Don't throw away your broken makeup. With this quick tip, you can salvage your foundation and use it again tomorrow.
Hip dysplasia is one of the most common canine skeletal disorders. While this genetic condition is more common among larger breeds, it can develop in any dog. Here are the symptoms, causes, and common treatments vets may recommend.
Christmas shopping for a newborn isn't always the easiest task, but there are plenty of options for nice Christmas gifts for them.
It's not uncommon for men to date women who are younger than they are. If your dad is dating someone your age, there may not be much you can do but be honest with him.
Turtles and tortoises can both develop respiratory tract infections in either the lower or upper parts of the respiratory system. In most cases, the upper respiratory infection is going to be more common than a lower infection. Do not compare the...
Some breeds of dogs are particularly prone to ear infections—and cropping ears does not treat or prevent infections. Dogs have L-shaped ear canals that should be cleaned regularly.
If your leopard gecko has leftover skin stuck from his last shed, find out what may cause shedding issues and how to prevent them.
Russian tortoises are great beginner pet tortoises, as they are healthy and hardy creatures. This type is relatively small compared to others in the pet market. Here's how to care for them.
Pyramiding tortoise shells is probably the most common problem that keepers have with captive tortoises, as it's seldom seen in wild tortoises. The condition doesn't necessarily hurt the tortoise and isn't a problem unless there are dietary...
Did you know that salamanders and newts are among the most popular pets in the world? However, they are pets with very different care requirements.
A list of frog species that are good for people looking for their first frog pet, from the pacman frog to the dwarf underwater frog.
Looking to get a pet turtle or tortoise for the first time? Here is a beginner's guide to caring for and maintaining one, with species, tips, and more.
Navel piercings are very popular and generally pretty easy to heal, but that doesn't mean there won't be complications. Here's what to do if you experience any of these common problems.
Chinchillas are generally pretty healthy animals, but at the same time, they are also very fragile. Their skeletal systems are fragile, and their immune system can easily be compromised. The animal cannot get wet, and it must be kept at cooler...
Believe it or not, there are more than one species of pet hermit crabs. You may even have more than one in your tank without ever knowing it. Below, you'll find basic descriptions to the common species of hermit crabs. Keep in mind that for the...
How can you tell if your belly button piercing is infected? Doctors explain the signs of an infected belly piercing and how to treat an infection to help it heal faster.
If you get a hip surface piercing, choosing the right jewelry and doing proper aftercare may keep it from being rejected. You don't want your piercing to be rejected, because it could mean pain and hefty doctor's bills! Here's everything you need to know about piercing aftercare.
Hair grows about 12 to 15 centimeters each year, which is about 4.5 to 7 inches a year, but it seems when we want our hair to grow faster, it just doesn't. The reason why there the shampoos and products don't magically make your hair grow is because...
High blood pressure is pretty common. About one in every three adults in the U.S has it, and about 1/3 of those people don't even know it. Signs of hypertension may include dizziness or dizzy spells, headaches, nosebleeds, and a flushed face, neck,...
Trying to decipher communications between you and your hamster? Learn how to understand what hamsters are trying to tell you or another hamster.
It's not uncommon to purchase a female hamster from a pet store to suddenly see her have babies, especially when the pet stores have community hamster enclosures. Having a litter of hamster babies just isn't ideal for most people.
Figuring out what to do with your pet hamster when you're going on vacation? You can either take them with you or find a sitter. Here are the pros and cons of each option.
Learn how to potty train your hamster!
With lots of patience, you can train your new hamster to accept being held by a human.
Worried your hamster is sick? Hamsters are usually pretty hardy animals, but they can have allergies to food, bedding, and other agents. The most common allergen for hamsters is going to be the bedding or another household agent.
Read on to learn the common causes of respiratory infections in hamsters and what you can do if your hamster is sick.
Does your hamster have an abnormal lump anywhere on the body? Then you should definitely find a veterinarian that is familiar with small animals so that you can have the lump diagnosed. Here are other signs to look for, along with treatment options.
Is your hamster getting a cold? Learn the signs and a few remedies to help your sick hamster feel better.
If you suspect your hamster has a broken leg, foot, or another injury, take them to the vet as soon as possible. Learn more about broken bones in hamsters in this article, including the causes and signs.
Did you know that hamsters can acquire fungal infections? This condition can become deadly to them if the owner does not keep the cage clean. Learn how to protect your hamster's health.
Cats are natural groomers, so they are typically pretty clean and have clean fur and skin, but sometimes they need a little help in keeping their skin and coat healthy because they are susceptible to skin infections, parasites, allergies, and other...
