The term "psychopath" is frequently used in the popular press and even by professionals in the field of psychology. The term is usually used for sensational purposes, in the sense of the definition given by...
The last armed rebellion by blacks against the encroaching colonists in Southern Africa was put down with great cruelty by the colonial militia, leaving bitterness and a mutual lack of understanding.
Psychology is a rich field in which many thinkers over centuries have added to our knowledge of ourselves. This is a very brief and necessarily somewhat superficial overview of the complex field and its history.
Indians arrived in South Africa as indentured labourers in 1860. This Hub celebrates 150 years of their contribution to South African culture.
Pertoria's wonder tree is more than 1000 years old and is rich in history.
Do you consider yourself an educated person? Here's my personal view of the important characteristics of an educated person. Is it going to college? Is it street smarts? Read on to find out how you can cultivate the aura of an educated person.
Rare sightings of the Burchell's Coucal are always exciting and we have been privileged to see some in the past few days.
A poem of longing and the loss of exile. An attempt at a translation and understanding.
An Afrikaans poem which awoke me to the power of words and to a love of Afrikaans poetry. It also helped me understand other poetry better. I offer my own humble attempt at a translation of it.
Empathy is an attitude and, more than that, it is a skill that can be used to deepen all kinds of relationships—at work and at home. Find discussions of empathy and unconditional regard and explore Carl Rogers' theories.
"Oom Bey" Naudé came from deep Afrikaner Nationalist roots to become a champion of human rights in South Africa. This is an overview of that remarkable "Pilgrimage of Faith"
Experiential learning is a model and theory of learning that has implications for individuals and society. This article explores some of these.
Explanations of the 8 National Symbols of South Africa, soon to be the host of the 2010 Fifa Soccer World Cup.
Two of my favourite poems by South African poet Lionel Abrahams with some of my thoughts about them.
Does capital punishment still have a place in modern society?
How did jazz start? The genre was born out of the pain of slavery and the clash between the cultures of West Africa and the Protestant ethos of the United States.
This is an exploration of how Elder Joseph Brackett's song "Simple Gifts" became the contemporary hymn, "Lord of the Dance."
The art of Mati Klarwein has graced the covers of albums by artists ranging from Miles Davis to Carlos Santana and many more. This is a brief introduction to his visionary art
How relevant are the English Romantic poets in today's world? They help us keep a sense of proportion and rootedness. They help us see the wonder of nature with clearer eyes
In the second part of of this Hub on Transactional Analysis we look at some basic concepts of Transactional Analysis, including strokes, the stroke economy, pastimes, games, and the underlying philosophy of the model.
Transactional analysis is a powerful model which can help people understand why communication sometimes goes so wrong, and how to make it better.
A vicious man is sentenced to life in prison, leaving behind children and other family members to cope with the aftermath of his crime spree
Exile was a two-edged sword for South African musicians who left their homeland for the freedom of Europe and the U.S. Here are some of the finest albums to come out of the great South African jazz diaspora.
In the early hours of the morning of 19 July 1965 a lovely young woman walked into the sea at Three Anchor Bay, Cape Town, and drowned. Her lifeless body was found by the police in about three feet of water at about 7.30 that morning. And so ended the life of one of South Africa's most promising...
What is jazz, and how does it differ from other kinds of music? Read on to find out!
This article will take a personal look back at the Soweto uprising against apartheid that began on 16 June 1976 and eventually led to Youth Day in South Africa.
I love to cook – maybe because I love eating and maybe because I like to get the praise of others when they like what I cook. Whatever! I have been cooking for many years, mostly on Sundays, so I guess you could call me a Sunday chef!
The story of a beloved minstrel song in Cape Town and the Confederate ship that inspired it
Blythswood Missionary Institution in the former Transkei, South Africa, was unique in that the people it served asked for it and contributed to the cost of setting it up.
Obama is celebrated by a frequently-acerbic South African cartoonist, Zapiro.
Zita Park in Garsfontein, Pretoria, is a great place for children to have fun in a really safe environment
Fascinating Union Castle memorabilia in my collection give glimpse of life at sea in the early part of the 20th Century