Animal kill shelters are just as guilty of abusing animals as the owners they took them from
Why can't they just have a home?
Stop killing animals
Killing animals is abuse
This hub is dedicated to these poor animals who go to a shelter thinking they will get a second chance, when the only chance they get is a few meals and a lethal injection.
People need to stop throwing away their animals in to the hands of these places. If you can not keep your animal take it to a no kill shelter so it can have a chance of being adopted.
Three horrible shelters in Manhattan have decided to make up a page on facebook called Cat's and Dog's on death row, showing pictures of dogs and cats and posting that they will be killed tonight if no one adopts them.
They keep these already abused animals and feed them for six days then kill them like a piece of garbage. They go out looking for strays so that they can give them a few days of hope then put them down.
It's not only going on in Manhattan but everywhere. Some of these animals on the street were better off being left on the street then being sent to a torture chamber. This is not animal control, it's animal abuse.
I am advocating for these animals and going to do whatever I have to do to stop these shelters from killing these animals and not giving them a chance to find a forever home. I do realize that people being the issue of not spaying or neutering their animals and then throwing them away like a piece of garbage is one of the biggest problems and the shelters do not have the money they need to keep up with them all.
People it is time to take a stand and get your pets spay or neutered. Adopt from shelters, and help stop these shelters from killing these animals who have already been abused. Donate to any non kill shelters or rescues in hopes that they can save these animals from these aweful kill shelters.
The unfortunate thing for these poor babies is they have no voice. They can not speak for themselves or did not ask to be here. I have rescued 4 cats, 2 iguanas, a dog and two snakes from being destroyed and they all are loved.
If we continue to let this happen, then what are we saying to our furry friends? Write to your congressman or woman and ask them to pass a law to stop kill shelters. Ask them to spend some money to fund these shelters so these babies can live. Stop supporting these pages on facebook and sharing these pictures because by the time it has reached anywhere the animal is already dead.
If you decide to adopt a pet then know it is forever. It aggravates me so much when I read on craigslist animals going to a shelter because the person has to move and can't take them. Really? You don't get an animal then take it back because you have to move. Your animals are like your children. Would you move into an place that didn't except children then put yours up for adoption? No!
These shelters are sickening and disgraceful and should be finding other shelters that do not kill animals or sanctuaries for them to go to. If any of you can help in your area please do so. The time is now to start writing emails. It doesn't matter what party you love write to both congress people in your state and your senators too. These babies voices need to be heard.
Give them a chance
Who is helping the fight?
Jacksonville, one of the largest cities in the United States, has vowed to become one of the shelters with a no kill policy. How are they making it happen? Once a month they are having mega adoption events to get animals to their forever homes.
How is it working? Very well. Many animals have found forever homes and the ones that haven't, foster parents have stepped up to the plate to foster these animals until they can find a forever home.
Even though some of the fosters have been what they called foster failures because they fall in love with the dogs or cats and then can't give them back is a blessing to these babies. They find loving, forever homes.
If every person could sit down and write to your city officials about euthanasia in your county and ask them to stop this cruel behavior, it would help tremendously. Do it for the animals because they have no voice.
College Kids Helping Raise Awareness
How can you help?
First of all spay or neuter your pet. Shelters run off of donations so take supplies to them such as dog and cat food, blankets, pillows, toys and treats. Volunteer or foster some animals. Who knows you could possibly be a foster failure.
I don't think a 20 dollar adoption fee is going to break your bank to have a life time of love in your arms.
If you want a dog or cat adopt from a shelter. There are many great dogs and cats at shelters waiting for love. Some have never known what love is. They have been mistreated all of their lives and may have some behavior issues but with a little love and training they can become a wonderful addition to anyone's family.
I want you to think about how you would feel stuck in a small cage for a long time with no time outside or anything unless the shelter employees or volunteers come to take them for a walk. They have to stay in jail until someone lets them out to play.
The only life I have known is in this small cage
Who else is helping
In all 52 states a law has been passed that animal abusers will be charged with a felony if found guilty of neglect and abuse of animals. I could never understand why people could get away with starving an animal or fighting them until they are near death. So many animals are abused each year that it's time to make a national do not adopt list for anyone that has been caught abusing an animal and their name go into a national data base so they can never adopt again.
Help out your shelters so they don't have to kill these babies. Be their voices and step up against kill shelters by contacting your local officials.