There ought to be a law limiting contracts to no more than two pages.
Don't you just hate it whenever someone guilt-trips you into giving them a tip when their job shouldn't call for one at all? Perhaps some of you may feel that you've fallen victim to scamming and even extortion whenever someone demanded a tip from you. Quite frankly, tipping should be outlawed.
The United States is drowning in debt, because the Federal government keeps borrowing money to pay off debts that they already owe. The U.S. Social Security system is headed for disaster. Congress can remedy this by allowing the Federal government to tax megachurches.
The FatheringAutism channel on YouTube has been hacked, and the Maasses are not very happy about it. It gets worse. Their Gmail and every other Google-related account of theirs have also been hacked because of it. This is definitely something you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. A nightmare!
Is hybrid publishing safe? For the most part, it's a sham. You'll end up losing more money than you earn in getting your manuscript published by a hybrid publishing house. However, there is one exception to that rule. You'll be glad to know what it is.
On the average, anyone who discovers that they have fatal familial insomnia will only have 18 months to live. The final stages of it are brutal, and there is no cure for it. Therefore, how does it make any sense to keep that person alive if they only wish to end their suffering?
Do all suicides go to Hell? Most of us would not like to believe so, because most suicides are merely people in need of professional help or some kind of intervention. Unfortunately, religious extremists refuse to let go of their dogma on this topic. We need to refute their twisted beliefs.
Many mental-health professionals have been recently exposed as pedophiles or pedophile enablers. After you read Herwig Czech's findings regarding the late Dr. Hans Asperger, you'll notice how similar his pattern was to those of other mental-health professionals in harming children. He was evil.
"The Daily Wire" may be a conservative group of commentators who have noteworthy credits to their names. However, a podcast about red-pilled men blew the reputations of some of the men in that group sky high. They attacked men less fortunate than them for not getting married. How elitist of them!
Stories have been popping up everywhere on the Internet about people who claimed to have suffered a near-death experience and spent time in Hell. Some of those people even claim that they came face to face with Satan. If there's no scientific proof of Hell's existence, what should we believe?
Russell Franke and his sister, Eve, will now be able to sleep better at night, because their abusers are going to be serving time behind bars for hopefully a substantial period of time. Perhaps Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt are incorrigibles, but The Big House will be a rude awakening for them.
Successful self-published authors insist that traditional publishing houses can't be trusted. However, traditionally published authors insist that you have to be sitting on a giant pile of money before you can hit it big as a self-published author. There's really no foolproof way to get published.
Oddly enough, in the American culture, society has this one misconception that young fathers can do no wrong. Merely because these men were successful at doing it all before age 23, they're somehow holier than thou. Let's get out of our puritanical bubbles and ground ourselves in reality.
Don't you just hate those TV commercials about buying and selling gold? You ask yourself, "Who even watches those stupid things?" Well, you're going to hate them even more after I describe to you how the companies who pay to run those same advertisements have been defrauding their clients.
The Girls Scouts of America was once a noble organization that taught survival skills to young girls. Eventually, it evolved into a subversive political organization. What marked its impending demise was when a Girl Scout named Cassandra Levesque sought to outlaw teenage marriage in her state.
David Eisenhauer was an 18-year-old Virginia Tech student who had a bright future ahead of him. He made the mistake of getting too involved with a 13-year-old townie named Nicole Lovell. An underage pregnancy scare ensued. He and 19-year-old Natalie Keepers then decided to murder the young girl.
Many adults suffered child abuse at the hands of a parent or both. If a parent is trying to gaslight you into believing that you have "Asperger's Syndrome" when fact has it that that same parent won't take accountability for beating on you during your childhood, you need to take a stand, period.
Americans boast about protecting their children from dangerous predators. However, lawmakers never seem to do anything to prevent kids with abusive parents from being disinherited. These kids deserve much better than an adulthood of poverty and homelessness. Parental testamentary freedom must go!
In Sandusky, Michigan, a 19-year-old man named Andrew Hakeem Jewell was arrested not too long ago for grabbing an 8-year-old girl into a bathroom. This man has priors, and the parents of his victims are concerned that the system will go too easy on him. Once a bully always a bully.