The Cave gecko (Goniurosaurus) is not as popular of a pet gecko when compared to leopard geckos and African fat tail geckos, but this species is one of the eyelid geckos, too. They range from different locations and areas of the world, but you'll...
Learn how to care for a Chinese cave gecko (Goniurosaurus luii), including housing, diet, and feeding.
Do you know which foods are toxic to cats? This article includes a list of ingredients you should steer clear of to keep your pet happy and healthy.
One of my turtles came down with septicemia. Here are the signs and symptoms to look out for and how to avoid making your tortoise sick.
Do you have a red-footed tortoise? Wondering how to keep him healthy? Red-footed tortoises are usually pretty healthy as long as their diet is maintained and their habitat has the right humidity, temperature, and lighting.
Which is safer: a piercing gun or piercing needles? Learn the pros and cons of each method so you can make the best, smartest decision for yourself.
You may see a tiny turtle and get the impulse to get one as a pet, but before you do, make sure you know what you are getting into.
Is it really a good idea to have a wolf-dog hybrid as a pet? Here I unpack the hows and whys of having a wolf-dog hybrid as a pet.
If you have a tortoise and you're working on an outdoor enclosure or you're just trying to vary the diet as much as you can, you'll definitely want to consider going outside of the grocery store for greens, flowers, and plants. You'll will want to...
No matter what the breed is, any individual dog can be dominant or submissive. It's all in the temperament of the individual dogs. Collies can be very dominant and Rottweilers can be very submissive, or the other way around. There's never a clear...
Horned frogs are generally pretty healthy, but like all animals, they can develop illnesses and get sick. It'll likely stay healthy if you are careful where you purchase your frog, what you feed it, and how you house it.
Learn about the signs and symptoms of Addison's disease in dogs.
In this article, I will talk about the best ways to house a hedgehog to make sure you can meet the proper requirements for your pet's cage, container or tank setup.
Navel piercings should heal fairly quickly if you clean them regularly and follow some dos and don'ts.
Especially after getting your first tattoo, you'll want to make sure that the healing process has gone well. You may develop a scar if you notice raised skin or itchiness. Learn how to prevent and treat tattoo scarring with aloe vera.
An awesome-looking tattoo can, unfortunately, turn into a big infected mess. Read on to learn the symptoms of infection and how to treat it.
A guide on tattoo aftercare and what not to do after getting a new tattoo.
Learn about how long it takes for a tongue to heal, what to avoid, how to heal quicker, and view a variety of pictures of single, multiple, horizontal, and venom piercings.
There are a number of worms that your dog can contract. That is why it is important that you get your dog dewormed at the appropriate age, as a severe infestation can become fatal in young puppies.
Because our dogs are pretty important in our lives for one reason or another, it can be scary to find out that our pet may have cancer. I'm in that boat as we speak, with possible bone cysts or possible cancer. This has prompted me to do a little...
This is a guide on how to stretch your ears to larger gauges, as well as what tools and techniques to use.
Neutering your dog may potentially reduce health problems in the future that an otherwise unneutered male dog will face. Before you opt for the procedure, make sure you know all the details.
Personality-wise, there is really nothing different from a female dog and a male dog. But what about when your female dog goes into heat? Here are some tips on how to manage.
Did you know that when you adopt a female dog from a shelter, the dog is generally already spayed or will be shortly after adoption? Here's a complete explanation of the spaying process.
There are different reasons as to why your dog may be trying to run away, and no one of the reasons is not that he doesn't like you and is trying to get away. For the most part, some dogs just like to get out, and typically there are breeds that are...
This article looks at the different types of body modifications out there.
This article contains a few tips that I have put together that should help you with your Halloween makeup. I have also included a few tips to making fake scars and wounds.
Did you know that crested geckos are very simple to house and don't necessarily require heating or lighting? However, you have to make sure that their enclosure is big enough. Find out how to properly set up one.
If you are having problems with your XBox 360, you can attempt to fix it yourself by taking it apart and trying to clean it out, and if you are not 100% sure how to do that, you can following the following guide for taking apart your XBox 360 and...
Although many people think that when you live in an apartment, you options for pets is pretty slim to none, well that's really not the case. There are many animals that can live happily in apartments, just as long as you know how to properly care...
It is one of the hardest decisions that pet owners can make- when is the right time to put your dog (or other pet) to sleep. Because our dogs become part of the family, when they start to age and show signs of age, it can be very hard to decide when...
If your leopard gecko drops its tail, learn how you can make sure it stays healthy and doesn't get infected.
Did you realize that many dogs suffer from seizures? Here's how your vet can tell if your dog is suffering from it, along with the available treatment options.
