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Why Not To Take Your Dog On Holiday To The Mediterranean - Leishmaniosis Could Kill Him

Updated on April 17, 2016
Image: Maggie Smith /
Image: Maggie Smith /

Have Dog Will Travel

With the introduction of the pet passport scheme many families coming to the Med for a holiday now think it´s a great idea to bring faithful old Fido too.


Canine Leishmaniosis is prevalent throughout the Mediterranean basin, northern Italy, and all countries with a continental climate.

Canine Leishmaniosis is transmitted by Sandfly bites, Is incurable and often fatal.

But I´m Not Going Near The Beach !

Makes no difference. Sandflys are everywhere.

I live 40k from the sea and both my dogs have it.

The disease can be transmitted from Sandfly to dog , from dog to dog, and also to humans.

Because there are now so many dogs carrying the disease it´s even more likely for your dog to become infected.

It only takes one bite from a sandfly to infect your faithful hound with a horrible incurable disease.

A dog with Visceral Leishmaniasis
A dog with Visceral Leishmaniasis | Source

Can I Protect My Dog From Getting Infected ?

A new vaccine has just been launched but it´s not 100% effective.

You also need to have your dog blood tested before vaccination to make sure he´s not already infected.

Then he will need 3x doses at 3x weeks apart.

Deltamethrin impregnated collars can be used but again not 100% effective.

Keeping your dog inside at dawn and dusk when sandflys are most active may also help.

But bringing your dog to a sandfly infested region is still putting him at serious risk, and the disease and it´s effects are often fatal.

Both my dogs are now infected and one of them was so seriously ill the vet thought he wasn´t going to make it or may have to be put to sleep.

I´m pleased to say he did eventually respond to treatment and now is bouncing around fit and well.

Leishmaniosis Signs and Symptoms

The first thing you will probably notice is your dogs loss of appetite and usual playfulness. We can usually spot when our dog is under the weather.

He may have some scaly scabs on his elbows and dandruff in his fur.

Other syptoms include.

Diarrhea. Vomiting. Ulcers. Swollen lymph nodes. Eye problems. Swollen and painful joints. Lumps or spots on his skin. Fever. Fur loss. Nose bleeds. Kidney failure. And weight loss, even if he is still eating ok.

If you live in a sandfly infested area or have visited one with your dog and he starts to become unwell GET HIM TO THE VET RIGHT AWAY. With early diagnosis and treatment you are more likely to keep your dog alive.

The Last Word

Once your dog has contracted leishmaniosis and if he lives. He will need regular treatment for the rest of his life to control the disease.

My own dogs have survived for years with the disease but have to have a blood test every year, or if they are looking off colour before the year is up their blood is always checked for signs that the leishmaniosis is overwhelming them. When the results from the blood test are back with the vet, she then works out what treatment is best. There are now 2 treatments available, one is a medicine which you add to the dogs food and the other is daily injections for however many days the vet feels is necessary, and it could be up to 30 days. They also have Alopurinol in pill form daily to help protect their Kidneys.

Still think it will be fun to bring Fido on holiday to the Mediterranean ? No I didn´t think so.

Better To leave Him At home
Better To leave Him At home | Source

A Little About bac2basics

Hi I am bac2basics and write on lots of different topics here on Some of my favorites are the spirit world and visits from those we have loved and lost, recipes, gardening hints and tips plus lots of money saving ideas, health problems and cures, travel destinations and my own happy holiday memories, the odd poem or two and whatever takes my fancy at the time. Please do check out some of my other topics , you may be pleasantly surprised.

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