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18 Tips That Painting Beginners Don't Know

Updated on September 10, 2019

Today, we're going to show you 18 simple and effective tips for painting beginners.All the tips and tricks to make things easier are good.

18 Tips that painting beginners don't know

18 Tips that painting beginners don't know
18 Tips that painting beginners don't know

Starting with the basic shape

Beginner painting should start with simple shapes, including triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles, as well as three-dimensional vertebral bodies, cubes, and spheres. You can also start with simple shapes, such as books, fruits, etc. As the foundation progresses, add a combination of different shapes.

Starting with the basic shape
Starting with the basic shape

Learn to simplify the shape

Improve the ability to simplify the picture, try to think of the objects you see in front of a number of shapes, that is, to be able to summarize the complex picture into a simple combination of shapes.

Learn to simplify the shape
Learn to simplify the shape


If you think the picture is too complicated, don't know how to outline a simple outline. Then try to look at your eyes, which will simplify the painting, ignore the minor details, and only see the main contours. Of course, you can take off your glasses.


From big to small, first and second

The order of drafting should be to draw a large shape (whole) first, then draw a small shape (details); draw the main shape first, and then draw the secondary shape. For example, to draw hair, do not draw one by one at the beginning, should be divided into groups according to hair style, brightness, etc., draw a shadow relationship and finally draw details.

From big to small, first and second
From big to small, first and second

Heavy overall, light local

The painting steps should be “whole-partial-total”, and the focus of drawing the sketch is to focus on the overall level and proportionality, rather than focusing on the details. The overall processing is not good, and the works drawn must be very easy.

Heavy overall, light local
Heavy overall, light local

Focus on painting and distinguish primary and secondary

Separate the most important part of the object and focus on the drawing, and simply handle the other parts. For example, sketch avatars should be based on facial features, and other parts should be properly summarized.

Focus on painting and distinguish primary and secondary
Focus on painting and distinguish primary and secondary

See more objects and see fewer pictures.

When you draw, don't always stare at your paintings, and you should look at the objects while painting. The painting process should be: observation-memory-painting.

See more objects and see fewer pictures.
See more objects and see fewer pictures.

Use a stack of pens and use less rubber

That is, when correcting the error or correcting the distortion, you should draw a new line on the edge of the original line to cover the wrong part, instead of erasing the original inaccurate line.

Use a stack of pens and use less rubber
Use a stack of pens and use less rubber

Find the light source

Before you write, you should set which direction the light source comes from and where the shadow of the object is. Light and shadow are the basic conditions for producing a "three-dimensional sense".

Find the light source
Find the light source

Three major faces in five major tones

Three major faces: black, white, and gray. Five major tune: bright, gray, light and dark borders, reflective, projection.

Three major faces in five major tones
Three major faces in five major tones

Find the boundary between light and dark

The boundary between light and dark is the boundary between the gray and dark sides of the three major faces, which is generally the darkest region in the picture. Before drawing a sketch, it is important to find the boundary between light and dark beforehand.

Find the boundary between light and dark
Find the boundary between light and dark

Nearly big and small, near real and far away

Things of the same size, the thing closest to the eye is relatively larger, and the farther point is smaller. The near things should be meticulously detailed when painting and the far paintings should be more imaginary.

Nearly big and small, near real and far away
Nearly big and small, near real and far away

Don't blindly pursue super realism

Ultra-realism looks really shocking and is very popular among ordinary people. But! Do not! Suitable! Hey! Early! Learn! By! Unless you like it and you are determined to learn. In addition, in the eyes of many professionals, some super-realism is not high.

Don't blindly pursue super realism
Don't blindly pursue super realism

Blood-stained black rabbit Alice: What are the laymen who look very tall, but what can't be done in the eyes of the insider?

More than One

Constantly copying your favorite works to enhance the understanding of lines and the feel of painting. It is recommended to practice from easy to difficult, and one work better than painting.

Five minutes of heat

Just select a theme (such as observed in front of you), draw the things in front of you in 5 minutes without thinking about style and precision. It is necessary to consider how to draw things in the field of vision as much as possible. Come down.

Five minutes of heat
Five minutes of heat

Reverse painting

The purpose of this exercise is to get rid of the interference of past experience and rational thinking, and draw the pattern you observe, the so-called right brain painting. When you put the picture right, it may be much better than expected.

Reverse painting
Reverse painting

One stroke practice

Use only one line to paint. Take the pen inside and outside the object and follow the outline. Do not lift the pen. Painting time is no more than 2 minutes.

One stroke practice
One stroke practice


Less pictures, more sketches, | Less grinding and multi-speed writing, | Less understanding of objects, | Less deduction


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