Remember Jenny Jones? She was a comedian and a drummer who went on to become a television talk-show host back in the 1990s. Her show was fun. However, it became way too fun insofar as a guest ended up dead as a result of her sensationalism. This event tanked the tabloid TV talk-show industry.
Have you ever heard of red-pill dating coaches? They are mostly YouTubers who give advice to single, lonely men on how to find romance safely. In figurative words, it turns out that suspicions are brewing online that these red-pill dating coaches may be selling a dangerous load of snake oil.
Social-media commentators are accusing pop artist Madonna of being old, and they are urging her to hang up her hat. However, there are other singers and musicians who are older than her and are less talented than her. Therefore, why aren't these social-media commentators picking on them instead?
Be careful when you are going outside into your backyard late at night, even if you have a deck right outside your backdoor that includes a staircase. Vicious animals are roaming around in the woods. If there are wolves nearby, you don't want to have any face-to-face encounters with them.
The term "MAP" stands for "Minor-Attracted Person." It is an ambiguously deceiving term in that efforts have been made to conflate it with the definition of "pedophile," when fact has it that the two are not the same thing. Grammarians should remove "MAP" and its like from the English language.
Kevin Franke from the now-defunct 8 Passengers YouTube channel obtained an injunction to prevent Jodi Hildebrandt from selling her home and property and to compel her to provide restitution to his children for the harm she caused them. Could Mr. Franke be finally cleaning up his act as a father?
A YouTuber named Gonzalo Lira, Jr. (Coach Red Pill) died of pneumonia in a Ukranian prison on January 11, 2024. His only crime was speaking out against both Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Joe Biden. The world has lost a good person because of Joe Biden. Joe Biden must not be reelected as president.
What do atheists believe about life after death? You would be surprised to know. However, they don't all believe that death leads to oblivion and nothingness. Some of them do keep abreast of what science discovers about conciousness and what happens to it after you die. Let's explore this topic.
Further developments have recently materialized in the matter of Natalia Grace Barnett. It has been uncovered that Natalia Grace was always telling the truth about the cruelty she suffered at the hands of her adoptive parents - Michael and Kristine Barnett. Natalia Grace deserves justice.
There is a YouTube influencer who goes by the user name of iilluminaughtii. Her real name is Blair, and she clearly doesn't practice what she preaches insofar as she is the worst offender of her own so-called values and principles. I'm going to put all of her double standards on exhibition herein.
The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the land of the free and the brave. However, how much power and authority do the Supreme Court Justices really have? You'd be surprised at how limited they really are in their ability to enforce their rulings.
YouTube influencer Connor Beaton has a video that clearly shows that he's not sincerely grounded in reality. He pretends to be the happily married man who knows what it's like to be single and feel alienated insofar as one has no use for sermons about societal norms. Don't fall for his act.
This is not a rant. The day is finally here that dentures and false teeth are rapidly confronting their demise. Now is a better time than any for stockholders to pull their investments out of the dental prosthetics industry inasmuch as it is on the cusp of financial collapse as it so deserves.
Did Jodi Hildebrandt actually plead guilty to four of the six aggravated child abuse charges against her? I never thought that her inflated ego would have ever allowed her to do so, but she did. In other words, there will be no trial. She is going straight to prison. No passing Go.
I'm not here to bash any man who is lucky enough to find the love of his life and have that matrimonial happily-ever-after that comes along so rarely. However, single men don't appreciate married men pretending to know what it's like to walk in their shoes any more than vice versa.
Something is simply not right with Walmart's online delivery order system. On a number of occasions when I have placed an order for groceries to be delivered, I have specifically selected the option requiring me to sign for the order upon delivery and the opposite occurs on my computer screen.
Former influencer Ruby Franke has pled guilty to four of the six criminal charges against her of aggravated child abuse as part of a plea bargain. In exchange for this plea bargain, she has agreed to testify against Jodi Hildebrandt. The outcome of this arrangement is going to be very interesting.
