Best pet health insurance for dogs
Why pet health insurance is important
You are waiting in a busy veterinarian office for your puppy's first series of booster shots. Among pet health care pamphlets colorfully displayed at the reception, you notice one particular pamphlet about pet health care insurance.
You take a look as you start wondering if you should enroll your puppy.
More and more pet owners are enrolling their dogs in Pet health care insurance. The truth is that an unexpected illness can happen at any time and pet owners are not always financially prepared for the unexpected. Sadly, many times pets are euthanized because their owners cannot afford the costly veterinary fees. An overnight stay at an animal emergency center can quickly add up and easily reach in the thousands of dollars. Most of these emergency centers require a deposit upon having the pet hospitalized. Many animal health insurance companies help cover most of these expenses.
There are many benefits when it comes to pet health care insurance,this is why pet insurance is gaining popularity, for instance:
-Unlike most human health insurance companies most pet insurances allow your pet to see virtually licensed veterinarian any where in the world. Specialist visits and and emergency after hours visits are mostly included.
-You will be provided claim forms that your vet will need to fill. Once filled by your vet, you will attach receipts and mail the paperwork out. Shortly after you will receive a check in the mail.
-Most insurance companies have toll free phone numbers you can access in case you have any particular questions.
-Monthly premiums are affordable. Many people believe that pet insurance is costly, but in most cases it is much more affordable than human health insurance. You may expect in average to pay approximately between $19 - $30 a month for a dog and between $12 - $25 for a cat.
-Most pet insurance companies will reimburse a rather large chunk of your medical expenses, in some cases even up to 90% with a $50.00 to $100.00 deductible.
-You are offered different options of coverage depending on your needs. Accidents, illness and routine care coverages are options you can chose from.
However, you must be aware that most pet health care insurance requires you to pay the vet bill up front and will reimburse you shortly. This may be a burden for people that do not have money put aside for such emergencies. This is why it is always recommended to keep some money saved for such occurrences. There are however, some pet insurances available that mimic an HMO and you are not required to pay the vet bill upfront.
If your dog or cat has a pre-existing medical condition be aware that of these medical conditions may not be covered. Some insurances as well may not accept pets older than a certain age. You will have to inquire with the insurance company if your pet has a medical condition or is senior. Insurance companies enrollment requirements may vary.
After analyzing carefully the pros and cons you decide to fill out the enrollment form and decide to cover your puppy. This is a great choice and your vet approves.
Many pet owners believe that their pets should be covered at an older age. However, puppies and kittens are very prone to accidents. They have low immune systems that make the much more susceptible to illnesses. They tend to lick and easily get into toxins and poisonous plants. Their curiosity causes them to swallow non food items and this can cause a major surgery expense due to an intestinal obstruction.
Puppies and kittens are very vulnerable and may be prone to unexpected accidents. Insurance companies are aware of this and this is why they start offering enrollment options to puppies and kittens as early as 6-8 weeks.
Regardless of your dog's age, pet insurance is vital and will help you properly take care of your beloved pet, whether your pet is facing emergency care or just needs a routine physical. Since more and more pets are considered part of the family, pet health care insurance has gained in popularity and is even highly recommended by those who know the costs of animal health care best: the veterinarians