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A Cat's Life - From Cat to Kitten to Cat

Updated on July 21, 2019
One of my cats. Tame. Friendly.
One of my cats. Tame. Friendly.
New kittens. Curious but not tame, yet.
New kittens. Curious but not tame, yet.
Scare-dy cats. Run for cover!
Scare-dy cats. Run for cover!
Our German Shorthair Dog. Not a cat lover. Hopefully, they will eventually get along.
Our German Shorthair Dog. Not a cat lover. Hopefully, they will eventually get along.
mother cat teaching kittens about food dishes
mother cat teaching kittens about food dishes
black kittens as well.
black kittens as well.

Farm Cats Rule - Dogs Drool

When you say I just want one cat, you have no comprehension of the power of the feline reproductive drive. Nor, do you know any cats very well.

A cat has 9 lives, more than one uterus, the ability to have multiple pregnancies with different males.

There was a time, way back in the 1980's, where we decided we were going to allow our cat to have a litter of kittens. She was a house cat and did not go outside. She was declawed. I had a coworker that had a male cat and I borrowed him. I brought him to my house and we closed the door behind them as they descended into the basement to romp.

Well, to make a long story short, there was no connection. My cat wanted nothing to do with that cat and I returned the cat without it getting my cat pregnant. However, my cat was allowed to go outside upon occasion, and at some point, it did in fact produce a litter of kittens.

The St. Ives Question

Yes. Most people were stumped into trying to figure out the answer. Many would spend hours figuring that the man had seven wives. That's 8. Then, there were the seven cats per wife. That's 49 cats. Every cat had seven kittens. That's 343 kittens.

So, when the person who was good at math, but not good at listening, but good at jumping ahead to figure out the math, would be very disappointed to hear that the answer was not 400, as they speculated, but 1.

Yes. There was only one going to St. Ives in this fine story, or riddle.

Cats eat with a ferocious vengeance
Cats eat with a ferocious vengeance
Cat perches on the railing of the deck and looks in the house window
Cat perches on the railing of the deck and looks in the house window
cat and me 'selfie'
cat and me 'selfie'
target area for scratching, back of ears. "I'm Waiting"
target area for scratching, back of ears. "I'm Waiting"
Sometimes, cat waits for a bird to swoop in.
Sometimes, cat waits for a bird to swoop in.
farm cats may be friendly
farm cats may be friendly
the initial sniff of the hand
the initial sniff of the hand
moving in for the ear
moving in for the ear
cat decides whether you are suitable
cat decides whether you are suitable
Cat starts to be happy
Cat starts to be happy
cat turns head for that one itchy spot
cat turns head for that one itchy spot
lounging cat
lounging cat
lots of cats hovering by food dish
lots of cats hovering by food dish
sometimes, neighbor cats help themselves to the food
sometimes, neighbor cats help themselves to the food
neighbor cats climb around on shelves
neighbor cats climb around on shelves

Cat Ownership Versus Human Ownership

If you wish to have a cat, you must understand one fundamental principal. When you have a cat in the house, you do not have a cat.

Nope. The cat has a human. A human, patiently trained to fulfill the cats innate wants, desires and needs. You may think you have a cat, but, as you come to learn, a cat will not do what you think it will do. But, it will badger you until you do what it wants.


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