American society idolizes married couples who started out as high school sweethearts. Entertainment media embellishes them as legendary icons. However, there is a dark, sinister side to such marriages that is seldom ever discussed in the public forum. Here we'll take a look at this rude reality.
Different literary agents and publishing houses each have different submission guidelines. WordPerfect will facilitate your ability to provide them with what they request. Unfortunately, most of them want you to use Microsoft Word. Well, it's not user-friendly for science-fiction writers like me.
When the late Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing conceptualized pedophila in 1886, perhaps he fooled others into believing that he had well-meaning intentions. However, he had to have known that such a diagnostic concoction was going to take on a life of its own much to the detriment of society.
A 24-year-old man brought his girlfriend into a hospital inasmuch as she was going into labor. After giving birth to a baby girl, they both admired their offspring. Then the police rudely rushed into the room and arrested the baby's father, because the baby's mother was only 12 years old.
Way too frequently male YouTubers who post videos about men's issues are conflating true feminists with pseudo-feminists. I can assure you that there is a world of a difference between the two. Men can trust true feminists. However, they must not trust pseudo-feminists They're evil misandrists.
Have you ever heard of the decentralized writing platform named Blurt? Well, if you haven't, I can tell right now that it's not all what it's cracked up to be. After posting articles on this same writing platform, I've had nothing but one problem after another. Try your luck with Hive instead.
With all the car technology that has come to fruition, you would think that these car manufacturers would invent a scratch-proof car. It is infuriating whenever a scratch somehow finds its way onto the finish of your car. Even scratch-removal products offer you no guarantee of getting rid of it.
Self-proclaimed child advocates and societal fundamentalists have been pressuring the American Psychiatric Association to reclassify hebephilia as a psychiatric disorder in the form of a paraphilia for some time now. However, would it really serve the greater good of society? Let's find out.
Do you use Pixabay for your articles? Let me guess. You made the same mistake I did at the outset of your writing journey with HubPages and other writing platforms. You forgot to give credit for the images that were free. Well, I can show you how to get that information quickly.
In view of the billions of planets in the cosmos, I'm not ruling out the possibility of intelligent life on other planets. However, nobody has produced the evidence needed to prove that extraterrestrial beings have visited the Earth. Alien hysteria makes such a goal a difficult one to achieve.
If you've always wondered what religious devotees think about aliens, get ready for a myriad of viewpoints. There doesn't seem to be a one-size-fits-all viewpoint among them. What all their opinions have in common is that they don't make any more sense than those of UFO enthusiasts or ufologists.
Once Jodi Hildebrandt and Ruby Franke were arrested in August of 2023, the whole world found out that they had been holding two minors captive in a panic room below a garage. They were abusing them too. Now it turns out that they were compounding these youngsters' suffering, among other things.
Just when you thought that Jodi Hildebrandt could not have done anything more despicable than what she has done, something even more shocking than before surfaces to light. This woman simply doesn't have enough room in her closet for all the skeletons she has been trying to hide from the world.
Kevin Franke's lawyer is trying to make Mr. Franke look like an innocent bystander in the aggravated child abuse that his wife, Ruby Franke, and Jodi Hildebrandt comitted against his minor children. However, a number of YouTubers and even crime experts aren't buying it. They want him in jail.
Both Kevin and Ruby Franke of the now-defunct 8 Passengers channel on YouTube borrowed over $80,000 from the Federal government that was really meant for business owners struggling during the COVID-19 lock-down. Then they somehow managed to avoid paying it back through a debt-forgiveness loophole.
Cynthia Sue Larson contends that she can switch dimensions periodically. She's a UC Berkeley physicist who's peddling the Mandela Effect. What is disturbing about her is that she doesn't lack the credentials to support her theories. At the same time, her narratives can be outlandish.
Jodi Hildebrandt's niece and Ruby Franke's cousin have both spoken out to the news media about these two women's true nature and the abuse tied into it. You will find it shocking that Ms. Hildebrandt has engaged in such abuse for years, and Mrs. Franke is not much different from her in that regard.
