Learn what the most expensive lawyers say to managers about what they should and should not do to avoid getting sued by employees. You, as an employee, can use this information to your advantage.
This article will break down the definition of retaliation claims and protected classes, as well as how these claims can succeed where hostile work environment claims fail.
Are you working hard at getting a new job, sending out resumes, getting interviews, and being told you only have to pass a reference check but then not getting the job? In many cases, you have legal recourse. Learn more about dealing with bad references and whether you can sue for defamation.
If a supervisor or bullying boss has turned your once likeable job into a series of humiliating and degrading confrontations, then do not file a complaint with human resources for help. Human resources is not your friend.
So, what should you do if you are a victim of workplace bullying? Although the quiz I've provided refers to what you've experienced in your whole career, the need to take action depends upon how many of these indications you are currently experiencing.