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Tricia Deed

Joined 9 years ago from Orlando, Florida

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    Paper Crafts are Popular

    3 years ago

    Paper crafts are popular as a hobby or as a money maker. Paper crafts have existed for thousands of years but there are new styles of papers and developments for our modern world. Many items can be made with paper before using other building materials and supplies.

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    Halloween Costume Ideas - Jump Start Your Creativity

    2 years ago

    Thousands of costumes can be designed by you. But sometimes your brain needs a jump start of ideas to trigger that perfect costume to celebrate Halloween.

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    How to Increase Revenue From Your Belly Dance Studio

    20 months ago

    How to build more revenue from the operation of a belly dance studio for continued financial success. Ideas from actual experience which generate ongoing income.

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    Paper Mache Hobby

    5 years ago

    Making paper mache projects is a project for children and adults. Any object can be created with this paper craft. It is a creative and imaginative diy art and craft outlet.

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    Freestanding Greenhouses for All Plants

    14 months ago

    All types of plants may be raised in greenhouses. The hobbyist or gardener can enjoy this mini-farm to start seedlings, protect young plants, or specialize in plants that don't grow in the local area.

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    Kite Flying: A Hobby for All Ages

    3 months ago

    People of all ages have the opportunity to enjoy kiting as an activity or sport. You can participate as an individual or in a group setting. Kite flying has been with us for centuries and will continue into the future for fun, exercise, relaxation, and education. All genders can participate.

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    Building Model Kits: Plastic and Wood

    4 months ago

    Building plastic or wood models is a rewarding pastime that requires the use of your brain and your hands. Building replica models of any object is both an art and a craft.

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    Stilt Walkers: Athletic Hobby or Career?

    6 months ago

    Stilt walking is an amazing hobby offering fun, challenges, exercise, and excitement for oneself and others. Art and craft abilities, costuming, and imagination add to this performing hobby.

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    Face Masks for Halloween, Mardi Gras, Celebrations, Events, and Work Environments.

    5 years ago

    The face mask is an essential identity which completes the character or the costume for Halloween, Mardi Gras, other holiday celebrations or rituals. The mask is also critical for protecting people in their working or living environments.

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    How to Open a Belly Dance Studio

    4 months ago

    Opening a belly dance studio is an interesting and life-changing event. It will come with many challenges. Energy, creative thinking, and business acuity will be your tools for success.

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    How to Prepare for a Professional Belly Dance Performance

    5 years ago

    Are you ready to perform belly dancing professionally? Are you prepared with costumes, music selections, and a list of fees which you will be charging for the performances? Will you want to make a part-time or a full time income?

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    Making Doll Clothing

    4 years ago

    Fashion dolls serve as models for contemporary fashions which mothers and daughters have fun designing and making. These plastic or vinyl dolls can be played with, collected, or help prepare a future fashion enthusiast.

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    Types of Wooden Storage Sheds

    6 years ago

    Wood sheds are constructed for greenhouses, work shops, hideaways, and more. The storage shed is our silent partner which keeps our valuables safe and organized. It is an essential structure for hobbies and interests.

  • Indoor Green House Gardening

    Indoor Green House Gardening

    6 years ago

    Indoor green house gardening may solve many outdoor garden issues and make growing your favorite plants easier. The green house offers many advantages over natural outdoor growing conditions.

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    Lean to Hobby Greenhouse

    6 years ago

    We inherited greenhouses from the Victorian era of history. One of the most economical greenhouse is the lean-to. It is an all time favorite for many gardeners to nurture their seedlings and young plants. The lean-to is attached to an existing stable building or suitable structure.

  • Aquaponics Gardening For Food, Beauty, and Serenity

    Aquaponics Gardening For Food, Beauty, and Serenity

    6 years ago

    Aquaponic gardening will supply fresh fruits and vegetables year round. The aquarium in the home offers visual plant beauty and colorful fish for restful viewing. The plants and the colorful fish also add a calming serenity to anyone in the room.

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    Romantic Hobbies For All Occasions Not Just Valentine’s Day

    20 months ago

    Valentine's Day is claimed as romance day, but what about all of the other moments which are romantic. Hobbies can fulfill any couple with romantic activities and memories.

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    Professional Belly Dancer Essentials for Success

    19 months ago

    Belly dancer for hire. You are considering becoming a professional in this field of dance art. Are you ready to become an entrepreneur? Are you knowledgeable, experienced, and qualified to do so?

  • Stained Glass - A Unique Hobby

    Stained Glass - A Unique Hobby

    6 years ago

    Start your new year with a unique arts and crafts projects with stained glass techniques. The projects may be done with glass or modern commercial plastic substitutes and other materials.

  • New Year’s Resolution Starts Today

    New Year’s Resolution Starts Today

    6 years ago

    No need to wait until New Year's Day to select an exercise and nutritional program. Start today! Start Now! I recommend belly dancing as an excellent and fun exercise for weight loss motivation.

