15 More of the Best Modern Day Artists - Part 1
<< The First 17 Artists <<
There was such a good response on the first series of artists I featured that I dug deep in my favorites and have 15 more of the best modern day artists to share with you!
I'm not playing favorites by the order I post them in because I really like a wide variety of art so I wouldn't be able to say who I like over who, overall. So I'm going to list the artists like I did last time, in alphabetical order, and I hope you all can appreciate some if not all of the art I'm sharing with you.
But remember, none of this art is my own... I'm just giving you a doorway into their artistic worlds. So you choose which doors to open and go to the source, the artist themselves, and explore the world of art they've created over their career.
Carty Sewill
The first artist I want to show you is Carty Sewill who is a pretty rad dude from California who creates a wide variety of art, but some of his most notable work is the trippy, pop culture art like the picture to the right. I love the wide array of colors that change on each section of the faces.
His style, mixed with the acrylic ink that he uses, gives them a sort of liquid look. Another interesting fact is that he likes to create art that spans two pages in moleskin sketchbooks.
But if you want to check out some more of his artwork then head on over to his site HERE and don't forget to "follow" him. That's right; his main site appears to be a Tumblr profile ;).
Darryn James Rae
The next artist I want to show you is Darryn James Rae also known as RaeArt on YouTube who is an interesting fellow from British Columbia, Canada. And I actually came across his work because I follow the Shaytards on YouTube and he created a couple paintings for them and I ended up following his art videos. He's got a really colorful style that isn't really limited to one specific style but he likes to add intricate layers upon layers of paint and don't be surprised if you see a ladder pop up in the painting.
He's been creating art for well over 18 years and doesn't seem to be slowing down one bit! I love how you get to see the creative process he goes through in his videos and he adds a little something special to the videos to make them a bit psychedelic.
But if you want to check out more of his work this head over to his site HERE and see some of his other creations. I wouldn't be surprised if you got sucked into watching some of his videos too!
Dave Devries
Let's hop on over to the next artist I want to show you named Dave Devries, who is from New Jersey. And his art really stood out to me in such a unique way when I came across his site called The Monster Engine, which is dedicated to a book with the same name that he authored. Now if you look to the right I think you can kind of get an idea as to how he gets the ideas for the artwork in this book.
He has kids draw the monsters and then he really brings them to life with acrylics, airbrushing and colored pencil. It's actually pretty awesome if you ask me and he got the idea way back in 1998 when he saw all the doodles his niece had drawn in his sketchbook.
You see, he's really known for his work in comic books so he's become accustomed to adding detail to basic line drawings. But if you want to check out more of his work then head on over to his site HERE.
Who's your favorite artist out of the first three?
I hope that was a nice dose of art to satisfy your creative minds for now. We started out with lots of color and each artist definitely has a unique way of capturing your attention, so I hope you'll check them all out!
Maybe I've opened some new doors to some new artists for you, but maybe not. Either way, don't forget to vote on which artist you like the most in the poll on the right and get ready for three more artists!
That's right; we're not done yet!