Your crested gecko deserves a little healthy treat once in a while! Here are some easy recipes for homemade gecko treats.
Learn how to keep Russian tortoises and what they need to thrive, including care, diet, enclosures, ideal temperatures, and more.
As dogs age, it's important that you know how to properly care for their needs. Older dogs require a different set of care guidelines.
This article will help you pick the ideal pit bull puppy.
The most confused terms in relation to Pit Bulls is probably "gameness." Most people misconstrue the term as representing the dog's courage, fight ability, or endurance in the pit, but it is the never quit attitude and fight-to-the-death...
Are you looking to adopt a puppy or dog but not sure how to go about choosing one? Although not foolproof, a temperament test might be the way to go. But keep in mind that other factors will contribute to the puppy's adult life, and its behavior may change.
Corn snakes are popular as pets. Find out tips for breeding your favorite snake species.
Read on to learn about symptoms and treatments of some common diseases of pet snakes, including blister disease, constipation, mites and ticks, shedding problems, and stomatitis.
Learn what you'll need to properly care for a leopard gecko, including enclosure size, temperatures, substrates, diet, and other things to avoid. Includes tricks for keeping your gecko happy and healthy.
Overall, leopard geckos are one of the best beginner reptiles, but the biggest misconception is that their native habitat is on the sand. They're desert animals, so it must be sand, right? Wrong. Learn how to set up an enclosure that fits your pet's natural habitat.
This article will offer recipes on making homemade sorbet in the wonderful flavors of berry and cantaloupe.
The Egyptian Gods have a rather interesting family tree and creation. Staring with one god who developed an entire race of upper and lower gods. There's a lot of inbreeding needless to say, and like any family tree that involved inbreeding, it can...
Every Egyptian help concerns about the Afterlife and the Beyond. Although, the gods and goddesses demanded mollification while you are alive, once you die, the gods become beneficent protectors and provide for the dead. Death was not seen as the...
Scientists study mice to better understand how different music genres affect children. As long as you're careful and kind to these critters, you can do this experiment yourself at home!
When thinking about the putting your children through home school versus public or private school, you really should make sure that you understand all of the criteria involved in at home education. There is a special set of rules that a parent,...
It's never really been a probably for me to ask for a new dog and get it. I mean in general, I'll say it, I'm spoiled, and usually get what I want with my parents, relationships, friends, teachers, etc. Getting things has never really been to hard. ...
A narrative poem is one that tells a story. It can be short or long. It can rhyme with a set pattern or without; it doesn't doesn't have to rhyme, though. It can have a set meter or be a little varied. Narrative poems don't follow too many rules,...
Most kids love Chinese food, so why not make a dinner for the family. Involve your kids in this Chinese tradition and make a lovely meal for your family to sit down and enjoy each other and the wonder food that you've prepared. You're children will...
One of the most common questions is, "How much is my tattoo going to cost?" The short answer is: It depends! Here's how to accurately estimate the cost of your tattoo.
Spare time and money? Take on a hobby. Hobbies aren't just to keep you out of trouble and to fill your spare time; they can make for a future investment, too. By spending your time collecting rare coins and investing in rare stamps, one day, you or...
A list of what you'll need to start a business breeding reptiles, with estimated costs.
No, I'm not speaking in terms of doggy clothes and accessories. No bling- bling collars or jeweled leashes. I'm thinking more in terms of plastic surgery for dogs. It's not necessarily a new thing, a new trend, a new style. Dog's don't care what...
Senior pranks tend to be a unofficial tradition at most high schools, similar to the unofficial senior skip day. It is crucial to find the perfect prank; one must realized the fine line between mischievous and vandalism or criminal. No senior...
Created for Nintendo Wii, One Piece: Unlimited Adventure is based on the anime series- One Piece- that released in Japen in 2007. The game released in the United States in January 2008. Following the anime series Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper battle...
Pokemon Battle Revolution features 11 different colosseums, each with changes to both normal play and prerequisists. The attacks are more diverse, with each Pokemon acquiring their own animations allowing for most moves. Some of the animations...
Although chinchillas are relatively robust and hardy, they can succumb to several common health problems, most of which are preventable.
Chinchillas may look foreign and exotic.. Well, that's because they are. They're not your average fancy rat or lop bunny, but in terms of anatomy, they do have the same basic anatomy of the smaller sized rodent. To be able to spot signs of illness...
Leopard geckos make great pets. Why? Because they're small, docile, and come in a TON of colors and patterns- I.E. morphs. You can pick and choose your favorites, whether it be a bright Super Hypo Tangerine Carrot Tail Baldy leopard gecko or a pale...