Finally, someone from the depths of Jodi Hildebrandt's past has come out and spoken up about the atrocities that this dangerous, predatory psychotherapist committed against him. His name is Adam Paul Steed, and he was already getting over another tragedy when this wacko entered his life.
Alien beings have not visited us, because there is no substantial proof of it. Don't let UFO enthusiasts and ufologists scare you with these outlandish stories about flying saucers. Either such stories are hoaxes or the people sighting flying saucers have mistaken them for alien spaceshifts.
Charlatans have inundated the American mental-health profession. Americans appear to be wising up to this problem. However, elected officials are doing very little, if anything, to punish these psychotherapists who cross the line. Public awareness is critical, and they must be exposed.
An influencer named Ruby Franke, who ran the 8 Passengers channel on YouTube, has recently been arrested for aggravated child abuse. Her business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt, has also been arrested for similar crimes. Both women could face up to 30 years in prison. I'm not surprised.
TV shows and movies inundate us enough with sugar-coated images of the FBI. It is outrageous that there was a TV series that misled the public into believing that FBI agents actually investigated alien encounters. Let me point out to you the reasons that such a scenario is impossible and unreal.
Time travel has always been a favorite curiosity for many of us. The majority of us like the idea of being able to travel back through time and fix some of the mishaps that may have gone wrong in our lives. However, the problem is that time travel isn't as safe as it appears in the movies.
UFO enthusiasts and ufologists need to stop spreading rumors about Pine Gap being some clandestine alien landing site. There are no aliens there. It is an intelligence-gathering site and the like. Skeptics like me have had enough of this alien hysteria. The rumors must stop.
A hoax is circulating about the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, and both UFO enthusiasts and ufologists are jumping all over it to convince us that alien beings are snatching planes from the sky. Luckily, certain experts have debunked this hoax before it got way too out of hand.
Stories about aliens abducting people onto spaceships get more and more bizarre each year. Anyone can get in front of a camera and allege that extraterrestrials took them on a space voyage. They want their 15 minutes of fame. Can any of these people offer proof of it? It hasn't happened yet!
Joe Biden has made the mistake of seeking reelection, when the question of his initial election to the Oval Office in 2020 remains suspicious to this very day. A reprehensible sex scandal continues to sizzle in the Biden family, and people are not going to ignore it. It involves a child. His own.
Not only are desperate individuals trying to find love in the form of artificial intelligence, but you now have situations where people are actually tying the knot with virtual spouses created through artificial intelligence. The institution of marriage is taking on a life of its own in scary ways.
When does this hysteria over extraterrestrials ever end? Now people are claiming to have seen creatures from distant worlds walking around in their backyards. I get excited too whenever I hear about the James Webb Space Telescope making a new discovery, but these alien stories are ridiculous.
Have you ever noticed how shrill and annoying the majority of American female announcers sound in television commercials and even in advertisements that appear on YouTube? They have this cartoon-like voice that makes you wonder where companies found them. It makes you want to scream.
Like me, many of you out there may be looking to publish a science-fiction novel or the likes. Let me describe to you my journey from typing up the book to seeking its publication. It's hard work, and it's nothing like in the movies or on television. At the same time, it's quite rewarding.
It's funny how some people believe that when you're in your sixties, your foot is already halfway in the grave. However, I've always thought of sixty-something-year-old people as being middle-aged. In Japan, you're still considered to be a kid until 52 years old. Therefore, what exactly is old?
As an American descendent of immigrants myself, I am all for the United States welcoming immigrants. However, it doesn't mean that the United States should become a hunting ground for foreignors with criminal records. Such individuals will do more harm than good to the American people.
In the United States, it is already difficult for the average heterosexual man to find himself a significant other. Therefore, the birthrate has plummeted in this same nation. However, the invention of the artificial womb is about to change everything for men who wish to become fathers.
Mental-health professionals continue to get greedier every year, and abusive Asperger's-by-proxy parents are popping up everywhere much to the detriment of neurotypical children whom they force onto the autism spectrum. These people are dangerous, and we all need to fight back against them.
Cases of fathers with Asperger's by proxy exploiting and even harming their sons are cropping up everywhere in the United States. Victims of these dangerous fathers usually have suffered childhood abuse at the hands of these same monsters. Some of these victims may experience diminished capacity.
