Pet Insurance? Why You Should
We humans love our pets. In most pet owner’s minds, that beloved dog or cat is a member of the family, and as such is entitled to nearly all the consideration we would give to a child or other loved one. No, we don’t let them eat at the table, but otherwise we treat them like children. Like a child, though, pets can sometimes cause trouble, or get into trouble, and that trouble can cost you money. We humans, for the most part, have health insurance, life insurance, and home insurance, which protects us from expensive troubles with ourselves and our houses. Pet owners should also consider pet insurance for several of the same reasons.
The Mailman
Dogs, in general, are an excitable lot. A dog will defend it’s home and family until it’s own death if he or she feels that it is necessary. This unbounded loyalty and fearlessness is one of the main reasons why we love our pets so much, but it is also why, in a good dog’s mind, the mailman (or anyone else he doesn’t know) is considered a serious threat to his territory, and must be vanquished at all costs. Even the most mild-mannered of K-9s feels that need to attack. Most pet owners are, of course, aware of this, but accidents can happen, and they can cost you money. Emergency rooms are very expensive, and people who have been bitten by a dog are not always in a forgiving mood.
Play Hard
If people were as resilient as the average dog at an advanced age, we would have Granny outside playing soccer with the kids, and probably outscoring them as well. Let’s face it, dogs love to play hard. Again, this exuberance and never say die attitude is one of our favorite traits in our pets. The downside of this attribute is that, unfortunately, sometimes dogs can get hurt. Pet insurance can work like your health insurance, and can be a big help when the pooch needs a cast. Veterinarians are not cheap, and they have an exasperating habit of expecting their pay when services are rendered.
Lost Dog
Did you know that some pet insurance will even cover the cost of advertising in the event your pet becomes lost? Most pet owners have felt that heart stopping panic when, even for a few minutes, we don’t know where our furriest child is. Dogs are inquisitive by nature, and can wander off in search of new territory or the intriguing scent of a strange dog. Traveling can also be an issue when Rover gets out of a car or an RV and has no idea where he is. Dogs, despite repeated efforts to teach them, are just not good at reading maps. With their lack of opposing thumbs, cell phones are a problem too.
He Ate What?
There is an alarming list of the most common articles veterinarians surgically remove from dogs. The items one would expect, like bones, chew toys and sticks are there, but surprisingly other items on the list include; socks, pantyhose, corn cobs, rocks and hair ties. What wine goes well with a hair tie is anyone’s guess, but the fact is; a dog will eat almost anything that will fit down it’s gullet. Modern pet owners are more likely to seek medical care for their pets, and the range of ailments and diseases treatable today were unheard of a few years ago. Cancers, renal failure, hyperthyroidism and intervertebral disk disease are just a few of the conditions vets are now treating, and this fact is illustrative of how much we love our pets.
Being a pet owner is as much of a responsibility as being a parent in many ways, and the health and welfare of our follically blessed family members should be considered as a part of that responsibility. Now be a good Master or Mistress and go put away those hair ties, and consider a bit of brown gravy to go with the rocks.