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Raising Barred Rock Laying Hens

Updated on February 9, 2017

I Love Fresh Eggs

I'm raising Barred Rock hens this year to have fresh eggs once they are grown. I've raised chickens before, mostly bantams as pets and a few broilers for meat.

Egg prices have increased by around 40% in the last year, raising your own laying hens can save a lot of money. Your eggs will also be fresher and healthier.


My parents are still keeping chickens, I have left the nest.

Watching my Chicks Grow

May 9, 2008 Six day-old chicks arrived.

The little yellow ones are pheasants, the big dark ones are chickens.

May 25, 2008 Chicks are now 18 days old, growing rapidly, and no longer need the heat lamp during the day (though they still need it at night). They've just about tripled in size.

Two and a half weeks old.

6 Weeks Old

6 Weeks Old
6 Weeks Old

Things Can Get Interesting

Chickens like all animals that spend most of their time outdoors can get themselves into trouble. Usually it's mild stuff, escaping their enclosure, eating stuff they shouldn't, cuts and scrapes, etc. but sometimes things can get serious. This happened to one of my chickens.

It's been a very rainy end of July and beginning of August. Generally wet and dreary. One of my chickens somehow got herself thoroughly stuck in mud, drenched with water, and nearly died. If my dad hadn't found her when he did I'm sure she would have died. He brought her inside, I washed her up, used a hair dryer to dry and warm her and put her in the chick pen indoors.

Lucky is now completely a pet chicken, very friendly and wants nothing to do with the other chickens. Actually when I tried to reintroduce her to the chicken pen they attacked her. I'm going to slowly try to reintroduce her by setting her pen down next to the large pen for a few hours a day and hope they get used to each other again. If not, when the new chicken pen is built she'll be put in a separate section that was being planned for either some bantams or ducks. She's not aggressive so I don't think she'll pick on smaller birds (not that bantams will usually put up with being picked on).

Update - September 27: Nothing is ever predictable when it comes to animals. When I order my chicks I was told that 9/10 chicks are female which isn't a bad ratio. However probability is just probability, individual result vary. I have 4 roosters! That only leaves 2 hens to lay eggs for me and 3 of the roosters are destined to be dinner because I can only keep one.

CorrectionI have 5 roosters, Lucky turns out to be a rooster as well. I'm not going to be getting many eggs. Next year I'm buying pullets (young grown hens) rather than chicks, this has been quite frustrating.

Me and Lucky

Me and Lucky
Me and Lucky

Why Raise Chickens?

Chickens are very easy to raise, they don't require a lot of maintenance. With food prices going up raising a small flock for eggs, meat, or both can save you a lot of money.

When I raised chickens for meat last year it only cost about $0.26 a pound to raise 6 chickens for 10 weeks. I estimate that once my hens start laying it will cost less than a penny per egg.

If you don't live in a rural area, please check with local ordinances on raising poultry. Some cities completely bar residents from raising chickens, others require you to only raise hens because roosters are very loud.

This Years Chicks - Those don't look like Barred Rocks

And they aren't. This year I got 10 hybrid chicks because that's what was available and again I've been guaranteed they are hens. We'll wait and see.

These are strictly laying hens so they're smaller than Barred Rocks because they aren't also used meat. Unlike last years roosters any from this batch will really only be good for soup.

Big News!

One of my hens laid her very first egg! All 10 are hens so lots of eggs on the way.


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