You want to be happy? Everyone wants to be happy? How is happiness achieved? The secret of happiness is no secret. The happiness secret is out. You won't find happiness. You decide to be happy and happiness follows. We bring happiness into our lives by being first deciding to be happy.
If you're a public speaker who is still gaining confidence within a teaching environment but have reached a certain level of confidence and am wondering what to do next, taking the next step of moving OUTSIDE of that training environment is a necessity if you are to grow.
This is a story provided by my Higher Self - which some people call God - to my little self in my book 'Divine Dialogue - How to hold a conversation with God. Done via Automatic Writing.
The gentle art of enjoying the present moment just as it is has become redundant. Today, everything lies ahead. Our search for happiness remains a search - a never ending search.
Eckhart Tolle's advice re the Power of Now and Vipassana Meditation combined is what this essay is about. One stops present trauma, the other rids us of what we've already accumulated in our minds.
Ways to boost creativity and innovation.
Public Speaking tips. This one deals with Toastmaster Evaluations.
Water divining has been around forever, it seems. But divining for the location of something more than water, oil, gold, minerals, and even from maps, is claimed to work.
Without this bridge, the city of Hobart is virtually divided into two halves. Car ferries just couldn't cope Sunday night, January 5th, 1975. It is a cold, dark, rainy, blowy night. The Australian National Line’s bulk ore carrier, the 10,000...
Exerp from Chatper 7 of my book, Divine Dialogue. Deals with Automatic Writing.
"You see it when you believe it," says Dr. Wayne Dyer. So many of us will not believe UNTIL we see it and wonder why the things we want take so long to come into our lives.
This essay deals with the use of orally told entertaining stories
Telling a story to a live audience is a lot different from telling it in written form. This Hub deals with oral storytelling and how to impact and audience so that your story is remembered.
Welcome to this Hub on Speaking Tips Overcoming fear of public speaking is, as everyone knows, one of the most common of all desires. We want to rid ourselves of the those worries, all those anxieties. "He can do it." "She can do it." "They just...
Improving communications skills by becoming a public speaker
In public speaking an audience is really interested in ' what's in it for me?'
Varying pitch, pace and pause; the rise and fall of the voice; the emphasis and lack of it, all are so essential to our best delivery. Delivery and content, both are must be first class.
Storytelling is the key to any memorable presentation. Entertainment is story: story is entertainment and everyone likes to be entertained. It's the way to get your message remembered.
Did you ever stop to ask about life's most important questions?