What Happens When You Suck Up a Frog!
My unemployed son was with me til just a few days ago; he left for parts unknown, Ohio, North Dakota...wherever. He'd been staying since February and his three motorcycles were living on my screened porch. Needless to say, it was kind of dirty!
This morning I decided to haul out the indoor-outdoor vac and clean it.
There was a good bit of dust and concrete bits, also a long 2x4x10. Moved the thing...out popped a little froggy! He'd been hiding under there for Lord knows how long. Same color as the dark concrete floor (dark cause it was wet from all the rain we've had). I tried to chase him but he hopped the wrong way, and....Sploop! he was up the vac.
I turned off the vacuum, unlocked the catch, and tumped him out in the woods behind the house. He jumped away, maybe a little dazed? But fine as frog's hair, I'm hoping!