Mayor de Blasio is looking to do away with the iconic horse drawn carriages. Why?
The History of the Horse Drawn Carriage
The tradition of the horse drawn carriage in New York City began in 1935. The horse drawn carriage ride through Central Park is a tourist attraction. Tourist get to sit in the carriage while getting a scenic view of Central Park. The carriage ride provides a romantic ride for couples who during the colder seasons get to cuddle up with a blanket. The ride brings families together to embrace an old, but wonderful tradition. This attraction brings in $15 million a year for the city of New York. The city enforces the rules regulating this industry. The horses are well taken care of in heated stables with plenty of food and water. They are not allowed to ride no more than nine hours a day and do not go out in extreme cold temperatures. So why is it that newly elected Mayor Bill de Blasio is fighting to make this historical ride of New York City extinct?
Horse Drawn Carriage
Mayor de Blasio
Mayor de Blasio has been quoted as saying "We very much believe it's time to end the use of horse drawn carriages in this city". The city's council speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito would like to replace the iconic ride with vintage cars. Animal rights groups are supporting the extinction of horse drawn carriages.
Such a wonderful tradition.
What is your opinion?
Do you think the Mayor should eliminate the horse and carriage rides in New York City?
The Drivers
The drivers of the carriages insist that the horses are well taken care of. The discussion of whether or not to stop this industry has been on every news channel. Many channels have broadcasted videos of the horses, drivers and the stables the horses live in. I watched the segment on Good Day New York where a tour was given of the stables the horses live in. In my observation, the horses seemed well taken care of. They had plenty of hay, running water through pumps and heated stables. So what is the problem, I ask? Many supporters of keeping the horses and carriages have come forward. One of which is actor Liam Neesen who has voiced his opinion on many news and talk shows. Mr. Neesen has gone as far as asking Mayor de Blasio to visit the stables himself. However, the Mayor has yet to accept this offer. The Mayor responded by saying "When he's ready, he will". Yet still the Mayor moves forward to make this wonderful, iconic and historical ride a thing of the past.
Liam Neesen
Why this issue?
With so many issues affecting New York City; such as poverty, crime, unemployment and homelessness, why is the Mayor focusing on something that clearly has no merit? There is no evidence of animal abuse or neglect. Could it be the Mayor just wants to move us forward into the future of technology? I mean vintage cars, come on now? What is so attractive about that? Does the Mayor and all his followers want to forget about history, tradition and the good ole days? Here are some questions the Mayor should be asking himself if he does eliminate this wonderful tradition.
- What will happen to all the horses?
- How many drivers and staff in the industry will lose their jobs?
- What ever happened to tradition and embracing our historical values?
- Have you thought about that Mayor de Blasio?