Too many hotheaded Americans claim that they know so much about welfare recipients. I don't like welfare fraud any more than the majority of you do. However, people do fall into bad times, and treating them like parasites does no justice for anyone. It's unconscionable to shame them in public.
Exactly when you thought that artificial intelligence couldn't get any creepier than it is, a mechanical dog is now available to consumers. At first sight, it will look like a large, metallic spider. You might even mistake it for one of those rovers on Mars, and even they don't look as outlandish.
I'm not claiming that lonely men who have never been in the arms of a woman will find the love of their life on the astral plane. However, if they learn to astral project, they will likely have a refreshing experience that will distract them from their life's woes. Romance isn't everything.
So what if the Pentagon is looking into UFO sightings? Extraterrestrials are not piloting those oddball flying machines.
Exactly when you thought that the world couldn't get any more ridiculous, it turns out that singles are finding love in the form of artificial intelligence. In other words, they're forming relationships and falling in love with chatbots. Could this be taking over the romance market? It's scary.
Her legal name was really Mary Kay Vualaau before she died. People need to stop making her out to be a monster. She was clearly in the wrong profession at first, but she never harmed Vili Fualaau. In fact, she was in love with him and vice versa. They eventually married. Let her rest in peace.
Social conservatives believe that an epidemic of laziness has overtaken the lives of many working-age men in the United States. However, this issue is not as black and white as society would like for it to be. Eliminating the welfare system will only put Americans in great danger.
Whenever Americans discuss juvenile-justice-related issues, the biggest argument that appears to surface in conversation is that a young person's brain is not fully developed until the age of 25. Is this something factual or speculative? Let's consult the experts and find out.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is attempting to get a trigger law passed that could eventually allow his state to execute individuals for sexually-based offenses. Many people are up in arms about it inasmuch it could open the doorway to human-rights violations. Child advocates are mostly for it.
When registrants apply for a job, they're usually turned down for it. When registrants attempt to find housing, most landlords want nothing to do with them. Therefore, homelessness becomes inevitable for them. Americans may view it as poetic justice, but we all need to look at the bigger picture.
Child advocates are always ranting on about toughening sex laws in the United States to protect small children and teenagers. However, if they really wanted to do any kind of justice in that regard, they would be fighting against parental testamentary freedom instead. They're liars.
Americans? Don't go running to your bank to withdraw all your money just yet. A nationwide collapse is not imminent. Merely a handful of higher-ups within the banking industry have made poor decisions that have hurt everyone within their orbit. Public awareness is the solution to this problem.
When the late Adam Lanza was 13 years old, a former psychiatrist named Paul L. Fox diagnosed him with "Asperger's Syndrome." Mr. Fox is a rapist à la Larry Nassar. However, somehow his previous role as a mental-health professional has caused our mainstream media to turn a blind eye to his crimes.
The fact that the United States of America currently has a 14% illiteracy rate could explain why Americans needlessly confuse hebephilia and ephebophilia with pedophilia. However, hebephilia and ephebophilia have no relationship to pedophilia, and, therefore, they're not psychiatric disorders.
Regardless of what your religious denomination may be or regardless of whether you even have any religious beliefs at all, the music entertainment industry has produced religious songs that everyone can like. Lay back and allow me to take you on a journey into this world of spiritual music.
Can someone fall in love with an inanimate object? It happened in the movie "Lars and the Real Girl." Of course, that wasn't real. What I'm about to describe to you is. A bodybuilder married his life-sized silicon doll. Is our world really going bonkers? This story makes you have to wonder.
Is a loved one of yours having difficulties getting up and down the stairs of their residence? They apparently need a stair-lift system, but they may not have the financial means to get one installed. Let me guide you on what they need to do in that event.
HubPages provides valuable tools for anyone to compose quality articles. However, there is this one glitch on this same platform in which the paste icon locks up the computer screen insofar as you cannot get out of it without losing all the contents of a capsule. I'll show you what to do next.
