China is the largest country of import in the United States with over 500 billion dollars worth of goods imported per year. These are the essential keys to sourcing from China for sale online through marketplaces like Amazon and eBay.
Amazon's feedback system is getting a facelift for 2020. Are you prepared for the next big overhaul of your company's reputation on Amazon? Should you be concerned with your listings' ratings? I cover these questions and more in order to give you the best chance of success on the platform.
Generation Z. Gen Z. The iGeneration. Just who are they and should your business invest in marketing to them? With a population size of 74 million and approaching their earning years, marketing to Gen Z will soon be imperative to your business's success.
Why market to Millennials? With an estimated 1.4 trillions dollars of spending power in 2020 and 80 million people in their generation, Millennials may very well be the most powerful living generation for the U.S. economy in the nation's history.
To become a peer recognized upperclassmen, the sophomores of Tonawanda High must go through an initiation. The initiation takes a turn for the worse when nine sophomores enter a haunted museum.
Why should your business care about eBay's new grouped listing format? Well, a lot actually.
The following lesson plan is written to provide students with the knowledge of WII technology using "stations" where students will rotate to throughout the duration of the class.
In an effort to share lesson plans with others to further our youth's education, I am dedicating my time and resources by sharing the United States History California Gold Rush lesson plan.
In a decade that saw major social change, the movie Rebel Without a Cause exemplified a distinct group of teens through which all teens in the late 1950’s and 1960’s would be viewed.
I set out to prove stereotypes false on African American education through prior research and my own experiences.
There are a few new additions in the edTPA lesson plans that may be a bit confusing. This article will explain two of them: the Central Focus and Academic Language sections. Here's everything you need to know to make these sections make sense!
The modern political battle between Buffalo and Tonawanda as to who should receive government money for the Erie Canal - with historical background.
It is said that the city of Buffalo got its name from the creek that it is built around. But the question is, then, why was the creek named Buffalo? How did the creek become known as Buffalo Creek?
Scientists have discovered the specific allele that causes Huntington's disease, what happens to the allele when it is synthesized in the body and the reason why certain characteristics are portrayed.
A quick and helpful guide on how to add an object to a sky using Photoshop.
Tips on how to Photoshop the colors of objects.
A basic tutorial on how to place your face in a photo! These simple steps will make you look like a pro.
I cover a wide variety of tools, used in Photoshop, in this hub. If there are any tools that are not covered that you would like to know how to use, please comment!