The Goompy A Red Neck Rules the Roost
Goompy Is Alive And Well
It may come as a surprise to some, if not all of my fellow hubbers, but a magical transformatation has eased itself into our household. The agent of this transformation was a bundle of feathers, about 10 cm long, the day he arrived, it still had those scraggly baby feathers, which he, I am assuming it is a he, shed very quickly.
The sex of these Red Necks, only is apparent when the bird reaches maturuty, which is when he is three years old, however I can send a feather of to Pretoria, the vetenerian institute their does the sexing using the DNA from the feather. I am really not that phased as to his actual sex.
Therefore, I will not be plucking away at my red neck, then dispatching feathers in the post, wait about six months or so I am led to believe, as i am not a breeder and will not be breeding from him.
The Magical Transformation
What, has happened is the best post operative cure one could wish for, I had as I have told you all, of part one of Lost a Month of my Life, this was not all, after that I lost a further two months of constantly being in and out of the hospital, I in the end, lost track also cognisance of the entire past winter. Really with four operations in three months (the full saga is still to be hubbed), I was not sure who and where I was for quite some time after.
So this birthday was very special for me, I was alive, had survived, what with the love and companionship of my wife, through and after that terrible ordeal, and then secondly the gift of the Ring Neck, named Gumpy a.Ring-Neck. Who from day one has been my shoulder companion through every day that I am home, which in actual fact, is really most days,
We talk a lot and often sit in quiet companionship, he shares my thoughts, and ramblings, Arrived in return he has calmed my jangled nerves, while I have fed him and cleaned his cage and general environment.
He has calmed me, I am less snappy and snarly, not a grizzly bear, more of a care bear, more sympathetic to the nuances that surround me.
When you have been given such a small almost helpless bird, you are truly humbled, by the total, undivided and unconditional trust and love that a feathered bundle has to give. One has to the even think about lifestyle changes The Kitchen and Goompy's Christmas Foods
He is still a child, therefore must be treated, schooled, communicated with, reasoned it must have discipline, but above all must have the love and respect.
Then your parrot will truly be companionable.