Sam, Our German Sheppard/Husky Mix Enriched Our Lives
Sam Loving the snow.
We didn't find him , he found us .
This is Sam.He is a Husky- German Sheppard mix.And as you can see.He is a big boy.We adopted him from the North Shore Animal League about a year ago when he was about 12 weeks old. We wanted a puppy for our kids so we headed out thinking of maybe a Yorkie mix or a small Terrier, well. They had about 30 puppies to show and as people were adopting them they brought out more. One of the kids was looking at a Basset Hound and the other at a Beagle. I spotted Sam, he was laying in the corner of his cage looking either scared or sad and for some reason, he caught my attention,
, so I asked one of the assistants to see him, and when I showed him to the boys they loved him right away,
, my wife held him in her arms and he snuggled, she asked the assistant if he was sick, but she told us he had been neutered the night before, we knew we had to take him home.
Sam being a watch dog .
Sam on a lazy Sunday afternoon
One of Sam's achievements.
One of Sam's achievements has been to make us aware how fulfilling it is to adopt a dog from a shelter as opposed to purchasing one at a pet store and he has shown us that a mix from a shelter is in no way inferior to a pure breed from a store,
As you can see in the picture he turned out to be one of the most beautiful dogs I have ever seen, but his beauty pales in comparison to how smart he is, and the love he professes to every family member. He has been a true blessing in our lives. Just as an example of his personality after he eats his meal he will invariably come to the person who served him and licks his hand as a show of appreciation and gratitude
. I have so many stories about Sam, he actually talks to us and we have come to understand him because he is very articulate and clear. This is my first story about Sam and I'll be posting more, maybe Sam will post one of his own one of these days.