How Do I Bathe a Dog at Home? 10 Tips for Bathing Your Dog at Home
How To Bathe Your Dog At Home
How to Give Your Dog a Bath Safely
A bath or a shower is not the most popular past times for dogs. Dogs often get distressed at the sight of a towel, and even more reluctant to enter the bathroom.
As a dog owner, I know doggie bath time is challenging. On a more positive note, there are many things you can do to turn bath time into a fun time for your dog.
Dogs in the Bath
Dogs love to play so turning the bath time experience into fun time is a good idea.
My dog Gonzo loves to have his Kong toy with him in the bath. It makes him much less stressed and seems to distract him from the unpleasant task ahead. Unfortunately Gonzo does need a bath quite often as he suffers from a slight skin disorder after an episode of neglect in his earlier life.
I put a small piece of cheese into his Kong toy. He quickly focuses his attention on the Kong toy instead. Before I even attempt to put Gonzo in the bath I make sure his toy is there for him, and then I put Gonzo in the bath.
My other larger dog Sadie prefers to have her squeaky toys in the bath with her. She is rather large but once in the bath with one of her squeaky toys in her mouth she is happy. It might be annoying to me but she stands in the bath and squeaks her toy until the ordeal is over.
How Often Should I Check my Dog's Teeth?
Take the time to check your dog's teeth when he is in the bath. It is a good idea to try to brush your dog's teeth once a week. Always buy a soft toothbrush, and make sure it suits your dog's mouth. If your dog is a small dog, you would be okay with a child's toothbrush.
Is Human Toothpaste Safe for Dogs?
You can buy special doggie toothpaste, but I use toothpaste from Weleda. Human toothpaste is not suitable for dogs, and you should not use them. Herbal toothpaste is great but you should not use a toothpaste containing Tea Tree extract. Many dogs are sensitive to Tea Tree extracts. Tea Tree should be avoided at all times.
How to Keep Your Dog Safe in the Bath
We often forget that dogs can just as easily slip or fall in the bath, and this can naturally lead to injuries. Keeping a dog safe and comfortable in the bath is just as important as turning bath time into a fun time.
Falling or slipping lead to the same type of injuries in dogs as in humans. Fractured hips and even spine fractures in larger dog breeds are not uncommon. Both are avoidable when planning ahead.
How Often Should a Dog Be Bathed?
You should not bathe your dog too often. Bathing dries out your dog's skin. I normally bathe my dogs twice a year. However, I groom them every day and check their teeth weekly.
Top 1 Tips for Giving Your Dog a Bath
1) Bath mats – invest in a bath mat that is large enough for your dog to stand on.
2) Run the water and make sure the water is at the right temperature. A sudden blast of too cold or too hot water might make your dog jump.
3) Dog shampoo – try to rinse away dog shampoo from underneath your dog’s paws as you go. Dog shampoo can easily make the surface your dog stands on slippery.
4) If your dog is very worried about standing on strange surfaces, place a towel in the bath for him or her to stand on.
5) Set the water on a gentle setting. Water coming out too quickly or forcefully out of the shower head may be unpleasant.
6) Talk to your dog whilst he is in the bath. It is to forget to talk to your dog during bath time but it certainly helps to calm my Gonzo down.
7) Be prepared – make sure the shampoo is at hand and a towel is nearby for the all-important toweling down.
8) Hold on to your dog. Hold on to the front of the chest seems to be appreciated if your dog is a nervous bather.
9) Use a shampoo which is not too heavily scented. Shampoos with too many scents can irritate your dog’s skin and his eyes.
10) Clipping your dog’s nails or trimming his coat in the bath may be an unnecessary extra. It is always best to get the bath over with first of all.
By following these very easy tips bath time should become more enjoyable for your dog and easier for you.
What Is the Best Dog Shampoo?
Dogs just like humans are sensitive to ingredients in certain shampoos so buying the right shampoo is important. There are many good shampoos on the market but it is important to buy the right shampoo for the purpose. Also, there are many different sources to buy your dog's shampoo.
Supermarkets sell shampoos. Pet stores and veterinary clinics are also good places to buy shampoos as you can get professional advice.
The Internet is becoming a popular source for dog shampoos, and there are many smaller manufacturers which offer both excellent service and high-quality natural products for your dog’s bath time.
Buy a gentle and natural dog shampoo for your furry friend. Don't try to use washing-up liquid or human shampoo on your dog. Dogs' skin can easily become irritated. That can mean an expensive visit to the vet.
Should I Give My Dog a Treat When He Is in The Bath?
Treats and rewards have their place as well. Getting a small reward can make the experience of having a bath much more acceptable for your dog. Most dogs do associate food or a treat with pleasure.
I always have small snacks and treats to hand just in case. Giving your dog a treat at the start of the bath and at the end of the bath is a nice way to reward him or her. Homemade dog treats are great as you can control what goes into them, but many commercially produced are good.
Doggie Bathtime Checklist
Most Important
| Important
| Less Important
Correct water temperature
| Toy
| Towel
Bath mat
| Grooming Scissors
| Goggles for you
| Treats
| Wet suit for you
Top Tip For Giving Your Dog a Bath At Home
The experience most dogs dislike is the rinse-off, but they don’t seem to mind being shampooed. While you shampoo your dog treat him to a nice little massage by taking your time and massaging as you go along.
Some dogs are even scared of running water. Let your dog sniff the shower head before you shower him.
How to Trim Your Dog's Nails
How Do I Dry My Dog After a Bath?
This is probably your dog’s favorite part of the bathing experience. It is a good idea to reinforce this behavior and his enjoyment of it. Do be prepared to get wet if not soaked.
When your dog shakes tell him he is a good boy and allow him time to have a good shake. Try to turn this into fun time or play time by playing with the towel and letting your dog roll around with the towel on the floor. After the shake-off, give your dog a little treat and more praise
Nice Clean Boy
Finally out of the bathroom
Yes, it is tempting to let your dog out into the garden. The problem is that the first thing a dog will do is run around and perhaps even get dirty again.
I find it is better to take my dog for a walk to let him destress. Taking your dog for a fast-paced short walk will let your dog relax. The anxiety of the bath experience will soon be forgotten.
By planning ahead and allowing time for your doggie’s bath, the entire experience becomes more pleasurable and enjoyable for both dog and owner.
Turning bath time into fun time should be a positive experience for both dog and owner, so why not turn the experience into playtime?
This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.
© 2014 Annie Messeri