American Pit Bull Terriers are the most vicious breed out there, right? I mean they're a danger to both children and men, alike. Ignore the statistics, they're not the least likely breed to bite; they're vicious and a hazard to any home... Well,...
Fancy rats can will eat just about anything you can. But, that doesn't necessarily mean that they should. You should monitor what foods you feed your pet rat(s), as some are better than others. Even with the below recipes, you will need to watch...
Because rats can eat just about anything and everything that we, humans can, it's fun to create interesting recipes that are both healthy and yummy for your pet rat(s). You can even put a twist by adding this or that, and making the recipe yummy to...
There are many diets for rats on the market, but you may want to vary your pet's diet with something homemade.
Learn about common sicknesses in hamsters, how to identify symptoms and when to see the vet.
Butter worms are a bright yellow and orange worm that is imported from Chile. It is known for its strong fruity smell that most reptiles love. Butter worms are common in Europe, and now in the U.S. These worms are commonly used for bait in...
Because Ebay is the largest source of items across the world. It is truly an international auction where you can find new and used books, cars, electronics, toys, and more. But, you must beware of the potential scams that lurk around the auctions.
Did you know that silkworms are a great staple feeder for your reptile? They have no smell, can't jump or run away, cannot bite, are slow-moving, and are packed with nutrients! Learn how to breed and raise them.
Learn what you'll need and tips for raising and breeding discoid roaches, which are a great staple feeder for larger reptiles. This article will cover the important basics of how to breed a discoid roach colony.
Impaction is a condition in which the digestive tract is blocked by a solid or semi-solid mass. If it is not treated, it can become fatal. Various factors can cause impactions.
Metabolic bone disease (MBD) is a common disease in reptiles. Learn what causes it, what symptoms to look for, why it's dangerous, and how to treat it.
Staph infection is caused by a bacterium that has evolved to resist many of our current antibiotics. Though many infections are minor, some can cause serious damage or even death.
Goldendoodles are a mix breed dog that many breeders classify as actual breeds. Before you buy a goldendoodle, check your local shelter for a similar mix.
Want a surface piercing? Here's what you need to know: a look at the different types of surface piercings, how to heal them, and what can cause piercing migration. Don't be scared of body modification!
Learn all about ear piercings, from the various placements and jewelry types to dos and don'ts.
Agility training and dog obstacle courses were shaped after a Steeplechase in England. The first debut was in the UK at Crufts in 1978, and has become the fasted growing dog sport among both spectators and competitors because it is fast and...
Fake rock can be a great decorative piece or pieces that you can add to your reptiles enclosure. I've composed an instruction of how to make fake rock, using the pictures from my fake from background that I put in my leopard gecko enclosure (20 gallon long).
Is your dog scared of the basement or thunder? This article will go over how you can help your dog overcomes some fears that they may have.
Pit bulls were once a sign of dignity and strength to the United States and for the people therein. The never-quit attitude that they held was a statement towards the United States. They were once posted in advertisements, on magazines, and in...
Breeding leopard geckos is relatively easy if you have a male and female. Learn how to determine the sex and best practices for helping geckos mate, lay eggs, incubate, and hatch young.
If you've noticed that your leopard gecko is not eating, here are some possible reasons, including illness, diet issues, environmental problems, and more.
When debating between a mouse or a rat there are several things that you should consider before making a purchase. CAGE: Naturally, rats get larger than mice and require a larger cage. Larger cages are more expensive than smaller cages. And,...
Pet rats are cute, furry, smart, and social. No one wants anything to be wrong with their pet, not even a pet rat. Typically, they are very hardy pets. When they get sick, they generally don't show any signs of illness until it's further into the...
Do you have a pet rat? Thinking about getting one? Know someone who has one? Either way, in any sense, rats will enjoy many different treats and foods, but as always, there are some better than others. First off treats should never encompass more...
Want a hamster but not sure how to care for one? Here are a few tips and guidelines for hamster owners. Learn about their temperament, diet, housing, and behaviors.
There's usually a big debate over frozen or live rodents. Personally, I prefer frozen, but I have a picky snake, which I'll explain later. First off, snakes aren't the only reptile who will munch on a mouse every now and then. Monitors, tegus,...
Reptiles have found their way in many homes in America these days. People own reptiles varying from ball pythons to Burmese pythons. leopard geckos to giant day geckos, and bearded dragons to iguanas. Reptiles can be found at many and most...
How can you tell when your hamsters are infected with wet tail? Learn how to spot the signs, what causes this condition, and how to treat it.