Pets. Do we own them, or do they own us?
As Seinfeld said "If aliens are watching this through telescopes, they're gonna think
the dogs are the leaders. If you see two life forms, one of them's making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume was in charge?"
My own pet story; and what about yours?
For most of my life I have done "what I had to do". I am of the generatio that was infused with what our duties are, rather than what our wishes prompted us to do.
After a lifetime of this, I came to a situation where I was free to go and come as I pleased, where I can truly live the way I would want to. Even my old faithful cat was gone. I was very sad at her passing, but it did mean that I had no strings tying me down.
Then I went, and got myself a dog.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love that dog to bits, and she is a gentle dog, attached to me and ready to do as I say at any moment.
I only have one problem. She has a bad case of 'Separation Anxiety', and she gets into real distress if left at home on her own. What this means in effect is that unless I can take her with me wherever I go, then I cannot go.
I have found myself opting out of many activities I used to enjoy before. I do it willingly, yet I cannot help wonder why?
If I had grown up children or a husband or a flatmate, would I put up with such limitations? I doubt it; in fact I can be reasonably sure that I would not.
So what is it that is in my head, that triggers this kind of loyalty to my pet? Have I gone soft in the head or what? Will someone please shed some light on this for me?
Pets are everywhere, and they are big business. Look at a screen, movie, TV , computer screen and you will see cute cats, puppies, birds on bird perches, fish in aquaria. We have transported them into space and they are part of the stories we tell ourselves. We used to eat them and sadly, still use them for scientific research in some instances.
Here she is. . .
I think I've got it.
I have thought long and hard about this, and I have come up with some answers. I suspect that there are many more; but these are my reasons for keeping a pet.
My dog loves walking and running. Naturally she prefers to do it at her own pace, but if I take her out on the leash, she does not sulk and refuse to budge. She walks with me as I have taught her and whether we walk for 10 minutes, 50 mins or more, she shows me that she is happy, by the way she parades her tail, by the bright eyes and the eager look on her face.
My dog loves food, and so long as her food smells like good food, and looks like good food, she guzzles it to the last skerrick, and leaves the plate clean. She even picks up any spills on the mat, around her plate!
My dog loves my company, and whether she is snuggled up against my knees, or dozing on the back seat of the car, she seems content. She doesn't complain of the heat or of the cold, that she's hungry or thirsty, but she always shows her gratitude when I see to these basic needs of hers.
My dog shows me that she loves me, and I love her too.
As a wise soul once said to me - I had to have another beating heart in the house, and my dog is that lovely, loving beating heart which keeps mine beating in rhythm.
© 2014 MarieLB