Why I Love My Dog
Why do I love my adorable Rat Terrier?
Valentine's Day is around the corner... Let's show our pets some LOVE!
I love my dog Chase mostly "just because"! Just because he is a member of my family, just because he has been around through all of our moves and changes in our lives. Just because he traveled with us to so many places in the country...
I love my dog for no reason at all!
- How to Care For Aging Dog
Unfortunately our best friends - dogs live much shorter than us, and because of that we should prepare to care for them, as they age, to be able to provide them with the most comfortable life when they get older.
In fact I love him so much I have to tell you more about him!
- He sleeps in the crate, and when he wakes up, from his nap or in the morning, he runs around the house like mad. He grabs a toy from the crate and tosses it around, running back and forth.
- My dog loves to cuddle. He pushes his face against mine, for the longest time. Sometime I think: "Geez, are you trying to wipe your face on me???" I wouldn't be surprised, if that was little stinker's idea of cleaning his face!
- He divides his attention evenly. When my husband and I hug him together, he divides his kisses to both of us. It is very sweet. I feel like he really tries to be fair to both of us!
My dog is playing "pull my toy" game!
- He likes to play the “pull my toy” game: we have to pull it, but he won’t let go. If I stop pulling, he will bring it closer to me, just so I grab it and pull it again. Funny game, it’s like he says: “Here, I brought you my toy”, and then: “I was just kidding!”
- He stares at me when I do chores. It is too funny! Every time I look at him, his eyes are right back at me. He seems to be really paying attention.
- My dog is afraid of the vacuum. He stays away from it as far as he can. He sort of waits until is all over!
- Chase loves to play in the snow. I have to kick it, and then he digs in the place I kicked. It is hilarious. He walks backwards right in front of me to make sure I kick the snow for him. And when I do it, he makes the weirdest noises, sort of like a bark mixed with squeaking. It gets loud at times! People usually think I am hurting him!
Chase is playing in the snow!
- His favorite game is playing ball. I know most dogs like it, but he absolutely loves it! If he could he would play all day long!
- Often I have to coach him to eat his meals. He loves being invited, and I always have to tell him his food is "ready". He loves getting ovation, after he finishes his meal (and often he pretends to be done!). Sometimes he is not in the mood to eat, just like all of us, but he will eat if, I feed him piece by piece. Now, can you tell he is spoiled?
- He is in heaven when we celebrate somebody's birthday - he gets very excited over presents. He "thinks" they are all for him! You can imagine, how much he enjoys Christmas morning every year!
- He is not a fan of taking a bath, although he is behaving himself and letting me wash him, but he really likes "baby wipe bath". I never knew he actually enjoyed it (I just though he was putting up with it), until we lost electricity this fall during the Hurricane Sandy. My husband and I were using baby wipes for ourselves, and Chase kept coming to us, putting his had under the wipe! This is what we call high maintenance!
I got so many more stories about Chase! This article would have no end!
I think we all love our pets, and we all have little stories about them. I just wanted to share mine!
I don't have children, so this "kid" is really getting spoiled!
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