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    Importance of a Hobby for Adults

    4 years ago

    The importance of a hobby for adults is to create pleasurable time, mental relief, restore physical health, and acquire a general well being of self. A hobby provides a healthy lifestyle.

  • Mirrors Reflect Practice Belly Dance Movements

    Mirrors Reflect Practice Belly Dance Movements

    5 years ago

    Mirror, mirror, on the wall ...Dance students realize the critical need for a mirror. The mirror is needed for essential visual feedback to help the student analyze and correct dance movements.

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    The Craft of Puppetry: How to Create Characters and Perform

    4 months ago

    The craft of puppetry can satisfy creativity and imagination for designing, constructing, and managing man-made replicas of people, animals, or objects to perform amusing feats for entertainment.

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    Body Image and Belly Dance

    19 months ago

    Everyone needs a positive body image of self and belly dancing offers a changeover of your image for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual habits of confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem.

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    Cosplay Hobby Is For Everyone

    4 years ago

    Cosplay, a coined word for Costume play, is a "hot" current hobby which is gaining momentum as more people hear, see, and participate in the fun and excitement. Become another persona with cosplay.

  • Should You Take Belly Dancing Classes At Home or in the Studio?

    Should You Take Belly Dancing Classes At Home or in the Studio?

    19 months ago

    Belly dancing classes may be take place in the privacy of your home environment, in a community center, schools and colleges, women's organizations, or in dance studios. It's your choice.

  • Beach Adventure, Fun, and Activities

    Beach Adventure, Fun, and Activities

    6 years ago

    The beach can be a year-round experience for fun, education, vacation, or enjoying the sun and surf for activities and relaxation. Beaches are for everyone to enjoy during any time of the year.

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    Art and Craft of Beading

    6 years ago

    The art and craft of beading is a fun, artful, and a skillful craft for creating wearable, utilitarian, or display arts and crafts. Use synthetic or natural sources of beads.

  • Painting with Acrylics - Landscaping or Portraits

    Painting with Acrylics - Landscaping or Portraits

    6 years ago

    Painting with acrylic paints offer opportunities for watercolor, acrylic, and oil painting effects. These paints are easy to use for painting landscapes or portrait creations on any surface..

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    Building A Gazebo - Styles and Types

    3 years ago

    Gazebos are additional rooms which are built outdoors. Gazebos will increase property value as well as to have a utilitarian use for the residents of the home. Build a gazebo in a few weekends.

  • Travel is a Hobby for Sensual Experiences

    Travel is a Hobby for Sensual Experiences

    5 years ago

    Traveling can be considered a hobby or combine your hobbies and interests while enjoying the activity of traveling. A traveling hobby can be done solo, family, or with groups of people.

  • Aquaponics Information - Water Gardening with Fish

    Aquaponics Information - Water Gardening with Fish

    7 years ago

    Aquaponics is gardening with fish and water. Feed the fish and in turn the fish will fertilize the vegetables, fruits, or flowers. Provide protein and complex carbohydrate meals for the family.

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    Drawing and Painting Faces

    2 years ago

    Drawing and painting faces is fun and exciting. The portrait artist is a living camera duplicating the individual's appearance with pen and ink or painting with acrylics or oil paints.

  • Jigsaw Puzzles – Fun, Education, and Therapy

    Jigsaw Puzzles – Fun, Education, and Therapy

    6 years ago

    Jigsaw puzzles offer hours of fun, problem solving education, and brain stimulating therapy. This quiet hobby can entertain children and adults for many pleasurable hours.

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    How To Do Flower Arrangements

    4 years ago

    Arranging flowers is a personal art and craft project which anyone can do as a hobby. It is an inexpensive hobby which will bring hours of pleasure and beauty to your home or work place.

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    Needlework Arts and Crafts

    5 years ago

    Needlework arts and crafts have been enjoyed by men, women, and children for many centuries. There is a needlework project which will satisfy anyone who wishes to create with needle and thread.

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    Planning a Model Train Layout

    2 months ago

    Planning a model train layout will require time and effort to avoid making serious mistakes. Design a simple and realistically working model to accommodate the scale size of the train and its tracks.

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    Are You A Tattoo Person?

    4 years ago

    To get a tattoo or not? Tattoos may be popular, but at the same time, one needs to give careful thought before doing so. There are non-permanent solutions to try before making your design permanent.

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    Types of Recreational Boats

    5 years ago

    There are many types of recreational boats to choose from and deciding which one to select will be a personal decision which is based on water activity, finances, maintenance and storage.

  • The Art of Decorating Eggs

    The Art of Decorating Eggs

    5 years ago

    Decorating eggs for any occasion is attracting artists and craftsmen. The simple egg has become a fragile canvas for painted, decorated, and sculptured masterpieces.