Has the world gone off the rails? A 49-year-old woman actually married her own dog. If you think that imaginary relationships were weird, this scenario goes way above and beyond anything demented that you could possibly imagine. What will it be next? Someone marrying their car?
Have you ever been curious to know exactly when you're going to die? To some, this idea of an Internet death clock sounds strange. There are various websites that allow you to obtain a suggested date and time that you will be taking your last breath. But can you trust these creepy predictions?
"American Idol" has been on the television airwaves for nearly two decades. This priceless gem has brought some of the most exceptional talent to the music entertainment industry. The tricky part of it all is for their judges to get past all the outlandish auditions. Prepare to laugh out loud.
Baby boomers, Gen Xers, and even millennials are constantly bashing the songs that radio stations play for Gen Zers. They insist that music sounded better back in the day. However, the 20th century also brought us some really oddball songs that everyone just assumes forget. Let's hear them.
Nowadays Americans have to be careful about their moral conduct, especially in the area of photography involving minors. The nation that we live in now is much different from the one we knew as children. People have gone to prison for the most ridiculous things. Nevertheless, the law is the law.
If an adult gets caught in an online sex-sting operation, he can be prosecuted for it and land on the sex-offender registry, possibly for life, regardless that he is still a virgin. Therefore, should online sex-sting operations be banned altogether here in our nation? You be the one to decide.
Can registered sex offenders leave the United States to travel abroad legally? Yes, they can. However, their passports must be marked with a unique identifier showing that they are on a sex-offender registry in their nation. Is it fair? You be the one to decide.
Are you sick and tired of empty promises from sweepstakes organizations that always mail you an entry form telling you that you're one hairline away from winning the jackpot prize? Publishers Clearing House has been engaging in this deception for years. Allow me to expose this sham for what it is!
In 2013, "Asperger's Syndrome" was removed from the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" and integrated as a subtype into the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. It's now time to eliminate it as any kind of diagnosis altogether in that it has harmed way too many people.
Are you an adult man whose abusive father insists that you have "Asperger's Syndrome"? Is your father also pressuring you into going into "Asperger's Syndrome" testing and treatment? Don't do it! Your father could have Asperger's by proxy. If so, he doesn't have your best interest at heart.
Something really weird is happening here in the United States of America. People are having romantic relationships that are a product of their vivid imagination. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? You be the judge.
Betty Mahmoody's book "Not Without My Daughter" told about her ordeal when her Iranian husband Sayyed Bozorg "Moody" Mahmoody talked her into leaving her two sons in Michigan and taking their little girl Mahtob to Iran. There are different sides to this story, so who's telling the truth?
On Christmas Day of 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope was finally launched into outer space. There was a number of delays in making it happen. Additional delays would have been expected. So, why all of a sudden was it launched on schedule? Recent bizarre sightings may be the reason for it.
Americans have a bad habit of referring to their first cousin once removed as their second cousin. I ought to know, because I am an American who has repeatedly made this same mistake before recently. Learning proper genealogical terminology is important for accuracy with your family tree.
Although I do not believe that UFOs are extraterrestrial spaceships, it is obvious that some are a product of an unknown scientific phenomenon. Seeing is believing.
On December 15, 2021, a special primary took place in Arkansas, and Jim Bob Duggar lost his bid for the Arkansas state legislature. Therefore, he will not be going to Little Rock to serve in the Arkansas State Senate. Why should any of us be surprised? He lacks the integrity needed for that job.
Now that Josh Duggar has been convicted of serious, reprehensible crimes and is currenly behind bars, the entertainment industry is gradually throwing the Duggar family under the bus. Let's hope that the TLC television network cleans up its act and gets out of the reality television industry.
Parents who falsely brand their children as Aspergians are not the only ones who exploit and even abuse their children. However, abusive parents who suffer from Asperger's by proxy are likely the most dangerous among all parents within that same realm. It's the dark side of the autism spectrum.
Although I commend former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee without shame for his undivided loyalty toward the Duggar family from the outset of Josh Duggar's sex scandals, I believe that it is now time for Mr. Huckabee to break all contact with them. They can only harm him from this point on.