Songs have a much greater effect than many of us give them credit for. Especially when they are spiritual songs. They can do so much more than sound good to the ear.
Reading is a wonderful feat. Successful people read a lot. Christians should too. It's not merely a suggestion. The Bible supports that objective too. How many books do you read a month?
There are nine fruits of the Spirit. We all know that. What's more intriguing is that the Bible says "fruit"not fruits, which suggests varieties of one. What if I say there are more than nine of them?
As Christians, we are all plagued by temptations due to the lust of our bodies. How do we overcome them? We seem to put so much effort on that, but yet fail time and time again. There may be a way.
Repentance is a well known and sought out topic in the Christian circles. It has always been attributed to forgiveness and the altar call for salvation. But what is it, really?iw
There are important voices that you should incline to listen to everyday as a Christian. Voices that are meant to guide you. What are these voices? How can they be heard amidst the noise?
Have you been frowned upon by some of your own christian folks because you are struggling with sin? You are the planting of the Lord; created for good works. Let him nurture you.