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    Bicycling As A Hobby

    5 years ago

    Bicycling as a hobby on a solo trip or with friends or family is a fun outdoor activity which is enjoyed by thousands of people worldwide. Bicycling is an inexpensive fitness and recreation activity.

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    A Beginner's Guide to Collecting Seashells as a Hobby

    3 months ago

    The hobby of collecting sea shells has been done for thousands of years. Whether you live by the seashore or are an occasional visitor of a beach site, a shell advertises nature's art.

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    The Hobby of Fishing

    5 years ago

    The hobby of fishing is a popular recreational past time which individuals, families, and friends can enjoy. This hobby offers the duality of entertainment and catching a source of food.

  • Learn the Art of Embroidery

    Learn the Art of Embroidery

    5 years ago

    The art of embroidery continues to be a popular needlecraft accomplished by hand stitching or by machine. This art form of needlework has existed for centuries and will continue to do so.

  • Quilting Fabrics and Quilting Thread

    Quilting Fabrics and Quilting Thread

    7 years ago

    Beautiful quilting fabrics is why many of us are drawn to the art of quilting. Creating and stitching a fabric puzzle design of simple blocks or more complex designs is a challenging form of art.

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    Quilting as a Hobby

    5 years ago

    Quilting as a hobby is an enjoyable sewing art and craft pastime for men, women, and children. It is a popular sewing craft which can be accomplished by hand stitching or machine stitching.

  • Searching For Treasures With A Metal Detector

    Searching For Treasures With A Metal Detector

    5 years ago

    Searching for treasures with a metal detector is an exciting, educational, and fun hobby. This outdoor activity discovers lost treasures of gold and silver coins, historical artifacts and more.

  • Information About Honey Bees

    Information About Honey Bees

    5 years ago

    Honey Bees are buzzing among the flowers in our plant environments. We are aware that bees sting, but humans enjoy the sweet, nutritional, and medicinal benefits of the honey produced by these bees.

  • Lose Weight The Smart Way

    Lose Weight The Smart Way

    6 years ago

    Lose weight eating wholesome fresh foods which suit your health lifestyle and exercise program. Avoid 'quick loss' and fad diets. Adopt a lifestyle of healthy eating which works for your body type.

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    Woodworking - Hobby Or Business?

    6 years ago

    Woodworking is a wonderful pleasurable hobby for anyone. After a few wooden creations and you wish to venture into building a business; do it. People love wood crafts and skilled work is in demand.

  • Bird Watching for Everyone

    Bird Watching for Everyone

    5 years ago

    Bird watching is an enjoyable outdoor hobby to experience. Bring a pair of binoculars, a camera, a bird field guide, patience, and a pen and notebook. This is an excellent outdoor fun activity.

  • The Wrong Career Choice

    The Wrong Career Choice

    5 years ago

    It is not uncommon to discover that a wrong career choice has been made. We had the best intentions in our youth, but our adult years revealed that the selected career was ill chosen. Rediscover self.

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    Glamorous, Ghoulish, or Ghostly One-Night Outfits

    22 months ago

    Make glamorous, ghoulish, or a ghostly costume in one night. It can be done by looking in your household closets and using your arts and crafts skills. Use makeup on hand for facial expressions.

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    Soil Preparation and Landscaping

    5 years ago

    The good earth needed to help plant life flourish requires soil preparation of healthy nutrients, bacteria, and beneficial insects and worms. The gardener is the guardian who assists Mother nature.

  • Home-based Handmade Jewelry Business

    Home-based Handmade Jewelry Business

    5 years ago

    Working from home is very popular for people who are considering a part-time business, have a small fund for investment, not sure if they are capable of operating a business, or experimenting.

  • The Hobby of Traveling

    The Hobby of Traveling

    5 years ago

    The hobby of traveling alone or with companions introduces adventures of new lands, seasonal changes, and real experiences. Pack your luggage and enjoy the benefits of traveling.

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    Inexpensive Hobbies to Overcome Boredom

    4 years ago

    There are many inexpensive hobbies to be pursued for both indoor and outdoor activities. No hobby? No excuses. Hobbies benefit personal exploration of interests and skills and talents.

  • Fabric Ideas for Home Interior

    Fabric Ideas for Home Interior

    19 months ago

    Recycled fabrics can be utilized from many other fabrics in the home. Curtains can be redyed or restyled. Renew or replace pillow covers, bed linens, , sofa covers, even lamp shade covers.

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    Make Money with Hobby

    5 years ago

    A hobby is a love or a passion for a particular interest. An insatiable appetite for this pleasure allows the opportunity to make money based on your expertise and skills to benefit others.

  • Business Tips for Hobby Interests

    Business Tips for Hobby Interests

    4 years ago

    Hobbies which become businesses are many because a hobby is an extension of an individual whose talents and skills produce products or services which fulfill the needs of others.


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