Dogs Need Other Dog Company To Be Truly Happy
Dogs have been domesticated by humans for centuries. They have become so inclined into the human family that they have earned the name ‘Man’s best friend.’ They are trained by us to do tricks, be companion dogs as well as service dogs. We take them into our home, feed them, vet them and care for them just like you would do any member of your family. But have you ever asked yourself what truly makes dogs happy? What if providing food and a few head rubs for your dog was just not enough for your dog? Yes, the dog may love you and wags its tail showing great emotions when you are around. But does that sum up to being truly doggy happy? It is just like your child who has grown up. Your child loves you but will need to find true happiness by being with someone other than parents. Your dog may be no different. Your dog will love you, but may not be ultimately happy until it can go out and find happiness with its peers.
How Dogs find happiness In Other Dogs.
First of all, only a dog can be a dog. So no! Not because you roll on your back, scratch, bark and pee on the carpet that makes you a dog. It does make you look real silly though, but you are simply not a dog. First of all, dogs understand the language of other dogs no matter the breed. Dogs find happiness in other dogs because:
1. They like the smell of each other
Dogs love to smell other dogs. They will sniff us humans yes, but nothing gets a dog more excited than the smell of another dog. And they don’t just smell all of the other dog. There are special areas on dogs that other dogs simply love to smell and many times lick. Dog owners know exactly what I am talking about so I won’t mention the specific areas on dogs that dogs love to smell. But smelling other dogs simply makes that happily intoxicated.
2.They Can Make Love
So we humans believe that we are the only ones struck by cupids love arrow. Dogs are struck too. This is the reason why many dog owners get their dogs neutered. It is like a love bug vaccination. When dogs are in heat, or want to make love. Once they get the chance to they are the happiest animal alive. They will pant and smile as though they have just ran a chocolate marathon.
3.They get to hang out
Your dog may love you, but may long to just hang out on the block with a few barking buddies. You ever notice how stray dogs simply group together no matter the breed? Yeah, they form alliances on the streets and watch us humans making their plans to take over the world. OK, that may not be dogs, cats probably but not dogs. Dogs are happy in dog alliance because it gives them strength. They run away other dogs not in their alliance and they form their own dog government.
4. They Have Longer Play Buddies
Throwing a Frisbee a few times for your dog to catch and then placing your tired butt on the bench to sit and catch your collapsing lungs will not cut it when it comes to play time with your dog. You simply just cannot match up to your dog’s play stamina. But another dog will run jump, hide and match your dog’s play and agility. Nothing says happy to a dog than a play dog companion.
5. They Only Have Heaven on Their Mind
One thing for sure is that all dogs go to heaven, but not all dog owners do! Dogs have a smell of heaven on you and know where their owners will end up when they pass on. But once dogs are completely surrounded by just dogs, there is complete heavenly happiness as there is no smell of the underworld.
I Conclude
So you see, there are many factors where dog makes other dogs happiness fulfilling. So not because you bought the shiniest dog collar or the biggest bag of dog food that makes your dog completely happy. You dog may just find a whole new joy with his or her peers.
© 2020 Clive Williams