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How To Keep Your Cat Cool In The Summer

Updated on July 5, 2015
My Beloved Sully is one cool cat!
My Beloved Sully is one cool cat!

You Love Your Cat, Keep it cool

In the hot summer months when temperatures are reaching into the high 80's in most places it's extremely important to remember that our pets need special attention when it comes to the heat. Veterinary hospitals start to see an increase in the number of heat-related injuries like heat stroke during the hottest times of summer. Heat stroke is a term used to describe an elevation of body temperature above normal, which for your cat is 100 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Some cats can be more susceptible to heat extremes than other cats, these extremes may include short nosed breeds such as Persians and Exotic cats, young and old cats, obese cats, and asthmatic cats. Obese cats may also be more predisposed to heat stroke because the layer of body fat tends to soak up the sweltering heat. Young kittens and senior cats will have a seriously reduced ability to process the heat load as well.

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Ethel Nice And Cool In Her Box
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Getting Some Fresh Air
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When It's Hot, Indoors Is Best
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Nobody touches my water!

Simple And Effective Tips

Listed below are some tips you can take to safeguard your beloved cat from the heat, so relief from the sizzling summer heat keeps them cool and comfortable.

  • Keep your cat's bowl full of cold refreshing water. On really hot days, toss a couple of ice cubes into your cats water bowl to keep the water cold and fresh. With an outdoor cat be sure to change the water often, to guarantee it's coolness and freshness. And be sure your cat has a shaded area away from the sun to relax in.
  • Rubbing your cat down with a damp towel will help it stay cool, as will dipping the cats paws in a tub or sink of cool water.
  • High humidity combined with heat can put your cat at risk of heatstroke, keep your house cool with a fan or air conditioning. If it is at all feasible, bring your outdoor cat in for a bit of cooling off. Rubbing your cat down with a refreshing cool towel will help keep the heat off, even for brief moments to bring comfort.

  • Monitor your cat for symptoms of heatstroke, this can be a serious medical emergency, if you suspect your cat has heatstroke or displays any of the signs below that lead you to believe your cat is suffering heat exhaustion, cool your cat down as quickly as possible by submerging it in cool water, and then wrapping your cat with a big towel. Then rush your cat to the veterinarian immediately. This is a very serious, potentially fatal condition for a cat.

Symptoms of heatstroke include:

•Red gums
•Increased heartbeat
•Respiratory distress or hyperventilation

  • It is very important you keep your cat out of a parked car. Most people know this, but it still does happen. It can be extremely dangerous and can result in death.

  • Exercise your cat in the early hours of the day or later in the evening when it is often much cooler. Because you may notice when temps are at their highest your cat just wants to lounge around more than usual.

  • Monitor the outside temperature and minimize your cats activity on really hot, humid days. If your cat doesn't have shade, create something that protects your cat from the direct rays of the sun. It can make all the difference for your cat.

We love and adore our pets and want to keep them safe, happy, and comfortable. So remember to take great caution and keep them safe when the oppressive summer heat approaches. Following the simple tips above will help keep your cat safe and away from danger.



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