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Top 10 Dog Names Inspired by Literature

Updated on February 11, 2014

"A dog is a bond between strangers"

- John Steinbeck

What's more exciting than bringing home a new four-legged member of your family for the very first time? Not much!! And one of the first things you have to do once you adopt a new dog (or maybe even before) is to think of the perfect name for him or her! One of my favorite places to draw inspiration is from literature - not only are there so many cute name ideas, but a lot of them have fun history or a great story behind them as well.

Top 10 Dog Names Inspired by Literature

10. Fang - From the popular Harry Potter series, Fang is the giant Hagrid's dog. Fang is big and scary looking but he's actually quite harmless and loving, much like Hagrid himself. And much like many large breed dogs who are loyal and loving members of their families.

9. Jo (Josephine) - Jo March of Little Women is one of the most well known heroines in all of literature. She's young and spunky and through her many adventures her heart of gold always shines through. Admirable in a girl, or in a pooch.

8. Darcy - Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite novels and the name of its hero and Elizabeth Bennet's eventual love is also a great name for a furry soul-mate. As a side note, for a little bit longer and more unique name Mr. Darcy's first name, Fitzwilliam would also make an excellent dog name.

7. Lizzie - Another one from Pride and Prejudice, but this strong heroine also has a great name for a pet dog (or at least her nickname Lizzie is perfect, her full name Elizabeth is a bit long for my tastes though it does have a regal sound to it - maybe for a poodle or the like?). As a matter of fact, Darcy and Lizzie would be great names for a pair of dogs adopted into a family together.

6. Hugo - This one isn't a character from literature, but it's inspired by literature - the last name of author, Victor Hugo. I have to include it though because I love the name and it just makes me think cute and cuddly. Hugo is French so it would be an excellent choice for a canine of any breed who's origin is French.

5. Harry - The young wizard Harry, is the smart and cunning hero of the popular Harry Potter series. Harry started the series as an uncertain orphan and by the end was the wizarding world's hero known for his loyalty and brains among other traits. A great name for a rescue, or any smart and brave addition to your family.

4. Daisy - Daisy Buchanan from F. Scott Ftizgerald's The Great Gatsby is bubbly and effervescent, the perfect name for a small female dog who's a bundle of energy.

3. Buck - Buck, a St. bernard-Scotch shepherd dog, is the main character in Jack London's Call of the Wild who despite a hard life of abuse shows incredible love and devotion to his eventual loving owner John Thornton. Growing up my neighbors had a wonderful and loyal rescue lab mix named Buck.

2. Charley/Charlie - Charley was American author John Steinbeck's beloved poodle who is also the 'hero' of Steinbeck's Travels with Charley, an autobiographical tale of his tour of the US. Charlie is also the name of my own beloved golden retriever, who I grew up with and who has since passed away.

1. Watson - Dr. Watson from the Sherlock Holmes stories is Sherlock Holmes's faithful best friend, assistant and foil, making Watson the perfect name for your furry best friend and sidekick who will be happy to join you on any adventure. When he was in college my husband had a loving and loyal Mastiff named Watson.

Where do you draw inspiration from when naming a new dog?

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