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Virginia Alice Crawford (writerfab8)

Joined 14 years ago from Texas

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    The Importance of Thinking Time

    24 months ago

    Do you rush through your day? Do you feel muddled not knowing what to do next? When is the last time you've taken time to be alone with your thoughts and just think of where, what, who, and how you want to be? My essay tells about my journey of making time to think. Maybe it will help you find time.

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    Honoring Our Fathers

    2 years ago

    I've written a lot about fathers lately, in particular about my own daddy. Everyone has their father story, even if they don't remember their dad. In mine, I share only bits and pieces of a man who was quiet but complex, loving and caring but misunderstood. It's only now I'm older I can see "wider."

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    The Bonds of Motherhood

    2 years ago

    Growing up the oldest daughter of a fifteen-year-old was not an easy feat while I was doing it. Today, my momma and I have a remarkably good relationship. So much so that she's okay with me writing about my experiences to help others with their bonds of motherhood - either as a child or as a parent.

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    Spring Cleaning and the Joy of Less

    2 years ago

    How are you with clutter? Are you spring cleaning this year? Have you considered decluttering so you can embrace the joy of living more by having less? Tune in as I share things I've learned along the way about accumulating and letting go of stuff. Letting go of stuff isn't easy, but it can be done.

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    Embracing Life’s Expectations and Disappointments

    2 years ago

    When is the last time you were disappointed by an expectation which didn’t turn out as you’d hoped? Did you wallow for days in utter disappointment? Or did you adjust your sails and pick a different plan or just go with the flow? Here's a quick recap of how I went from disappointment to flexibility.

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    The Importance of an Organized Life

    2 years ago

    Do you struggle with organizing your life? Do you wonder if you will ever get organized? Do you question how to file bills, insurance policies, or household information? I used to struggle, too, and still do to an extent. But I'm here to share some ideas with you, and tell you that you're not alone.

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    For the Love of Movies

    2 years ago

    Do you love watching movies whether it's at home or the movie theater? Did you used to go to the movies all the time but not since the pandemic hit? Tune in for some insight from a movie lover who started a movie club and watches movies with anyone she can. If you love movies, let's get inspired.

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    About Providing Book Ratings and Writing Reviews

    2 years ago

    After almost a year of rating and reviewing books, here is an overview of what I've read about ratings and reviews, how I rate books, and and how I write up my reviews. Hopefully, there is something of value to you as you search for ways to develop personal techniques when writing your book reviews.

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    Inspiring Your Journey As You Find Yourself

    2 years ago

    Have you ever not known what you want to be when you grow up? Do you still wonder about it? Do wonder if your life could've been different? Are you in a place where you could use some ideas on what to do? This article shares a bit of my own journey with some tips which I hope will be helpful to you.

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    How Writing on a Weekly Schedule Helps Me Be a Better Writer

    2 years ago

    Schedules should be important to writers. As a writer, I have determined that having a writing schedule, particularly a writing day, one day out of the week for nothing but writing projects or goals, has been most beneficial. If you're struggling to write, check out this article for some savvy tips.

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    When Self-Discipline Turns Ashes into Grace

    2 years ago

    We are officially in Lent, a time for turning away from things which don't serve us well, and a time for turning our face and spirit toward God. As we recall Jesus' forty days spent in the desert, let us also think about those things which bring us closer to God - self-discipline, ashes, and grace.

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    Writing with Personal Style and Flair

    2 years ago

    Do you wonder if your writing has personality or if it may be on the dry side? Are you unsure if anyone is reading your writings? It always helps to know the story of your writing journey, as it gives you confidence. Read on for ideas on how to develop more personal style and flair in your writing.

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    Juggling the Busyness of Life

    2 years ago

    Do you have an excessively busy life with lots of to-dos? Do you feel like you could use more time, or structure, to help you find more enjoyment in life? Whether it's making lists, slowing down, or letting go, we can learn how not to juggle so many demands on our time and to enjoy our life better.

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    Ways Anyone Can Succeed at Writing

    2 years ago

    Do you wonder if you are good enough at writing to be a published author? Do you question if you can do it? I used to wonder the same thing. Read on for part of my writing journey on the road to self-publication. I believe writing is for everyone and, if you want, you can become published, too.

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    The Power of Likes on Social Media

    2 years ago

    Have you wondered if it really matters to "like" social media posts? Not just one, but any or all? This article delves into the power of likes in our social media world. After reading it, perhaps your "likes" will be more meaningful and be made more conscientiously, intentionally, and thoughtfully.

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    Compliments Can Make a Person's Day

    2 years ago

    Compliments seem like such a trivial thing at times, especially in this busy world of ours. But compliments actually give us a reason to smile, help us feel good on a bad day, and encourage us to do better when we question our worth. Take time to read and be inspired to give more compliments today.

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    How We Can Be More Compassionate

    2 years ago

    Are you a naturally compassionate person? Do you pay it forward for others? Are you looking to find ways to be more caring? Wherever you are, compassion is much needed in our busy world. If you are needing inspiration in caring about others, this article could be worth your reading.

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    How to Improve on Honoring One Another

    2 years ago

    Honoring one another is something we can do in our day-to-day lives. When we honor others, we also honor ourselves. By honoring others and ourselves, we take time to pause and to listen, to access the needs of others as well as our own. What are some ways anyone can honor others more?


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