Living With Dogs
The Benefits of Adopting a Dog
There are so many benefits of owning a dog I am always amazed at people that don’t own them when there is nothing stopping them. I can’t imagine not having a special canine in my life. I actually prefer to own two to give them the companionship that only another dog can give.
If you’re going to leave for work for hours it’s always nice for the pets to have a little company. In addition, you’re helping the over abundance of dogs needing good homes. By owning two dogs you can save two lives.
I’ve collected resources and information related to dog behavior, pet training, senior dog health, and many other topics. Some of the stories I’ve collected only help to illustrate the great relationship you can have with your dog. You can think of them as feel good stories.
A dog will help your quality of life. It forces you to be more active. You have a dog and you are likely to walk the dog creating a healthy benefit for both of you. Some people like to run, hike and bike with their canine friends which, again, can help you to stick to a healthy lifestyle. A dog will want to entice you to play with them at least once a day. The daily routines you establish with your dog can be beneficial to you also. Plus exercising with your dog is much more fun than doing it alone.
It has become common knowledge that owning a dog or cat can be good for relieving stress and can instill a healthier life when it comes to lessening ailments brought on by stress. Pets can fulfill emotional needs by reducing loneliness and fear. They provide a comfort and a feeling of security. Dogs are used extensively in nursing homes and hospital settings as therapy dogs to the benefit of the patients.
In some cases, it’s not just a sense of security. A good watch dog or trained attack dog can be a great comfort for someone staying by themselves.
Owning a pet can open up a complete new social agenda for you. Have you ever been to a dog park? The dogs enable the grownups to immediately connect. We all have something in common and it’s so easy to begin a conversation – of course about the dogs. It’s a very friendly crowd at the dog park and it can be a lot of fun to hang out with so many dogs.
You should first own a dog and then think about having a baby. What I mean is owning a dog is the acknowledgment that you can afford the expenses you will undoubtedly run across and you have the time and attention to be a good pet owner. Owning a dog means responsibility. If you can’t handle it with an animal then you aren’t ready to raise a kid.
Shelters are overburdened with wonderful adoptive animals. They are trying new ideas to increase the numbers adopted. They also see a high percentage of people returning adopted animals because the adoptive owner doesn’t know how to train the dog. They get frustrated and believe the dog is un-trainable.
Now shelters are implementing training programs to teach the dogs simple commands. That way the burden and patience of teaching the basics are off the owner. The program works resulting in a smaller number of dogs being returned for this reason.
Most shelters also do personality evaluations so when you are adopting you are more likely to stick with a dog that fits with your requirements. They are usually tested around cats, for simple commands, temperament, and activity level.
Fortunately these innovative programs and practices are increasing adoption rates but there’s so much more that needs to be done. If you can adopt from a shelter do it! It’s the greatest feeling to take one poor dog from their cage and give them a loving home. The dogs seem to sense the break they got when getting adopted - and are very grateful for the opportunity to be part of your family.
From Their View Point
Large Dogs Mean Big Love
Did you ever think about the irony of the temperaments typical of large dogs versus smaller breeds?
The largest of dogs are typically the goofy, cuddly, loving life kind of dog. For example Great Danes, St. Bernards, Golden Retrievers, and Newfoundlands are all very big giants of the dog breeds but yet are known well for their gentle nature. They make good family dogs and often can co-habitate with cats and other pets.
Common sense is necessary when deciding on adopting a larger dog. Everything will be more expensive. From dog food to vet bills. Medication is always based on weight.
The other major concern is whether you have adequate space for the dog. You cannot cramp a large dog in a city apartment without plenty of walks preferably in a park like setting. I
Large Breeds
5 Popular Large Dog Breeds
1. Bernese Mountain Dog – an intelligent breed affectionate nature. It can sustain harsh cold weather but it should live with its family. They are great with children and are known for their loyalty and patience.
2. Great Dane – they are also called the gentle giants. Their size usually intimidates people but they are a very calm and docile dog. As you can guess, a large yard and home is a necessity for a dog this size.
3. Rottweiler – this breed was originally used for herding and pulling small carts. They are usually good natured and will make for a devoted pet.
4. St. Bernard – these dogs were originally used to save stranded travelers but now are primarily part of a family. They are usually a docile and gentle temperament.
5. Mastiff – the larger specimens of this breed can weigh over 200 lbs. Usually a mastiff is a loving dog. Some are known to be a bit stubborn and they will take the role of protector for its family.
Smaller Dogs Fit the Bill
Small dogs can be the perfect answer for constant companionship. Their size makes them easy to travel with and manage. Small dogs are even allowed to fly on planes as long as they are contained throughout the trip. Many apartment complexes will allow dogs but only with a pet deposit and within strict size restrictions.
Some people are attracted to tiny dogs because they like to treat them like substitute babies. I’m sure you’ve all met someone or you’ve observed someone out in public that was talking and treating their dog like a kid. I talk to my dog all the time but not in baby talk…If you are the type that thrives on mothering, small dogs will likely appeal to you.
When people get up there in age in may be difficult to own larger dogs. They can actually pose a threat especially if the senior is frail or unsteady on their feet. A bad fall can be very serious once you get up in age. That’s when a small size dog comes in. Easy to handle yet great companionship.
5 Popular Small Dog Breeds
1. Yorkshire Terrier – this breed was originally used as a rat baiter. Hard to believe as in current times this breed is often treated as a member of the family and is a popular companion dog.
2. Poodle – this is an active and intelligent breed. It excels in obedience training and is a very popular small breed.
3. Beagle – the beagle loves humans and is very affectionate which probably explains its popularity. Beagles are known for getting along with other dogs and little kids.
4. Dachshund – this breed belongs to the hound family. In their past they were used to hunt prairie dogs but now they are raised to be part of the family.
5. Chihuahua – extremely active, proud and adventurous would be how most would describe this breed. They are loyal and become very attached to their owners.
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