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Little of what I know about dogs …

Updated on February 3, 2019

    I just came back from getting my morning coffee and as I was walking back towards the house I saw a couple of my neighbors outside talking. They got a dog not too long ago, a German Shepard perhaps several months old, still a puppy. As I got closer only the dog noticed me (the neighbors were “deep” in a conversation).

    I winked at the dog and bowed my head, keeping the eye contact. As the dog began coming towards me I bent my back, lowering myself and I started “sniffing” the air as they do when they are trying to “catch” a certain scent. Wiggling his tail, the dog was now close to me and we touched noses. He still got a lick on my face – I knew it was coming and had tried to avoid it. At least he didn’t slobber all over my face …

    The lady who's dog it is came running from her front lawn apologizing, telling me that is what happens when a dog is too friendly. I kept petting her dog telling her it was alright until she came close and grabbed him by the collar.

    “It’s okay, just came to say “hi”,” I said while I began walking away.

    Was it the dog who came to say “hi”or was it me who came to say “hi” – I am still not quite sure. I love dogs, sadly I love dogs more than I love some humans. If I was somehow forced to chose between the two animals, I would chose dogs. They have unmatched courage, love and devotion … I cannot say the same about other animals.

    I had my own dog at the age of ten. An Airedale Terrier, the biggest of the Terriers and she was like my “sister”. I loved her to death and she loved me to death in return. We were best friends, she came with me everywhere. I would go to grocery store and I would leave her outside untied. “Sit and wait,” I would tell her and by the time I would come out of the store there would always be people crowded around the dog sitting outside by itself.

    “Is it lost?”, “where is the owner?” I would hear people ask when I would walk outside. I would not even say anything to her, she would just get up and follow me, looking up knowing that more likely than not I had bought her some “treats” too.

    I worked for almost four years with the K-9 unit for Wakenhut of Canada security agency. I handled German Sheppard, Rottweilers and Dobermans. These dogs saved my “skin” more than just once. With a trained security dog I was fearless. One could send me to “hell” and I would go. I trusted the dogs with my life and they did the same.

    Personally, I think dogs can sense one’s intentions and so I will always “listen” to a dog. They give signs: a growl, showing teeth or the hair raising on their back is not a good sign – step back. A wiggly tail means happiness; lowered ears means caution and a tail between the legs shows fear and you can be sure the dog is on the “defensive” mode.

    I believe I am the friend of all dogs and I respect them. It is like they know this or they can read it off my forehead. For example about a week ago I had to meet someone who was going up north to the cottage. The guy had two Jack Russel Terriers in the back seat of his car. As I sat in the front passenger seat the older male came-up from the back sniffing away at me; I smiled and sniffed the air towards him. He immediately jumped to the front seat on my lap. I patted him and he stood on my lap looking forward. The owner looked at me strangely.

    “I cannot believe he is letting you pet him, especially on the back. He has hip problems and does not let anyone touch his back,” said the owner.

    I smiled again, gently brushing the dog’s back and hip. “It’s alright buddy,” I thought, looking at the dog. I felt comfortable and felt the dog was comfortable as well.

    “Mailo, get back there,” came the voice of the owner and the dog immediately jumped to the back seat. I looked back at the dog, he stood still in the back seat, head up, chest forward: he radiated “dignity” as I had not seen in a long time. Dogs are such complex animals, great intelligence and I can never stop admiring them.

    I really do not know why I began writing this … except for the fact that I respect dogs as much as I respect my best friends. Dogs never lie, they will never deceive you. They will always be there to help if needed, as much as they can. Their courage is unmatchable and they have no fear of death. I will defend a dog to my last breath, I always have and always will. They are indeed “man’s best friend”!


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