A Thank you note to all the pet dogs in this world!
My pet dog
Thanks for listening to all our stories no matter how stupid we may sound.
Thanks for eating whatever we cooked no matter how bad it may taste.
Thanks for always obeying our orders no matter how strict it may be.
Thanks for entertaining/playing with us no matter how tired you may be.
Thanks for jogging/walking with us no matter how long the distance may be.
Thanks for guarding our homes no matter how sleepy you may feel.
Thanks for always making us feel better no matter how deep our problems may be.
Thanks for making us not feel lonely no matter how lonely you may feel.
Thanks for not shouting back at us no matter how loud we may shout at you.
Thanks for tolerating all our cuddles and hugs no matter how hard it may be.
Thanks for always wagging your tail no matter we respect it or not.
Thanks for understanding our feelings and emotions no matter we understand your feelings or not.
Thanks for always behaving with discipline no matter how undisciplined we may be.
Thanks for always being faithful no matter how unfaithful we may be.
Thanks for not complaining things about us no matter how cheap we may behave.
Thanks for expressing your love by licking all over our face no matter how dirty we may be.
And finally a big thanks for loving us unconditionally more than you love your own self!