Not to be an evergreen topic, as Trump is bound to self-destruct his political career -- and that pretty soon.
I can't breathe for the nation, live life of the nation -- I can only dream my own dreams and fix my own illusions.
Humor is good, even when dark -- and especially political.
Find out why I am calling it a "Village Idiot Syndrome"
What is the ultimate political truth, if the media is always that most powerful source and the fabricator of the raw facts.
Other than presenting a sort of "divine version of stress-management" -- to some folks -- religion is but one hypocritical establishment. And here is why.
Minding one's own business may be a virtue of some more advanced future generations -- but we are not there yet, evidently not even in our intentions.
In politics, things are never what they appear to be -- and it's so much more so with the current turbulence caused by Trump's erratic behavior.
When people don't even allow the possibility of being politically wrong, it's the sheer symptom of having been brainwashed.
Quite possibly some very decent human beings, but illiterate folks may not be qualified voters.
There is an undeserved stigma attached to something that's crucial for both our mental and physical health.
While everybody agrees that we are all different, so many expect others to be like themselves. How crazy.
Truth is multilayered, and knowing only about one layer is not knowing.
Kind of reverse psychology applied in tricking our mind for success.
Exploring frontiers of who we could become.
Not bragging, but it's quite O.K. if it looks like one.
Without identifying ourselves with our bodies -- it comes easier to envision it all.
Sentiment for past versions of self far back in time.
We either are romantic or we are not -- nothing can "teach" us to become one -- including all tenets of any religion.
Not being perfect vs. not doing anything about being imperfect.
It's a cultivated habit of living and choosing consciously in life, instead of allowing life to happen to us.
So many easily hurtable souls are finding their healing balsam in religion.
With a final truth in that area of knowledge still being up for grabs, another possible explanation may at least serve for an intellectual fun.
At the bottom of all self-transformational modalities, notably those having to do with a strong willpower, is one single practice that I named "subjectness".
As species, we are so much more prone to find reasons to be pissed than amused, playful and happy.
Sub-clinical depression caused by repeated negative responses.
When we mention "logic", we think of "common sense" -- but it used to be common sense that the Earth was flat, which brings us to something that I am calling "sub-logic".
People "feed" their trigger-happy fight-flight mechanism with anything that may remotely resemble its "food".
We resort to blaming everybody and everything to avoid the truth.
Different impacts of conspiracy theories and alarmism on public mood.
It's like same energy only gets channeled into opposite expressions.
What is our dominating attitude in life?
Can we manifest a better version of ourselves from that tiniest of tiny levels of being -- the quantum?
Voices and eyes of authorities in our head spoiling shower fun with their phantom presence.
What to do about proverbial "monster-in-law" when quiet suffering doesn't work.
Still aware of only few of infinite facets of what is "real" about us.
Enigmatic historic personage with alleged superhuman abilities.
Reopening old wounds prevents their healing, reprograming the mind heals them.
Alternative anthropology and how E.T.s. are possibly seeing us.
Language is hiding some traits of our mentality -- say linguists.
In a contrast with all monumental cathedrals, temples and statues erected in honor of Jesus and Buddha, so little is evident in this world that would point at a genuine attempt to follow their teachings. Let us find out why that is so.
There are questions which prevent blind religious indoctrination.
People have gone quite creative about what to believe and what to celebrate.
Only being perfect could justify endless grudge.
Fear mongering is classic tool of mass manipulation.
Part of human psyche never accepted monogamy.